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Everything posted by justina3

  1. Talk about coming in 3's 09 Punto just turned up with a chip right in front of the drivers view, anyone found a product that works other than forking out for a new screen for one small chip.
  2. I always found a company called Brentacre Swansea to do a lot of odd ball stuff maybe worth a shot the guys name is john you need to speak to.
  3. The pump part you can change from any other unit i have done them in the past where the number was only slightly out on the end think from memory it was the year of production, worked fine on my model.
  4. Yep the tax man will want his share of your profits which will be classed as self employed, depending on how many you sell the HMRC vat office will soon come into play just to spoil your day some more.
  5. I really dont get it jump packs are nothing more than a battery, batteries dont last neither do jump packs just replaced my internal battery on my snap on £45 thats me good to go for another year job done move on next problem.
  6. I just opened a business account there are no charges only when you boost your add which for the people it hits locally is cracking value for money. Boosted an add the other day whilst gumtree was down and sold it from facebook £2495 sale for an advertising cost of wait for it,,,........£3.00
  7. Works really well for us amazing value for money, i do sell to more females than men dont know what says about facebook
  8. In weather like this yes they would go for the air con button but not a month ago when it was hammering down, just a thought
  9. this is what we do, you see all the adds AC park assist blah blah can of worms, if you advertise if then it should work
  10. Just read all the changes on the link above brake pad warning lights and if brake pads or discs are missing" one brave man to drive the car with no pads and missing discs, maybe there aiming it at fred flinestone
  11. almost as much as customers, cars, suppliers, umm life
  12. Its all rubbish i know a seller one ebay when he gets a negative comment he just buys a load of junk pencils socks anything just to get the negative onto page two where no one ever looks, and increase his percentage back up.
  13. A Suzuki Swift dont see many of them for sale without a duff box
  14. it might be me but i struggling to get my head around this as i can only see your reply, a lot of how well your response is would depend on the questions / complaints put to you. if it was me i would change the bit about ware and tear as a possible head gasket failing would not be wear and tear, i also dont see the need to comment you would be advising yourself i always prefer to refer to my solicitor would point out to the court that x y z just my two pence worth as long as it works for you then well done that man.
  15. each to there own but i really dont see the need for the get on your high horse attitude, the name of the game is to sell cars ? I just put up with there jibberish and sell the car, i have faith in my stock so couldnt care less what the halfords wana be mechanic says it will be a good car and the customer will be happy.
  16. Clio it might be they sell well or i sell remember the papa advert which clearly had a very large impact on my life.
  17. Thank god for that it was late and on my phone my eyes don’t work as well as they used to so which bit did I get wrong
  18. What should you have done, now I know bhm will flip out here but I tend to butter these talentless morons up they almost have as much say if the deal goes ahead as the person spending the money. i even agreeded with one last week just how quiet the timing chain is compared to a belt on a 58 fiesta boosted his ego a bit and the lady bought the fiesta just hope the belt never snaps on her.
  19. Was just reading the changes there are a few in there that night night us in the backside namely, a dpf that has been removed or tampered with will be a fail, how do I check every dpf before buying at the block. Anythibg marked as dangerous can not be moved from the test station until the fault is fixed, well that sucks as we do our own work why would I pay someone else to do mechanical work. Or have I misread the coming changes.
  20. I agree its only in his interest for you to sign up so i would be asking ok its going to cost me £240 a year which will make your life easier so it would follow i would get a reduction in my yearly bill from you ?
  21. Not a call so i bailed early some might say but i would have expected at least one phone call
  22. Dont flirt with me......you will have hell of a shock
  23. I wasnt passing judgement how mark advertises his cars has nothing to do with me i have stayed well away from that side of the post,I just found it odd a car that could do with a lot of paint work to get it right would be classed at minor works.