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Everything posted by justina3

  1. thats all they do within the hour slot advertised but if you ask them for most stuff they always seem to get it for me most i have ever paid is £2.99
  2. couldnt work the link thing but here is an item number they have listed should help you find them 291745224323
  3. Brilliant fun to drive cracking exchaust note, just a thought but sounds like boy racer talk, I tend to stick to drives lovely and positive not so chav talk, just a thought I also sell lots of minis but won’t touch the Cooper a any more cooper yes a no
  4. Ok sounds great, but theres always a but in life i know, how is this deal put together a contract or a beer mat ? if you have 25 cars and he puts on the rest he is on a win win he gets rent and you sell his cars, but when your funds allow and the split becomes 50 to you and 10 to him he is now on not such a good deal does the contract or agreement allow him then to treble your rent or demand he still has the same amount of cars on display in which case you will only ever be allowed to retail 25 cars. I know some would say for £250 a month do it anyway, but you will be surprised you will soon be running a 60 car site which is a whole different can of worms just think of the extra cleaning you will have to do to ensure the site looks nice, the extra advertising ? who pays that my mind goes on and on with whats if's.
  5. Isnt having an unroadworthy vehicle different to not having an mot, i could for example not mot my car until next week but next week it would pass so i currently have a car that is road worthy but have a car with no mot. ? or do i need more coffee this morning. I would say it is fine to have a car with no mot but you would not be permitted to drive the vehicle on the road, there used to be an old excuse that your driving it to an mot station how that would wash if you got pulled in a mcds drive through at 3am i dont know.
  6. we do ours in house, but when the tech is off no one else can use the kit so we then use a company "recovery solutions" on flebay £0.99 a code and to date they have never taken more than an hour so cant fault them one bit, which is rare in this day and age
  7. It all comes down to who your dealing with i have done with a few times over the years and out of say 6 people i have dealt with one was on my level and a pleasure to deal with the other 5 i can just about bring myself to say hello to when i pass them in the block.
  8. Find me cars if you want to, everything tidy gone thin on the ground again
  9. Sore subject down here they changed all the roads in the city center at a cost of millions ruined the city center trade now two years on there putting it back the way it was and offering local shops free rent / rates to move back someone should be hung from the planning department.
  10. They have already moved away from a few down our way, into Mens hairdressers and sunbed salons, was quite funny to watch well not funny more sad a uk based start up try and duplicate the business model which lasted less than three months funny that.
  11. thats what i was thinking as well abs ring
  12. But they wouldnt get them the original owner of the car would get them who in turn would either ring the DVLA and advise they handed the car over to x y z dealer or drive down to the dealer and have a good old moan in person seen that once or twice speeding this was though fixed penalty, either way the auction house would be the last person to get the fine as they never owned the car, they may get a request for information. Which was my thinking it would be far easier for HMRC to go into the auction house and collate a load of names that pop up that are not businesses Mr Ahmed or Mr Smith.
  13. Argh School fond memories the odd day i was there, I also have a friend that works high up in good old corporate ladder she gets flown all over the world for 12months stay at a time to do feasibility studies for food supermarkets where to open there next supermarket she earns well over 100k a year and has no expenses as she is put up in a posh rental house / apartment and all expenses paid. Now thats a job i would like.
  14. When i first started out thought I was a right Arthur Dailey had a customer walk into the lot and ask what’s the mileage I being very slick came out with what mileage would you like intended on being a joke ? The customer responded with a well I can check on the office computer when I get back to the police station so the correct mileage will do thanks. Looking back it’s one of them what was I thinking.
  15. Well lesson learned i never knew some auction houses did that my local one doesnt for sure.
  16. Why would the DVLA know they would only know if the log book gets registered in there names, cant see anyone hiding away would register a car to themselves or fill in the yellow slip.
  17. I often wondered why they didnt go through auction houses books and pull a load of names that keep popping up as well easy money really.
  18. To be frank if your new to this game ltd company vat or not your likely to get very burnt before you even get as far as hitting the vat threshold. Can you imagine the headaches of starting from scratch, don’t know what to buy or for how much where to advertise, mechanic spark painter parts suppliers the list is endless. I know we all started somewhere but it was so much easier back then.
  19. I agree that is the case if your not set up for it, but if your business model is designed to work within that area you can do well, take your list whilst i do not get any descent swappers in my experience the stuff that gets offered comes with its own headaches and far from plain sailing, chunky commission ? again no but also no fools trying to kick it back in six months because the wipers need changing, and last time i looked the commission wasnt no where near as good as it used to be. Our average prep time is 3 days, cost of parts on the older cheaper stuff is far easier to work on and cheaper on parts than newer kit for sure, our comebacks are less than 1.5% and far easier and cheaper to deal with than the up in the models, this month our total spend on comebacks is less than £200 in parts on site fitters take care of labor. VAT is just a % not a lot anyone can do about fire breathing dragon. I think its all about how you set yourself up, in this day and age you have to know your market, business, staff and yourself inside out to make any form of progress. And mostly common sense, my gran always used to say common sense isnt common and gesh was she right.
  20. Two weeks!! hope my boys dont see that if its bought on the Saturday sale and not ready on the lot finished and ready for sale by Friday then dont get there Friday fry up.
  21. Ok so maybe mine Isn’t to bad then. got to love a punto alternator scares loads of people off
  22. Is it me or do cars seem a lot longer to prep for sale these days, might be the stock I am buying guess you guys buying nearly new kit sling a bucket of water over them and there done. Collected a 09 Fiat punto as example. it needed full polish as it was black and really dead and flat paint, now looks lovely took a full day. interior just grubby so full steam clean and trims needed a lot of work as they where gunked up another full day. mechanical needed alternator (everyone thought it was a box ( ho ho ) full service and suspension top rear doors cables stretched so wouldn’t open Hester resistor and cable fault pdi radio code another day gone. pictures description looking to see what everyone else prices there’s at another half a day. 3 and half days laters it’s up for sale.
  23. if you ever fancy a day trip to sunny south wales i would be more than happy to buy you an ice cream to teach me how to repair the bloody things, seems insane we can change engines fix almost anything electrical but a stone chip in the windscreen stumps us.
  24. Talk about coming in 3's 09 Punto just turned up with a chip right in front of the drivers view, anyone found a product that works other than forking out for a new screen for one small chip.
  25. Talk about coming in 3's 09 Punto just turned up with a chip right in front of the drivers view, anyone found a product that works other than forking out for a new screen for one small chip.