David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Just had a girl in for a new car , 65 plate Corsa she wants , Has a 08 plate corsa now to PX , 60,000 miles to which says there's no service history "its been serviced cos daddy has arranged it " she had no idea what a service was . Wants to sell her car because she wants Blue tooth and her friend has one with heated steering wheel so she wants that too Condition of car , service history , two keys , New MOT , Nearly new tyres , Just serviced ,how much her car was worth doesn't mean squat to her , wasn't even listening Colour , Blue tooth , Heated Wheel , was the search priority then monthly payments was next , Propped finance and she sat trembling for 3 mins till they said accepted and she jumped for joy . I probably need to look at a different approach to selling cars as this is now the norm here , different world to mine .
  2. Its the modern car that's shite more than BCA I reckon . The problem started with making these cheap little Shitty cars cos people only know CHEAP the general public have forgotten the phrase " Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten " They just pass the problem on down the line now ,
  3. Depends if its a car we stock as far as I'm concerned . If it is I ask for a time scale of 1 month and £1,000 up front . If it isnt a car we stock I ask for 50% of retail price . eg A guy asks me to source a BMW 320d Convertible in white with Black Leather yesterday , he's got 10k to spend so I said I don't stock those so I need 5k . He wanted to look round it first he said then make his mind up . Its A BORIS NO DEAL THEN I SAID
  4. You wont lose £500 pal my god who knocks £500 off for another owner , get online and print a V62 off , customer comes for car then just take him/her to post office to tax it , End of drama
  5. Great sale , Well done in the end it all worked out
  6. They were better than the later ones for sure , the later turbo ones are a lot less reliable . We have done the same and sold no end of Cooper S turbo ones and the JCW 's but they have all required Chains , Tensioners , Turbo Pipes , Piston Rings , De Cokes , just to name a few, not high miles either . .
  7. A Cooper S probably will want 4k spent on it , "Joking " er maybe not
  8. 70% PROFIT Margin Cheap auction fees 10%vat
  9. Not with Zettle now i assume Nice to hear a success story too , 3 yrs and many more to come I hope .
  10. Rocker cover is a throw a way item on that engine but they are only £300 so easy fix Stupid design
  11. Seriously , and i mean seriously DONT waste your money . I talked the rep into 3 months free adverts , put some on and had NO response at all , now this wasn't so bad but they are still being advertised a year later , Autotrader sold the cars in two weeks , Still waiting for a call from Motors Thank god i didn't pay them any money .
  12. Only one month i was signed up to with I vendi
  13. We do stipulate RTB , this old guy was trying it on , but my son just happened to be down there on a short break , BINGO result . Got him bang to rights the thieving old goat .
  14. SIX Hours to buy a £1,600 car and then try doing you for £4,000 repairs . I think a scam smells of a piss take to me , who on gods earth travels 3 hrs one way for a £1,600 car unless its been done before and to take a dollar off the trader in question Calls you on way home to start the bad news bit then hit you with a 4k repair bill , she must be taking something to get that high smells of Bull Shite to me Suppose only you knows the car though , so was it a pile or not ? could be the question . If it wasn't a scrapper i would be on my bike to find the car and her . I had this once with a nice guy from 250 miles away , bought a SLK from me rang me up after 30 mins to say the rear Diff had gone but the AA were taking him home bearing in mind he was tone DEAF , Merc quoted £5,000 to replace , so i said NO worries my son is down your way and he's a very talented tech , My lad was there in less than 25 mins , Guess what No Problems at all , NO AA recovery receipt, NO Whinging Diff when my lad drove it . NO Merc quote , We rang Merc and they said they hadn't heard of that reg either , Thieving scoundrel , He got the biggest roasting from my lad ever , then he got me on the phone too . I invoiced him £300 for the inspection and then sent a court claim when he didn't pay it , then the bailiffs, he got a CCJ for his trouble because he ran out of time and they collected over £800 in the end . Moral of this is ; GO AND FIND THE CAR if you know its good .
  15. Hi , I worked this out some years ago , 19 cars at £120 =£2,280 a MONTH terrified me x 12 £27 k a year Been self warrantied from that day . Reckon I'm £300k up over the time span
  16. Halifax do this without FCA number , they pay you direct , There's a way round it they use because they did the deal not you . No problem with him paying you with the banks money at all . I presume from that the customer is paying you and not his bank ?
  17. You will see this quite a lot , BCA clear it if you ring them , they have a dedictaed dept to clear the cars and then the vendor sends you an email or BCA forward it to you . When you ring them on a car you've purchased tell them its sold and you need clearance asap . BCA are helpful with this subject .
  18. BE Very Aware if they come in for PX They would hide a multitude of sins wouldn't they . I've got an A6 Avant in with something similar to those in the boot for the dog , £160 for the dog to sit on My dogs got a whole car to himself that didn't cost that much Imagine Mr/ Mrs Car owner in for px , oh the mats can go with the car , YEA after I've looked underneath them they can Now whats this hole in the floor doing here Mr/Mrs Car owner px seller
  19. Didn't work for us , waste of money as far as I'm concerned
  20. Ive done it before , you wont get the tax back if you sell it though , so maybe monthly is best then just stop the direct debit when you sell it . Use the V5c2 and you can use the same number when you sell it .
  21. Be nice but i cant get it every month , that's the trouble . I am on a good rate with them though . Although I have got one today 1st of the month , Prime and collects Sat so I hope it continues
  22. Now that's sods law isn't it .
  23. You want to try AA site its only pennies a week at the side of Autotrader BUT you might as well SHUT because you wont sell anything If your Not making AT work look at what you advertise would be the first step , condition , price " inc if your too cheap " , pics , wording on adverts , Stock type , Ebay will sell cheaper stuff I would think , Car Gurus might sell cheaper stuff , AT sells all cars believe me , we couldn't imagine not being on there to tell the truth . BUT again others on here are living proof that life after AT works as well . All depends as there is not one all round rule that fits all in this game .