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Everything posted by justina3

  1. I am confused no signs of water then looks like water has visited which one is it ? what year is the car some of them you can get exchange some are fiber optic and are a nightmare to source
  2. You could check if they have had a aftermarket bluetooth phone kit fitted and not plugged everything back in when removing seen that a few times thats free if thats your problem.
  3. Aye seen a load of them water ingress into the amp in the boot, we use fixmyradio.com 2-3 days turn around cost about £75-150 local beer vouchers
  4. I have never seen them use the small pad there normally like a conveyor belt of pre-wash jet-wash shampoo and then some stinking old rag to dry off, down here they just use the petrol stations as most of them have gone bust do the supermarkets smashing them on price so the plots stand empty. Our local council are also starting to crack down notice a few have had to creep there prices up due to having to do things semi right.
  5. You also find that no matter how good the machine is if you cant fault find or have a basic understanding of whats going on no scanner in the world is going to help you. like this morning Cylinder two misfire, sigh here we go again VW finest
  6. It’s changing daily buddy us old dogs have to learn new tricks daily
  7. I still disagree with your thought pattern which is based on personal experience and sleeping with the enemy so to speak. Your points, no1 I have no idea on gods earth how that has happened 200m and not a single vat inspection well done however you managed that. 2. Unless you have purchased a load of equipment or have massive preparation costs your investment vat reclaim will still be relatively small, I am in no way questioning your book keeping or finicial record keeping please do not take my comments that way. 4. Yes everything in a vat inspection has bearing for example they use your data to spot check back in the office another business for example if your using garage xyz and spend a lot of money with them they will quickly type in xyz company at a later date and see if there recording sales if your saying your spending a lot of money with them and there claims are showing hardly any sales bingo and out come the diggers. 5. This is the biggest spock eye brow raise they have, if your not drawing any salary they will want to know how you live its all well and good saying you live of savings but they will want to know where those savings come from and was the tax paid on them at source, a lot of garage owners get caught like this thinking a simple I don’t draw money from the business so I don’t pay tax works, it doesn’t and don’t think as it has nothing to do with VAT they have no right to ask for those details if they suspect your living of cash taken from the business and saying its life savings they have every right to ask and more. A lot of what an inspector will ask for will be based on their gut instinct drawing on many inspections and years of experience they can smell an honest mistake from a cover up a mile away, her indoors no longer does daily inspections and has now rolled into a teaching role for fresh inspectors but before she came off the road she would do on average 2-3 inspections a week take that over 20 years and that’s a whole load of smelling a rat experience, as in all things in life you will have a decent inspector and you will have someone with issues, just like the police judges car sales men and so on.
  8. I tried coffe even that didn’t work to be fair my garage only had one tech that could use there machine they run a Bosch system and he is always flat out so me punching him for pesky vw fault codes every five mins was always gojng to be temporary measure
  9. C4 Permanent Trim Restorer from gtehnic I think it’s spelt is all you will ever need a little goes a long way it’s not a trim polish like auto Glym or autosmart finish it’s a permanent treatment
  10. The tricks you gave to pull when you own a yellow Ferrari
  11. Vauxhall Star is a bril bit of kit does a bucket load more than an obd reader
  12. We started off doing the same thing, but once we started moving more and more cars I could see it was starting to get a pain pulling there fitters off every five minutes for plug ins the second have value on these machines is high you could always bite the bullet is marks suggestion doesn’t work then if you find your not using it you can easily sell it on. I wouldn’t call that funny I remember when my old ethos went out of date range I could have cried
  13. I went for the launch x431 from my local factors was £1450 I tried the Ethos even got the old version which never failed but just rolled out of date, we already have key programmers so didn’t need that feature this time, be lost with a good diagnostic Machibe I don’t understand anyone who trades in cars could survive without one.
  14. I disagree the vat office will make a visit to every new registered business normally within its first year as the norm, and its the incidentals they go looking for, the sundry columns are easy pickings for a trained eye, and the reason they make it routine to visit a business during the first year is they catch all your mistakes / claims before your accountant has time to clean them up during your year end, very easy source of revenue for the HMRC.
  15. Nothing wrong with old school thinking BHM but i also see the advantages of the modern world we live in as well.
  16. Its not only keyboard warriors, often find them on the lot this morning was no difference. Bell end i mean customer spends a lifetime looking over a car with his expert who was more worried that the car didnt have a lot of screenwash in the bottle compared to his car, came up to me and said nah its not for me ok no worries have a nice Easter then he replies whats the best you will do for cash....yawn i replied what difference does that make the car isnt for you well if its a £1500 i will ave it i said £1500 would be a great deposit when do you wish to pay the balance of £1000 No i will leave it i got six others to see up the road, well up the road is Gower lots of lovely cliffs and beaches down there but no car sales, and six cheaper when i looked i couldnt find one with better spec miles and condition within 50miles so good luck with that search. Its hard sometimes not to come across as being an arse but it does get tiring
  17. I got pulled last week by the police as there in car systems do not show if i car is on the mid or not, they have to ring and check stupid system i know but thats what he did, i think if you have trade plates on they dont bother as they almost know its going to be on the database, i being a wally forgot mine rushing and took a flyer got off with a dont let me see you again talking to.
  18. How long before the finance company ask for the car back, or pass it out for collection he might be famous and on the sherrifs are coming.
  19. No i want the best of both worlds, I would like the cars to sell double quick and then have back up stock to slip into there place like a blink of the eye. arghh fantasy land
  20. Must be a nice position to be in to have spare stock i can hardly fill the site quick enough let alone have any left over to worry about.
  21. All depends on what they have a surge on, for example when its drink drive season thats all you will find is people being pulled for that, seat belts tax there all pr exercises designed to make the public feel safe.
  22. I would change the last letter of your user name to a N, says me who wears a skirt part time
  23. I notice Tesco has put its milk up from .099p to £1.09 dont see anyone complaining about that, I have marked my cars up by 5% as almost most of my customers use some form of payment card, my point is Autotrader are not alone everything seems to be going up in price.
  24. I find with more stock on display its easier to sneak the prices up a little for example, had a customer come down today look at a 59 plate Clio nice couple but the lady couldnt get on with the dash board on the Clio so started to wonder around the site and liked a 58 Fiesta job done sale in the bag, however if i had only 3-4 cars the Fiesta might have looked expensive but sneaked in and against the Clio it now seems cheap, i know i give all the money for it and could see peoples eye brows raising but its was spotless.