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Everything posted by justina3

  1. Just to add to above, if your looking to do 3-4 a week thats 15 private cars a month to purchase, and thats just to stay where you are to grow you will no doubt be looking to purchase 20-25 a month who is going to be doing that? sounds like a bonkers amount of leg work to me.
  2. Yikes i am not a fan of these schemes seen so many friends hit it big then when they have a quiet month or two before you know it there in a world of pain, so you will expand your business with the additional debt of a stocking plan loan and wages the extra cars you MIGHT move that profit could easily get swallowed up in wages paye and the dreaded interest so you end up being a busy fool. (not saying your a fool its just a saying)
  3. I am to old for all that carnage
  4. Exception here, i dont drink smoke and often hit 70 hours a week, so i have to have some luxury in my life and cars are just that.
  5. Have mine custom printed off fleebay dont think it looks shabby at all, hand finished i do have girls hand writing though.
  6. maybe borrow your local mot stations shaker on the ramp that worked for me before on matiz the sound was travelling from the back.
  7. Indeed we have, i have a list on the white board called down time jobs, so yesterday the guys had to strip and service the compressors and today there on changing some outdoor lights that are broken tomorrow is auction day so we all be over there on the pre-hunt. I find it passes the time and there not sitting there moaning and getting some stuff done.
  8. I kind of see EPV's point so i am going to enable the function for a week see what happens if i get 100 emails asking me to give them the car for free and mount there wife then i will switch it off, after i have humped there wife
  9. What ever the ins and outs as always its ten steps backwards, i thought when they added the mileage the mot certificates that was a good move, then they decide to remove cat c d listings off a log book the most bizarre move ever, since then the changes and certificates have followed the same retarded theme.
  10. Think everyone down my neck of the woods has seen the sun so gone to the beach, meant to be in the 20s this week
  11. chugging alone so cant complain lot of people far worse off than me, just came back from the block went to watch a finance repo mini diesel it brought bonkers money and then some more they hot cakes or something.
  12. There is a bum for every seat (showing my again)
  13. Puntos are famous for it I but a good quality leather stitch on kit for them. takes a while but they do supply needle and the right cotton beat finish I have found for £15
  14. I am having a similar funny battle with AVG at the moment £20.00 for auto setup of a virus package thought result, £20 and sets up on six machines and a network aw noooo sir you didnt say one of the pc's was a mac well mr avg you didnt ask it just said up to 10 pc's and two networks. The joys
  15. Plus they have to delete all the posts calling you names before they let you in........joke
  16. There is no golden eggs, and to be frank even if there was stock is so thin on the ground I dont think anyone would share it, for example dealer auction used to bea good source for a lot of people now every man and there dog can get on there and in turn have rocketed the prices.
  17. what ever factory color is, I had a Seat FR sporty little number in last week which from factory had an off grey color when we matched it and painted them to be fair it looked smart.
  18. After 3 days even if you win your argument that customer sounds a right plonker and will be with you with every squeak and rattle for the next six months. Car shouldnt have done any mileage should still be prep clean ish ! i would get it back asap give him his money back minus £200 until he gives you the log book back if its gone to the dvla and get on with your day. I find headaches like this put you in such a bad mood for days i lose sales as i am such a grumpy git.
  19. Strike out for me but we did get some painting done so not to bad
  20. Ok will do. I bought a golf plus tdi yesterday wheels not looking there best so will be collecting Tuesday and will show you how we do it. (Tempting fate now watch them all react)
  21. I have given up on the brand our local dealer are a nightmare how they still going baffles me, jumped ship a few years back to Audi Q7 liked the truck so much ordered myself a Vorsprung edition
  22. Honestly its childs play, all you need is some very basic kit, like a small 3" air sander a die grinder and a small smart repair gun and your away, You can get all the kit you need for under a £100 unless your a brand snob like me in which case might be a bit more. Primer and lacquer and activator you can buy in 2.5ltr and will last forever, then just ask your local paint shop for a tenth of what ever color you need which we pay £6 for. Then its the same for every wheel rub down small fill if required primer top coat and then clear. I would be the first to admit we are by no means pro but to date no one has ever said hang on they dont look like they have been done by a pro they pass every time and costs us less than £20 a set in materials and about 3 hours work. will not be for everyone but for us works well
  23. Clearly the welsh tight ass coming into full swing here, £180 gulp couldnt bring myself to pay that
  24. £100 a wheel thats just bonkers ok if it was a £20k motor, i would have been out with my trusty devil bliss off to the paint shop for a tenth of paint and hey presto new looking wheels within three hours for less than £20 job done.