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Everything posted by justina3

  1. What’s everyone plans to submit vat when the new changes roll out as good as excel is it won’t interface with hmrc portal
  2. Total farce one of the biggest sweet it under the mat I have ever seen. The goverment where complicit in this 100% It was always going to be the way though if the fca did prosecute them it would open the flood gates to law suits that would see the bank at the brink again Along with the governments shares. Someone will win a case soon and then losses will be able to be reclaimed and damages don’t care how much it costs me I will be at the front of the cue.
  3. Never had a set beat us yet, we have several different removal devices plus the normal MASSIVE hammers welders ect Just hit them harder
  4. I think sometimes hanging around forums such as these make you paranoid that every customer is a fruit loaf, bad news sells newspapers my wise old gran used to say, and she was right.
  5. To add to the eBay search i would google what the numbers mean as the ford ones we do a lot you can have different model numbers and they all still work something to do with the last 3 digits being the year it was made, have saved a fortune over the years having the cheapest options.
  6. is that a brand or a reference to complete and utter lazy people who seem to be able to find this forum but not the answer to there questions my eight year old could answer.
  7. Agreed the Mini color is vile
  8. Have you checked the voltage at the pump ? We had a corsa last month with a water damaged connector gojng to the pump cleaned it up and job done
  9. I would spend that golden time you have free going back over this forum you will pick up many cool and very valid tips. Remember the old sayings they still bear true even more so these days two of my favorites. Profit is sanity Turnover is vanity. You make your money when you buy the car as much if not more than when you sell it. Dont be a sheep its not safe in Wales (ie dont follow the crowd try and carve our something original and different)
  10. Thats me shipped off to the old folks home then.
  11. I am with dave on this one, you done have to be edd china to know when you change a clutch its almost mind blowing retarded not to do the bearing at the same time.
  12. I'll be slightly unpopular with the older dealers I am curious what constitutes "older" these days.
  13. There is this one garage that always made me wonder how they get away from it one of the main roads into Sunny Swansea just up the road from Amazon so you can work out how busy this road is, there is a garage called South Wales BMW who has been there since i was in shorts, always loads of BMW outside being repaired they do not sell only repair and there are one of the leading indys in our area. There website isnt working but was last week maybe someone caught up with them http://www.sw-bmw.co.uk/
  14. I always found 123.reg very helpful they have a live chat feature you might be better of speaking to the people who do it for a living.
  15. And silver works the complete opposite.
  16. At least you can say your no longer in touch with your feminine side.
  17. Guess that’s where I am lucky my 18 year old son runs the Facebook side of stuff and he is fluent in text babble
  18. I kind of differ from that point of view, a lot of customers these days just want as little interaction as possible, the facebookers even more so, we do quite well out of them sold two this week to youngsters who in turn sent there parents down to buy the cars for them. The times they are a changing.
  19. As in all things in life the guides work for some and not others we buy the same stock day in day out, we know what they sell for what cost to repair / paint and warranty If i was to go off scheme and start buying up in the year what ever with different specs engines ect i wouldnt have a clue where to start and would need a guide. As it is I just walk into the block inspect a car and know what i need to get it for sometimes its a little under sometimes a little over depending on stock levels i play that game.
  20. how do you submit them currently by post ? there has been exclusions allowed in statue it hasnt been made clear what the plans are for the current exclusions come next year. the current allowed excuses not to submit on line are your business is subject to an insolvency procedure you object to using computers on religious grounds (honestly ) you cannot because of your age, a disability or because of where you live for example you do not have internet access. I have a feeling the above exclusions will become a thing of the past as there no longer relevant in todays society, after all the whole scheme is called "making tax digital" but what do i know.
  21. It’s not that hard but no way you could do it on your own. Bolt on business is always the best business as the cost savings are where you Make your money up in the quiet times.
  22. I am not even going to get into this or I will be eating dinner with Jerry the beagle for the next month.
  23. MTD has been a long time coming I do feel the accountants out there have been sitting on the info waiting for the flood gates to open from new or current clients not knowing which way is up or down, or that might be me being a tad cynical. I have been working on this for over a year as it is going to cause a massive problem in the building company, oddly enough even though we build new builds which are currently zero rated for vat as the company has a vat number and submits returns the builds have to be included which is causing us a huge legal headache with no answers forthcoming. A quick example when we started our latest project 9 units we received holding deposits within a month on all the plots now HMRC are classing them as sold just from the deposits, our stand point is that the deposits are just a fee to secure the slot to then negotiate the final build spec and costs which then goes to contract and finally exchange, two clients have walked away and since been replaced this we fully expected. On there new system we would be required to file tax return on 9 houses being sold even though 4 of them havent even had the foundations put in and costs have a massive variable due to the council having a brain cell or 100 short, so how can anyone compute a work in hand balance sheet on % built is a question no one can answer. As you know i have an unusual connection with HMRC (sure she will love being called that) but even with that huge advantage it is still going to be carnage.
  24. Xero also have a bolt on module for the car market at a cost of £55 per month. The autosales system you quoted at £40pcm assumes you also have a sage package so that cost would have to be factored in. I sit here and shake my head at even more red tape thrown at the country business small and large, and cant help feel sorry for the IT dinosaurs out there.