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Everything posted by justina3

  1. I thi I am already seeing people up there game and leave, sold three this week auctions today and come away with a big fat zero, i would be happy having things in prep at least you know you have something coming.
  2. Depends on your area i am ten miles away from the DVLA HQ and all there bonkers ideas crash test inventions get tested here first, so using the trade plates daily i would get hammered. I taxed a Fabia derv last week for 6 months paid in full nothing to cancel so no banking issues with DVLA if i use it for four months and cash it is someone gets a lucky £25 odd quid refund still a cheap way to rent a car.
  3. i have tried two one i barley came out on top the other went backwards due to a rusty real axle, not for me rodney Yep i agree with your version, but my point is they still have a row of 500s so it would be pointless me even trying as no matter what i do i will always look expensive and my local one does some good deals not your usual zillion percent apr
  4. agreed very bizarre, i have asked a few times over the years and been reminded its an auction house not argos (in similar words)
  5. Never worked for me no matter how often you change the oil i always ended up with worn gear boxes and other similar faults.
  6. I agree ditch the puddle, I myself could never sell that kind of car, there in the local trade center for £4995 in bucket loads whilst yours has low mileage i find people will pay a little more but not a lot more for 10k less on the clock, but each area is different i have a massive superstore 10 mins up the road so have to be different. I presume you have researched what sells well in your area so wont tell you how to suck eggs.
  7. I am gobsmacked they are prepared to send it to a main stealer in all my years have never heard of an auction house offering that service.
  8. you wouldnt have been able to smell that with on line bidding
  9. Well done for being brave and taking control of the situation instead of listening to the reps bull**** as above look forward to your results.
  10. Its also something certain VAT officers will look for as well, say a car is marked up for £4995 on your website but you only bank £4500 did you discount the car for a reason or take part payment in cash and put the difference in your pocket, sometimes a vat officer will study a client for a while before turning up.
  11. I do all that as well, fail to see what difference adding the wording original price £2995 sale price agreed £2895
  12. I sometimes show the screen price and sale price if i have discounted the screen price due to say the odd scratch or scuffed leather ect, done one the other weekend due to some scuffing on alloys, which also tied in with the pdi delivery report. saves any headaches further on down the road
  13. Its just not worth the grief, the kid was going to be a massive pain in the ass i look at it as a bullet dodged it will sell this week to a customer who will enjoy the car and the and in turn tell people which may lead to sales, instead of a spoilt brat who would torture us all over social media but of course i wasnt suggesting he would wouldnt be telling the truth....hmm
  14. Here is a cracker for you, Sold an Aygo the weekend nothing special billy basic to a lovely couple for there sons 18th it was going to be a surprise, anyway customers rang yesterday and explained the son hated it wrong color he doesnt like red, has no alloys and thinks the engine is under powered and therefore must have a fault, clearly the spoilt brat of a kid was going to trash the car and i would end up with a claim, as i had lots of people looking at the car watchers on line ect i said dont panic just bring it back and i will refund you minus the merchant charges and i will sell it to someone else who would appreciate it. Couple turn up today with spoilt brat in toe, clearly the car had been given a hard time mud all up the rear arches anyway after an inspection i refunded them and wished them good luck, the son then pipes up and suggest as he has found a Corsa D SXI he likes we should by rights be paying the difference from our Aygo to his Corsa for wasting his time, at this point my mechanic steps in and asks them to leave before i slung his scrawny ass out onto the road. The cheek of some people still manages to amaze me on times.
  15. I forgot to mention its hard enough to keep the auctioneer from running you up when your standing in front of him, god only knows how many bids they bounce of the wall when your on line.
  16. I have to be there here them start see how they drive in clunks noises rattles ect, each to there own though what works for one and all that
  17. I was about to say the same thing.
  18. I cant see that working i know of at least three smart repair companies i wouldnt touch with a barge pole and they have years of so called experience, its one of those trades you have to have served your time and be good at it.
  19. justina3


    CCTV ? we used to get this all the time when we fitted car alarms in the end we had to complete booking in forms and handing back forms showing no damage ect
  20. I would say most are decent people its just the odd one thats a fruit case that sticks in your mind as you suggest, i do notice a lot of people now checking previous mot history and not having the brain cells to digest the info thats the latest headache i seem to be up against
  21. Same as BMW down here you cant move without falling over a 1 series, lease deals so cheap these days there bound to end up everywhere
  22. I wouldnt use a plastic bag myself over time it acts like a greenhouse and doesnt allow the water to escape just holds it there to ingress into the unit
  23. Never heard of the Corsa D having common problems with the ECU head gasket issues yes but ecu no, i give a second shout to ECU testing always done top work for me, we used to send them a lot of amplifier faults never had a single problem.