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Everything posted by justina3

  1. Milky bar buttons are on you
  2. could be a BMW Volvo or even Mclaren from the clue of B&W audio but with the chrome up trim i would go for a BMW not many Volvo owners into pimping there rear end oww errr
  3. Don't think there is an answer to this one, its just suck it and see. I have never tried it myself.
  4. Not a sausage for me so top effort Guys
  5. Yep sure are, ground floor as you enter the site in Morriston. unfair advantage but it’s 15 mins away from us it’s quicker to drive there than it is navigate there phone system
  6. There a nightmare to deal with on the phone, i drive there these days the customer service center made up of 4 ladies on the front counter who are very helpful, two of them have been there since the year . and theres nothing they dont know.
  7. Depends on the level of PDI you do, i used to use lawgistics ones but they not for me, so i also print my own now I also keep a copy of the original add from the car window silent salesmen i think they call them.
  8. I was waiting with tempted breath on the flipping car post for him to pop up with his outward happy positive mental attitude to life. Maybe he is filming the next big block buster Victor Meldrew does car sales.
  9. I sold a car audio franchise after running it for 10 years was a bouncing little business to the manager who was paying me monthly he lasted 15 months and run the place into the ground, lesson learned dont lend money to someone if it goes belly up has nothing to lose or any means to pay you back. Manager had control over my other car audio outlet and riffled it dry 50k plus (to my defense on this one my son was born and almost didnt make it so i was in the hospital every day and my head up my backside and mind not on my game) anyway its only money and my son is 16 and perfectly healthy so all good in the end. But my worst ever bollux drop / missed chance was a local Hyundai car dealership back 20 years was told to upgrade his showroom or lose his dealership he decided to retire offered me the building and i said what on earth do i want an indoor car showroom for with 5 car workshop and valet bay, with 8 flats above it went for pennies as well i drive past on the way home and cringe every time i see it, which is now a wine merchants.
  10. Only just seeing this post, been enthralled in the flipping cars post, for us has to be a George ours is donkies years old, it does need the odd wet suction motor changing £12 and it as good as new and sucking like .....well i wont go there her indoors would have a meltdown
  11. Google is just amazing unless your a customer on a legal forum who has been advised there are owed a zillion pound because there 15year old fiesta air con doesnt go as low as they think it should.
  12. I do find VW buyers tend to ask more stupid questions than the guy buying a ford, i cant think of a time a ford buyer asked me did we use genuine parts on a service.
  13. The front of some people never fails to amaze me got offered a fiesta last week sv57mtf never had an mot issue we where told the dvla database tells a slightly version of events
  14. DIY mechanics no matter what you say to the customer they will always listen to there so called expert mate. who knows fudge all about anything other than how to be a smart ass
  15. So by reading that there is no cover from HPI hence my mate getting bent over
  16. Recent cases on what is a fair injury to feelings award When looking at an injury to feelings award they are calculated by way of a ‘band’. This can be the lower, middle or high band. These are known as the Vento Guidelines and arise from a case called Vento v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police 2003. The figures have increased since that case and currently the bands are:- Bottom band - £500 to £6,000 Middle band - £6,000 to £18,000 High band - For the most serious cases where there has been a lengthy campaign of harassment £18,000 to £30,000. some of you guys could claim the high band after dealing with Manheim for a few years, of course this is a joke these relate to employment cases, but still if someone was to try be funny to watch from the sidelines.
  17. We have lots of repeat customers, I am always reminding the staff when things wrong now is our time to shine, show the customer why they paid that little bit extra get the car in get it fixed cleaned and keep them informed and you can turn a fault into a repeat customer and down the pub food story.
  18. ?? so its a stupid system and very open to abuse
  19. Nope sadly they do not as its a personal loan, rife down my neck of the woods, touch wood i do not take many part ex's in and never buy private, i know of someone that got stung for £500 plus £592 worth of charges i would have been jumping up and down about the charges but after a lot of legal advise he coughed up to own tittle of the car.
  20. Cool if it works for you mate then job done.
  21. We see But i totally agree i have seen it many times its far to easy to end up being a busy fool and earn the same or less, a good mate of mine just scaled down for that very reason once his operation got so big he had to be buying 30 cars a month to feed it which was a huge ask, at some point he noticed he had less in his pocket than he did when he was playing with half the numbers.
  22. I cant remember the last time i bought a car private, how do you check for log book loans there all the craze down here these days.
  23. we all said that and then 4 becomes 6 then six becomes 8
  24. I am shocked at people who buy from ebay gumtree ect without seeing the cars first and then travel many hours to go and collect i would rather throw all my money on red down the local casino and have the rest of the day off eating ice cream than waste that amount of time on a gamble.