David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. This is a good one , Dent man came yesterday telling us he had spent the weekend in YORK celebrating his sons uni exam pass . Heavy drinking he said , " i turned round to hug my son and say well done , we went back to the hotel and it wasn't till then he found out it wasn't his son The mans not here for long
  2. I think that's how car guru works Mark , all connected to the search process they use in my opinion , area by area , we have the same result , nothing nothing then 5 all at once and back to nothing again ,
  3. Were lucky then . We only outsource the dent man ,any day except Mon and Friday Mon hes getting over being drunk , Friday he's to excited about being drunk . Tue/Thursday hes very good . Everything else is in house from pumping tyres up to gearbox rebuilds . Nothing challenges my lad at all , its freaky easy when you see him work . He's just done my XRF timing chains & tensioners and water pump WOW pure genius to watch , TT belts one and half .
  4. Might only have 15 cars on sale today , but i cant keep up with the stock more than half my sales don't hit the web site mind , I do have two sites as well . eg 6 deals today 4 on finance , one 24/7 finance to which i said NO , the customer then went and found me and the car online , I saved him £32 a month with Moto Novo and took a chunk on commission £32 x 60 months is £1,920 i saved him , He hates 24/7 more than me now . My conclusion is if we all pulled out of these leaches that want OUR and your Cars they wouldn't have a business would they and we and you would have heavier wallets . I must say to them 15 times a month NO and I always sell the cars very soon afterwards , usually on a finance quote too . I average 40 -45 cars a month if 10 went to 24/7 i would lose £2,500 a month commissions on average if i only sold half of the 10 on finance , 12 months of that and its 30 k , if i said yes and paid 24/7 their £180 + vat i would be £900 a month worse off for the same 5 cars 900 x 12 = £10,800 DOWN instead of £30,000 UP and remember thats only 5 cars not the 10 or even 15 i say no too . NO is my answer to 24/7 and always will be till they realise we want commission from the sale , simples Rory is right too , Thanks Rory , I ain't been smacked with the daft brush YET BUT we all ,do make different choices and do things different , of that i fully agree . NO offence Tadams by the way , I'm just very old school . Nothing offends me so long as I'm earning money to the max .
  5. Never give us commission even after me asking why not , I spend my life converting customers to our finance firms . Probably annoys them somewhat but its my car i'm selling so i sell it how i like to who i like when i like . When they try and charge me its a dead deal for them as far as I'm concerned . Had some scarce types of low mileage stock and Zuto /24'7 have tried to deal their customers into them . Think I'm letting them sell them to their customers they have another think coming , Close , Blue and Moto Novo cars and nothing else , Zuto do squirm when i say no haha
  6. If your not in the VAT club its not worth bothering is it ?, Not many deals in a year to stay under the threshold of VAT . Not that i agree with 20% , it should be 5% in my mind , and every one should be made to join . Rant over
  7. ZUTO and 24/7 wont pay you commission , you need to find a good broker that does pay you a commission cheque at month end . Close and Moto Novo will deal with you when you get bigger , but a broker looks your best route Mallard , Euro Drive , Connected Car Finance , are a few brokers . but ring round them all .
  8. Not a good thing to happen , Better happening to you than the customer though , least you can fix it , test it and sell it knowing it works .
  9. I love this sort when they turn up with a shagged px ,
  10. And i tell you now he will take it home , subject to anything he wants to look at or say , Never had one refuse yet and he wont be the first to walk away without his car , I'm a lot fussier than he is and I haven't met him yet , Tell you Thursday when 12 k spills out of the card terminal . My world a deposit is a sold item , its not refundable either on distance selling because hes coming to see us and I'm open the public . man enough to offer a deposit and expect its here when you want to come 5 days later , then its not refundable sir , they know that too no secret . No deposit i don't save it "period " But don't expect the service of taking it off sale and keeping safe for you without your side of the bargain sir . But i do know what they are looking for before they arrive and their expectations are always exceeded . Why no one leaves without their new car . There are many many many skills to this game that i would not post , its a life lesson , One is dont do owt for nowt unless its for thee sen . Or in English Make sure you take a profit that is proportional to the sale .
  11. Well I'm certainly NOT moving towards the low profit model . Not being a silly busy fool , never done that in all the yrs I've been working for my self . Not selling cars has more to do with , location , quality of product , being in the price loop not below it , keeping up with what sells as each new generation come on board . Even where you advertise what model of car , all makes a difference between they ring me and not you . Its a changing type of job as new methods of selling and new generations come on board to buy cars . I've just sold a car to a customer 200 miles away and he liked my pictures , that was his criteria on looking for a car . " don't ask me either " Left me £500 bank transfer deposit and collecting Thursday , its priced above the others too
  12. A good rule is don't buy from auction unless you have your OWN workshop and can spin the spanners YOURSELF . Out sourcing mechanic work can be and is VERY expensive hobby . Doesn't look much per job till you reckon 50 water pumps , 50 brake discs , 20 gear linkages , 30 clutches and the list goes on Same with Valet work do it yourself , Doesn't look much till you x 60 x £50 = 3k at year end This 3k and more will be needed for next year because stock Goes UP in price year on year , what you pay 2k this year will cost £2,300 next year if your lucky so again £300 x 60 cars and the following year you need an extra investment of £18,000 to stand still . Lots of people forget this equation and go backwards , its why we NEED Profit above wages . Business rule ;; Don't take all your profits out thinking your doing well But good luck with the venture , stick at it and its fun , takes a while to get the stock and the funds to make it work well but its fun getting there and great fun when your cooking on gas later , Spend wisely , Earn profits , Profit is not a dirty word .
  13. And manufacturers have another reason to act. They could face fines if their new cars aren't green enough once European Union regulations kick-in in 2021. Much has been said of the government's target of no new diesels and petrols by 2040. But a more interesting question is: when will the tipping-point for electric sales arrive in Britain? Experts inside and outside of government talk about 2025. Facing Fines if they aren't green enough because EU regs kick in 2021 , how the F###k should that affect the UK . Wait till the public find out what a battery costs , and IF the Electric revolution does move forward as they all hope, the old battery cars are going to be worth lots less than they thought . Imagine the inane conversations we will get " whats the charging time on this one then ?" How many miles left in this car ?" has it got a new battery " I'll do the deal if you change the battery " What sort of battery has it got on " see it coming cant you .
  14. 98 406 OMG wasn't worth a grand when it was new . With 200,000 on clock I'd tell him it will cost him £50 to leave it here as scrap has gone down in value
  15. Wow that's a difficult customer , stumps and a manual car to test drive , if hes seen 20 pictures and a video he must of been a blind driver too , cant see, cant reach the gears or steering wheel and its over his budget as well
  16. Cant out do our Hyabusa supercharged super bike , leaves a Tesla covered in stone chips Has it with the drive for about 10 yards the its bye bye when the power hits the rubber . XFR Jag does the same it is 600 bhp mind , 10 yards and were off past the Teslas thingy never to been seen again . We were just running the bike against the Jag when Tesla boy turns up , they are quick though but three runs and he had to go home at 30 mph to conserve power , know that cos we passed him on way home in a DIESEL Van Best thing would be a fork lift and a skip when run out ,
  17. 94 old , not a bad life surrounded by what he loved doing . Wont be any more of these people coming up will there , when we have different shapes with all the same washing machine engines in them RIP fella
  18. Seen this before where they ask you for a few details eg; despatch code , reg details , then v5 ref number , that point they can get a log book loan against your car . You wont know till you HPI / experian check it or a customer does the same ,
  19. Thats the one , he folded in the end , No discount , no delivery , came on the train , saw and bought it , No Parkers guide talk , found out it was his mate who was doing the talking . i was lucky too as the other customer i told him had bought failed the finance , lucky lucky
  20. Thats the 4th gone to Scotland in last 3 months , The Inverness guy started out ripping me to pieces with Parkers price guide and wanting delivery , But then realised he was way off target and decided to come down , took it back with him , He learned the hard way that Parkers were not the way to go . Funny old job , You will have no worries selling to people from a distance if its the car they want
  21. 8 sold last week , Wales 100miles , Somerset 120 miles Inverness 426 miles , Kent 220miles Notts 25 miles , Peterborough 100 miles . two more were local 1 mile and 4 miles
  22. People buy with their eyes . Imagine driving into a scruffy area yourself , its sets the scene doesn't it BUT it does depend on the perception of scruffy too , and the price difference , plus what your selling , how long the lease is , your expectations of how many sales and profits you need or want . 5k to 12k and above, in my opinion the better site will pay off in that price region . Look at potential passing trade too , its a cash cow when they start to know where you are situated . just me thinking out loud
  23. My God we will be refunding people for loose valve caps next . Cruise is broke , Just mend the bloody thing , Not difficult is it , happy customer then , all this stuff about how its described and was it this that and the other in the sales advert and whats on invoices is piffle . Cars are not perfect , they break , Fix the problem asap and jobs done , OMG mr customer , how unfortunate , don't worry we know how to put that right , remember 99% of the whole private population of car users and 40% of traders think its complicated , just assure them its easy and they are going to get it fixed .
  24. If You go to auction and cant fix cars professionally don't buy em Simple .