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Everything posted by justina3

  1. I only quoted Autojacab on his wording of "minor cosmetic issues" in the video you posted i wouldnt consider them anything close to minor
  2. I watched the video and i would hardly call the marks minor
  3. Apart from all the carfuffle about how your trying to sell it, why for the love of god did you buy that in the first place, it needs a bucket load and some more paint, its not the best color even if it was a clean example, i am sure i dont need to beat you up any more sure you have been banging your head enough. Aw and those VW Fox for me are a disaster the 1.2 has that shockingly bad 3c engine which falls apart if you do more than 45mph and the stupid design only has two seats in the back but its ok the boffins at VW put two cup holders bang in the middle of the seats.
  4. Doesnt matter what account it goes into they will still want an answer, if your unlucky enough to get one on a friday before a bank holiday when all there colleges are off on an all expenses training course to a posh hotel somewhere in the lake district.
  5. Was a wasted time for me apart from the workshop getting a good clean
  6. why what have i missed about the Fiat 500 couldnt help asking
  7. Not all welsh people speak gibberish I for one speak fluent car sales pas fsh panroof my welsh talents never end.
  8. I know of a few, the tricky bit is defining wealthy ?
  9. When your quiet enough to have the time to do it yourself maybe, if i spent hours on end doing that nothing else would get done and i would have cars backed up waiting to be worked on.
  10. Its says 0 bids so dont think anyone would have won in that case as no one bid on the item, or am i just as stupid for getting involved in this
  11. I have a different problem as we aim for first time drivers you know C1 clio fiesta punto low insurance cheap to fix kinda kit, well we got a lot of parents turn up who want to test drive the car to make sure its safe and sound for there young ones / brats, i dont blame then one bit i am sure i will do the same, the problem i get is when some 50+ year old pulls up in his brand new 5 series BMW and test drives a Toyota Aygo he gets out all shaken up complains the brakes are poor the car rattles and shakes and its very slow. I dont even try and defend the car any more i have have given up its a £2500 Toyota not a £65000 BMW you space cadet rant over they all drive like a wheel barrow.
  12. what is it with painters and booze i dont know a sober one, they all finish at 3 i think there all in AA together and thats not the break down cover version, how half of there lungs are still working i cant walk in the workshop half the time i have to bang the door and up he pops no mask talking to me as if this is so normal. But to be fair to the dude i couldnt survive without him, I am finding if the car is right spec color miles ect and there is a panel or two to paint stock is so hard to get you have to have a punt.
  13. no point stressing it is what it is, i presume you have tried to contact the person you purchased the car from ? if no luck there you need to trace the finance company and speak to them, your not going to be able to sell the car without clean title. I dont even know if the finance company will speak to you with all the data protection rubbish these days, but i bet my last rolo they will want to know all about you and where the car is they own.
  14. Funny how people think, it worries them if it is on the register for what ever reason major or minor but the car owning a stack of money and belonging to someone else doesnt bother them.
  15. Do a full Hpi that will give you an idea of whats going on like you should have to start with, your not the first and wont be the last. Expensive mistake to make.
  16. wouldnt bother me to much, but i would have to be there watching it start from cold and listen to it run,
  17. I have had customers turn there noses up at three but thats ok at that point i have already tuned my nose up at them
  18. Its not ideal and sometimes a sign of headaches or expensive mot repairs so does ring alarm bells for me, that said everything about this industry rings alarms bells latley
  19. Kidded me ?? Nope we do all our own repair work so no will pull wool over my eyes, there junk engines the old ones where much stronger
  20. MIght be the years i am dealing with 2008 - 2010 had five in total or i am very unlucky
  21. I have never got as far as steering problem the head gasket tends to fall apart at the seams first.
  22. Carnage on the dance floor as we say in sunny wales, such a shame the corsa is a cracking seller just wish they would last longer than a week before they turn up with the same old faults
  23. Jump on VW world you might be lucky as some of these vw fruit loops upgrade them for what ever reason bought one there a few years back for decent money.