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Everything posted by justina3

  1. There are no such thing as golden rules what works for me would be a disaster for another dealer five miles down the road. Sadly it’s going to be a hard learning curve, this industry isn’t for everyone lots try and many more fail. Listen to everyone’s point of view and decide on what bit of advise fits for you.
  2. Depends on who turns up i have had some tidy ones and a few we almost threw out by the scruffs of there necks. I just say these days done waste your money and go buy a car elsewhere, no1 they dont trust you, they dont trust the mot station you have used its clearly handing out tickets for smarties, I dont deal with people like that, the AA guy has been almost instructed or assumed to go there to find faults if he doesnt he hasnt done his job.
  3. Mine went up as well which annoyed me no claims sir yes 26 years umm ok and it still goes up, what has changed the most over the last few years is in the olden days you could ring around loads of brokers and let them scrap it out, however this year i was told that my underwriter coversure will only quote two brokers and its up to them to decide how much of there margin to give away. How these people make a living on there margins i never know.
  4. We give people the choice but offer them a full tank of fuel if they do a bank transfer on a small round around its never more than £30 and a great way to get cash in the bank the same day, no risk of silly claw backs and no fees. The odd person still puts it on there card as its the only way they can afford it.
  5. Welcome on board from the other end of south wales
  6. So on your line of thinking can i charge my company 1.5 hours lost time due to the complete idiot i had to deal with who couldnt understand that the brakes on a 107 valued at £2000 do not feel the same as his brand spanking new X5 company car. Accountant may give you an answer but that is far from set in stone HMRC love to argue with accountants which is where the investigation polices popped up a few years back, i may be cynical but by HMRC running up your accountants time and effort they often get what they want as the accountant / client would be better off making a deal and paying what ever is asked rather than run up an investigation bill which could go on for years.
  7. So if you charge yourself to your business then you would need to declare that income on your tax return and in turn pay tax on it, so i would see it you (MAY) get away with it in one hand and thats a big may but will have to give it away in another, and i kind of think a HMRC inspector would raise an eye brow or two and start digging to see what else you have tried to create. I read what op asked as not so much the mileage which is a given but the hours lost as a direct cost to his business. or its late in the afternoon and i need food.
  8. Just been flat out in work and as you mentioned most of the posts on here lately are newbies asking for help then off never to be seen again.
  9. Been covered quite a bit hit search button
  10. Corsa pre 2010 that engine is insane for falling apart at the seams
  11. I cant see how lighting could make a car look awful unless your on about highlighting holograms after a rushed polishing job.
  12. they are better built than the tigra, but still very hit and miss if you get a good one or a right dog but that said you could apply that to every car we buy.
  13. My friend is a big photo boff and always banging on about DSLR correct me if i am wrong but i was under the impression the quality of the uploaded pictures to most mainstream platforms is capped and the extra digital quality is reduced when you upload to it. Currently iphone for me to but always open to suggestions to improve.
  14. I seen one the other day advisories tyres ten years old. As nick rightly pointed out clearly a station playing with their stats to avoid a random inspection. Stupid system
  15. lets hope that excel extension they keep promising arises, typical HMRC leave it right until the last minute again.
  16. A business plan is almost like sticking your finger in the air looking for wind direction, there are so many unknowns Brexit, budget looming half term upon us buy a lemon, buy an extra good one, a customer from heaven and a customer from hell, those alone are enough to turn a business upside down in a flick of an eyelid, its a good rule to go through overheads and costs see where savings can be made, other than that trying to foresee where you will make and lose money is about as reliable as buying lottery tickets. I would struggle to predict my next 12 months and i have been around selling cement to repair fred flintestones car.
  17. And the plastic population, I still have the extended version lp much to my kids humour.
  18. Hmrc are still to confirm if they will except a modified version of excel guess it’s a case of watch this space.
  19. I am a tad confused i use two painters both are flat flat out and earning some serious good money, if your have a skill such as yours why you want to move over into sales confuses me no end, it seems every man and his dog sees the grass being greener over the other side, trust me when you get over to the other side its either astra turf of you need glasses.
  20. If i had a tenth of there money i would be happy and wouldnt be sitting here watching the rain
  21. The lenders are far from stupid, a very high percentage of the uk wouldnt get that rate.
  22. I echo the above advise, I would stick to what you know and know well, this game is to expensive to just dip a toe in, its a massive steep learning curve and thats if you do learn lots dont. I run three other businesses but there all bar one connected where they add value to each other and the staff can switch roles very easy, yours doesnt sound like that. As already mentioned this is far from a part time job if anything you put more hours for less return than most businesses i can think of. And i think your mates figures are total rat poo,