David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Finance was on fire June , July & August but so far Sept is debit card only deals , think its everywhere , we had the BLUE Rep in giving me all sorts of deals to play with . He said it was dead on the finance front .
  2. 6 out the building 5 on autotrader 1 today Car guru
  3. Nah gotta be raspberry for me . Only like healthy ones
  4. Saw similar car, Ibiza 1.4 sport 12 plate go through Notts , sounded terrible , tapping its nuts off and hobbling , cam shaft issues for sure , went in hall and made CAP average which was far to strong , then online took off like Saturn 5 and went to silly figures, Makes me wonder why cos its not as its a rare car is it , bet they got a surprise when it turned up
  5. Very very true , putting the large amounts of money into the hands of those who cant manage it is a very dangerous thing . Watched some swap from buying trade UKT cars to high end stuff and fall on their swords very quickly . We know one trader who started 4 yrs ago , been through the lots of the funders , now has other traders cars to sell on commission a few of his own , 50 k into finance with a finance company who tell him its 2% if they get reciprocal business when he sells . If not the interest is much higher . Two units full of cars that are not his , the rest dont belong to him and he swears hes doing well .
  6. Hind sight , Could of done , Should of done As i said hindsight is a wonderful thing if only we had a crystal ball Hey
  7. Old scheme You bought car for 5k and sold it for 6 k , margin vat on £1000 New scheme You bought the car now for £5,072 and sold it for 6 k margin vat now is on £928 and not the 1,000 So instead of paying the vat and claiming it back , you dont pay it , but you pay less vat on less gross profit
  8. Means the 5k car you bought is effectively £5,072 now so the margin VAT scheme takes care of it . You don't pay margin VAT on the £72 BCA do it as well .
  9. Watched BCA BMW Sale this morning and xdrive 330d and 335d 64/66 plates were average £1,500/£2,000 over CAP Clean and same price as Autotrader Retail cars on sale , Madness pure madness . Watched one two months ago , needed two front tyres , MOT and wheel refurb . Nice thing was at £13,500 really max and that was well over CAP , I know this model are rare and make more than book but you still need a profit margin in that sort of stuff . The bloody thing sold at £16,000 on the hammer , Gold card fees and assured report + plus online fee would be £16,500 out the door , local place to us bought it . Put £18,495 on it , it didn't sell surprise surprise and today its on sale at less than they paid for it still wants refurb wheels and two tyres , So the dopes who do this are not helping prices are they , probably forgot what they bought it for . watched a 3.0 litre petrol BMW last month fetch £12,500 on the hammer + fees " I had a strong £11,000 for it max ", found it online for sale at £13,295 , who can work on £300 on 13k . Even if its finance its not worth doing it for . Daft times for sure , oh well onwards and upwards ,
  10. This year Been like it for ages now in my opinion Reports are not worth a thought either now days
  11. Honda parts work on Honda cars . The rest of the euro parts are rubbish . Fit a Honda Sensor , Not Clutch that caused this prob .
  12. Trouble is too , when or if you see them again they have spent 5 x the figure they quoted you . Then you think " you plonker if you told me that figure we would have had a go "
  13. Be wanting coffee with them next too
  14. I love those sorts " not " We all get them , usually with us its "what AUTO's do you have for less than £500" Or "what £20 tax cars have you got under £500" I keep meaning to buy one and park it up , Over there mister , its the green one covered in dents , rust and bald tyres yours for £400 , skip comes with it
  15. £50 oh sorry its what it sold for not what its worth £5,350 is my guess
  16. I would tell everyone where to buy from A bloody different place to me in another county on a different day when I'm not looking for stock . Tried that Casper , got bored , Just cant stop looking for the next deal , Its only the deals that keep me living . The way to make me smile is waiting for the Finance prop to go accepted , I'm more on edge than the customer buying the car , There thinking new car I'm thinking Commission cheque . Got three Finance props on Sat and then it was game on to sign up that day so I got the Commission in Sept Made it too
  17. I would think one call in a week is good Marian for an Astra Diesel the fact its an Auto can work for and against you , Look on Autotrader to match your car against the others , you dont want to be the lowest price on there but 1st page within a 50 mile radius of your post code would give you an idea of the prices , Its low miles , Service history ? I hope , Nice colour I hope , tell the buyer about the condition and any extras , Nav , Leather , Climate . It will go pretty soon . So don't panic after a week
  18. Walsall cant be that bad Ive sold two cars to customers from Walsall this week end , Both cars were 13k + both went on prime Finance and both returned nice PX cars too . Both from WS3 4 post codes
  19. Hi to lucky 13 , welcome aboard Every thing has a mkt doesn't it . We cant all or want to sell the same stuff . Cheaper stuff makes me smile too , we sell the lumpy cars too and the inbetweeners , and the cheaper stuff " I'm not one to miss anything " But I love a cheapy PX £50 old cheapy that goes on the ramp , comes off clean , Snow foam it , Shiny wax thru pressure washer , quick carpet/ seat clean oil change and £995 it , quickest one was 8 mins to the first phone call but usually its first 24 hours , have some fun with what's yer best price brigade " £1295 pal " but it says £995 online lol , yea but £1295 is a better price and that's what you asked me . had a Fabia once and two women resulted in fighting for it You eeffing bitch this and effing bitch that omg they were nose to nose for a £795 car , smallest one won too . Worth selling for the entertainment we reckon . Secret to cheaper stuff is to talk to the customer different to a 10k car . Round here its very hey up mi duck ye come to look at this little Corsa then , smashing little thing it is , They love it long as its clean with a long MOT they will take a part service , one key , scratched , cheapy , Other trick is we just don't rip em off , Sell one every year to one guy £600 is his ceiling , drive anything he will , gives me the px free +£600 every Oct . Got one waiting for him now £550 Corsa took in for £100 a month ago . So happy selling pal , stick with what makes you happy and some money .
  20. Dont tell the customer its been repaired shhhhhhhhhhh its
  21. We quote 48 mths and its 48 months £x per month and is completed with Blue David . Moto novo Charge an extra fee at the end of around £200/£400