trade vet

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trade vet last won the day on May 26

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    Independent dealer
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    Jack Ford ltd

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  1. Trade it, Insignias are shite,it will bounce back .
  2. I am surprised they lasted so long.How long have Cinch got having lost £300m in the last 2 years ? BCA were making a fortune what with charging huge buyers fees and persuading their main vendors to accept 90% of Cap Clean on forward contracts when most stuff has been doing over 100% of Cap Clean ……so they set up Cinch because they thought Cazoo was doing so well ! You couldn’t make it up.
  3. How are you getting on,have you lifted it yet.These days buying late non runner stuff is high risk and especially if you have been mislead ( or stitched up ). Good luck.
  4. Daily Rentals,I hope their ‘ Assured ‘ descriptions are better than BCA and Manheim
  5. Apologies PH for us ‘oldies ‘ hijacking your topic ‘.
  6. That would be right but mechanically it would have been good.You probably paid £100 for it ! About 25 years ago in a restaurant in Spain I got talking to guy who said he had been the financial director for Datsun UK from day one. They sold thousands of 100A Cherry’s and this guy insisted that the total cost of new car warranty claims on the Cherry in one particular year amounted to under £1000 ? A friend of mine only sold Cherry’s ,he had a small paint shop and having bought them for under £200 he then bodged them ( or resurrected them ) during the day and doorstepped them in the evenings for about £500.
  7. He definitely did ! Do you remember the early Datsun Cherry’s and Sunny’s .They were cheap to buy,plentiful and brilliant sellers although the wings and sills rotted like hell and needed bodging !………..past glories.
  8. Don’t understand the ‘agency model ‘and it doesn’t benefit dealers.It reminds me ( probably not you guys ) of the distant past when new car dealerships held an ‘agency’ rather than a ‘franchise ‘and if they didn’t like something being imposed on them ,they would just tell the manufacturer to find someone else to sell their cars ! I saw it happen once,I was buying stock from a family owned main dealer who had added Datsun ( years later called Nissan ) .The worst model was a 180B Coupe which was a camel and didn’t sell and on this day a transporter pulled up unannounced delivering about 8 of these Coupes .The boss went ballistic and got on the phone and told the then Datsun importer to the UK where to go !……..You couldn’t do that today.
  9. Brilliant !, “ They are transitioning to a pure play automotive market place and exiting fulfilment operations.How good is that for ‘gobshite ‘,you couldn’t make it up.Their proposed platform will need to be free of charge to get the trade to support them.They would be better off getting into the Hand Car Wash ‘ industry ‘ ( Sustainable Net Zero Automotive H2O Cleansing )as most of us started out washing cars and then progressed from there.
  10. Telegraph reporting that Administrators have already been lined up.
  11. If it wasn’t for the severity of CRA 15 discouraging bona fide dealers from retailing decent cheapies ( and paying VAT on them ) ,there might not be a black market in them.Out of interest,it appears that the ex Lib Dem MP Jo Swinson aswell as being the author of CRA 15 was also a Post Office minister in the Coalition Government allegedly encouraging the fake prosecution of sub postmasters ……..and we are regarded as being dodgy ?
  12. In retirement,congratulations.You will find it strange not having the daily aggravation to deal with.
  13. I very much doubt that HMRC are now going to start chasing Facebook ‘ ne’er do wells ‘ or anyone else without assets or funds.
  14. Clearly the guy has issues,he may suffer from Autism.Whoever sold it to him needs to be penalised,it should have been evident to them within 2 mins of meeting him.I am sorry to say but I think the problem maybe that you need to employ ‘pro’ salespeople who are able to qualify your punters better.I started advertising our 7 Day Money Back Guarantees nearly 25 years ago which quickly routed out any difficult punters ……..and it generated a lot more business for us.It was one of the best things we ever did .
  15. Named drivers don’t appear to qualify for no claims discount when taking out their own policy.We had a similar experience having been individually named for social domestic and pleasure on our fairly expensive company fleet policy which we had with the same insurer for many years.When we retired ,we were taken off our company policy and took out a new private policy with the same insurer.They accepted my application which included full no claims discount so I settled up.Sometime later,I was informed that my no claims discount had been disallowed and that the cover would be cancelled if I did not immediately pay the balance they requested.Although I thought this to be very unfair,I paid the balance ‘ under protest ‘ and complained to The Ombudsman. Sometime later The Ombudsman service got back and they agreed with the insurance company that we did not qualify for any no claims discount and we would have to start afresh having been previously comprehensively covered to drive any car by the same insurer for 40 years without making a single claim.