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Everything posted by justina3

  1. Thats the first phase there intentions are to roll it out to anyone paying HMRC tax what ever your legal entity but it will be a few years rolling out process. Another expense there putting on small businesses a lot of people use manual or excel to record there transactions HMRC will no longer be allowing you to enter your VAT submission via there old one to 9 box system from the start date you MUST have an accounts package that links with HMRC to submit your vat and tax returns via there on line portal. The word on the street is where they wish to end up HMRC can access your info without even leaving there offices as it will all be cloud base, this hasnt been mentioned yet but it is coming, by pushing every small business into an accounts package there one step closer, upon which time they no doubt will need less inspectors only smart ass computers to spot errors or patterns in accounting records, inspectors are very expensive and costly to train so it was an obvious move for them at some point. All very X files....
  2. Yep already applied for planning for the lot 8 flats then feet up and watch repeats of corry
  3. As normal this scheme is being rolled out over a few years and not bang all in one hit, as its is going to be a MASSIVE headache. One of the typically dumb ass things is you will no longer be able to submit your vat return via there on line portal you will have to be registered with a softwear supplier. We use sage in the building company which works well but doesnt fit the second hand car market so have done them manually to date not any more what a royal pain this is going to be.
  4. I tried to by a tee shirt last night on line, only to get a long winded email asking me to go away and measure myself to ensure when i say medium i fully understand what medium is, if they supply a medium and i turn up to be an xxxxl then they will take the goods back as long as i havent turned the garment into something like david banner turning into the hulk but would not refund any postage costs. its a £20 tee shirt you can tell there also having a nightmare with the public.
  5. Thats how i see it as well. If you applied that chain of thought to other circumstances in life the world would get even more silly. Hello Mr corner shop owner you sold me cigarettes for the last twenty years now i have cancer, i know the makers told me it might happen but when i handed you over my xyz money you should have stopped me taking them away.
  6. i would dispute that 100% so if he says i am driving the car away which i just purchased so the goods are now legally mine, what do i have to do make a citizens arrest ? its just plain stupid and unenforceable. Can you also copy where that information is posted i would like to read the rest of it
  7. Correct sir, we have a duty of care no matter what we sell be it a banger or a 20k minter our obligations do not change, as long as the car is advertised as a complete death trap and do not drive it away, we have no legal right to stop anyone driving away, wouldnt that be a wonderful thing if we could stop stupid people being stupid. A&E would be half empty the police would be bored would that be called utopia
  8. Tell trading standards to go study there law books again.
  9. I have looked at the site now as well, and to be frank you can not possibly expect anyone to buy into it will get better game plan, or a process for sure as you call it. Fail to prepare then prepare to fail springs to mind.
  10. Good luck, your asking us to take a punt at £100 a month, can you explain this new feature you have coming on line soon, also be good for you to explain what your going to do different to our current supplier, what sets you apart that kind of thing. You have to understand we have all been here many many times before with the new kid on the block promising the world and falling umm very short. but as everyone else mentioned good luck.
  11. If I ask with sugar on the top would you mind sharing your advertising platform with me please.
  12. As in any business finding what works for you is the expensive bit where mistakes are often made sounds as if your ahead of the game in that respect. Bumpies with the new listings are very trendy these days so you should do well.
  13. It is a tad off i have to say, the Blue C1 had me scratching my head front wing showing a large dent which is an easy dent master on them, and steel wheels (dirty tyres) and no wheel trims. We go through a lot of C1 type cars the wheel trims are £20.99 on flebay and transform the car i keep two sets in stock so i havent got to wait for delivery if i win one at auction.
  14. That is brill fair play i what the kids call LOL for a while there I dont think the OP should take any offence this was his opening post "I am new to the forum first time posting and il get straight to the point " just as everyone who took the time did went straight to the point/s Be good for a reply from them though.
  15. I would stay as you are and remember my old gran telling me quality over quantity. There is nothing wrong with the lower price bracket its where i set my stall out, but as people say this market is hard work, mileage is as important to the customer with 2k as it is with the customer spending 12k so i avoid leggy stuff i would rather have 15 low mileage top spec examples than 30 tired at the end of the road models.
  16. Its been hard for a long time now, the days of complete steals are far and few between these days you either put your hand up or try and sell empty spaces which is hard work.
  17. I would start with a good old wipe of all the codes and start again or you will be chasing ghosts, drive it for an hour and then the codes that pop up will be the faults. I argued with a indi garage i use for BMW stuff he claimed it had 18 codes to read well common sense would say if it hasnt been on a machine for a number of years a lot of those faults would have been repaired low tyre pressure was one and screen wash another, i am not paying you to check the screen wash. Common sense isnt common.
  18. I wish some of the idiots in the auction off watching football, I am fed up to the back teeth of listening to the bullshit random rant i know but its been one of them days. Picked up a Fiesta we won the weekend no heaters no front electric windows, gutted when we drove back only to find out two 30amp fuses both missing not blown missing ! go figure replaced the fuses and everything works just fine.
  19. Wait until the kids go on summer holidays that always kills me.
  20. Or price up a simple loan from a high street, these kind of deals dont make any sense to me unless your are unable to borrow money the conventional route then it kind of makes sense. But on the flip side if your unable to borrow money then the investor would adjust his rate to account for the situation what ever it may be. And i agree with the above paying per car unless its low percentage isnt going to go your way.
  21. I hardly ever order parts from eBay unless it’s a door motor or something like that as delivery times seem to take forever even though your paying six quod plus for delivery
  22. Every single time, just had a C1 back from body shop after having the normal faded red bumpers painted, the rear bumper is out of shape due the clip it sits on, some crafty bugger last month was selling repair your bumper bracket and clips for only £19.99 sounds like a right deal until you ring the main dealer and its £9.50 delivered.
  23. I try and mix it up but in short do both, this week I bought an out of the box fiesta to go with it a keyed all up one side and smashed in bumper Corsa Profit wise i will make more pound notes on the Corsa but it will take a while to get ready.
  24. justina3


    I would be more shocked if anyone doesnt