David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. We always have the same number all the way through on Blue 1st and last payment buys the car and all same figures . Depends on rep sometimes and how its set up
  2. Dont think Blue Motor Finance charge fees either . We use Close Brothers with no fees but dealt a high commission because of the amount we put through with them . Moto novo are great for a lot of deals as well , we can vary rates a lot with those guys too so it works on the deals that need a deal with the customer .
  3. I really hope you come out of this well , I seriously do . But a few questions spring in my mind . 1 ;; Why sell a car that wants a service ? bad idea in my head as your just waiting for another garage to get stuck into your wallet . 2; Same as above with the brake pads isn't it , why not change them when doing the PDI ? 2,000 miles in a performance car can be as low as 200 miles in a lunatics hands , especially when he's first let loose in his new 250 bhp car . 3 ;; £1,000 off the car as a discount for £60 worth of oil and filter and four brake pads , 4 ;;Did the car get inspected in your own workshop on a ramp so as to be positive the gearbox wasn't losing oil ? As I said i really hope you come out on top , but performance cars in the wrong hands that's not FULLY prepped and totally sure about is a route to disaster in my mind , we sell some meaty powerful stuff on one side of our business and they are prepped to death, serviced , nut and bolted , driven 100 miles , back in workshop and checked again . Ramp time is no less than 8 hours for each car . Its amazing what we find that's been done wrong , cheap parts , not tightened up , missing , leaking , and the rest . All the best .
  4. We've had a few of those types Casper One particular girl who had been bought a 1yr old C1 by her Grandad was apparentley the wrong colour for her , Being a dark grey with red trim and only 16,000 miles i felt i had to agree with her really , She wanted a white car and our sticky 4yr old 40,000 mile 1 litre white Corsa was sat winking at her in its white gleaming coat So she was offered a few shillings for her C1 as it looked so bad in Grey and red with Sat Nav , blue tooth , Air con and took the Corsa , Said "daddy I'm having this one so go and pay for it" No please thankyou He just curled up and said she is spoilt Spoilt, my god if she was mine she'd be working in a salt mine now learning about life .
  5. Just shown this thread to two retired traffic cops who work here doing some driving for us . They are rolling around laughing on the floor at police cars being in any fit state to sell
  6. My thoughts exactly , By the time I've taken the car , complained about the bloody mess they make , took it again , Re done it when it comes back its quicker to do it once and have done with it . Employ a valet guy omg that's hard work , There's only two ways of doing things in my world , MY WAY & the bloody GATEWAY. I always feel sorry for the gateway hinges They hear me but don't bloody Listen. Do it yourself , save money , save sanity , simples
  7. I think the penny is finally dropping pal , had a few recently trying to get out of the rent a car situation , they all thought the car was theirs , how wrong are they Like i said I've had them in tears here wondering how they are going to out of the mess there in with PCP , Leases , Roll overs so they are in Neg Eq . Time they looked at reality . Money lending Huge companies are existing on these deals , When Joe public learns it will be interesting i am thinking .
  8. They don't see that cost coming from leases do they , I've had customers in tears here when they have tried to return lease cars to the main dealers and facing a £700/£1,200 bill to hand back . Easy when they signed up
  9. Bet he keeps the little square of carpet and glues it back when the duals come out . LOL ONE owner well maintained over the 200,000 miles its done . Really its 2000 drivers , cheap servicing , wrong oil cos its cheaper , kerbed 600 times , on the 4th set of wheels , Bent discs when he stamps on the duals , Death trap ditch finder tyres , 2nd Steering wheel cos the original has been gripped that tight its deformed , 3rd drivers seat and passenger seats due to wear and panic sweats , 2nd engine and 9 clutches later when its polished up its a bargain car for a new driver , low insurance , and knows its way round the town on its own How many owners ? well let me tell you a story Has it got two keys ? well there is two but one is smooth Are the mats glued in on these cars , ? Stops em slipping under your feet . Be worse than a police car wouldn't it ? TAZ here's a tip mate . DON'T swap to buying driving school cars
  10. It was so quick with Moto Novo as well , just popped his name in the proposal and they pre filled in every thing else as it was still recorded on file , acceptance in less than 2 seconds and e signed in 5 min .He only came to get his tyres pumped up and left with a new car I love the deals in this game
  11. Best thing is to modify your stock then so as not to appeal to finance customers , They wont understand or care two hoots about your beliefs , they will move onto a dealer who does offer what they want . , Harsh but true I'm afraid . Just remember they are all borrowing money to buy your cars anyway , Bank , Supermkt loans , Hardly anyone now has the cash in their pockets , so its borrowed money rules for most people .
  12. Just said the same thing about the two this morning , Got one tomorrow and one Sunday both requiring finance . One at 5k and one at 12 k so be nice results . I had a stunning July on Finance and August so far has been very productive too . Sold a Fiesta ST for 10 k in March and now he wants to upgrade to a 13k GTI with same finance company , just popped out the 3 month claw back so will keep that commission so get two hits on the ST and one on the GTI , as I got the ST sold when it comes back on finance so boom boom
  13. Cant imagine selling those to anyone really . Been banged over every kerb and speed hump going , Flat out to skidding stops on every shift Not maintained enough , Patched up and back out on duty , They aren't even cleaned enough now days .. We have two ex traffic cops driving for us and they laugh when they see them at auction . Good luck getting out of those without a loss .
  14. Nice result Mark . Makes a good month even better doesn't it
  15. When we started with finance we were lucky to get 1 a month . Takes a while to learn how to sell it in my books , but when you have got that sorted its a very good tool to have in the draw . I've done two finance deals this morning , Finance companies have widened the scope to say yes , they want the deals at present as its a slow time for them .
  16. Finance Companies are having a hard time at present . Cant see Close chucking you out for 3 a month Lots of factors are making it hard for them . Bank of mum and dad , Bank of grand parents , Bank loans at supposed ed lower rates , All depends what price bracket your in . £4,000 to £7,000 loan rates are very competitive at present
  17. I think you and me had the same advice . My dad told me i only work half day , " choose which 12 hour shift you want " But there was a rule that superseded that and it was "if your awake your at work "
  18. I'll never put you down Marian , find a job you enjoy and you will never work again . I always treat work as a giant hobby Hi Casper Yes my son is a fully trained tech , nothing phases him daughter is like me born to sell . Moments lol, we actually get on well . Reason is we run two firms , Me and Son , then me and Daughter , They get on very well but have their own firms . Simples
  19. You cant head for 10% in this job Marion , 5k car with 10% mark up wont pay the bills . , Advert bills , Mechanical work , Cleaning , Fuel to fetch it and test it , Insurance bills, that's just while your part time . Full time then the bills multiply quite considerably . VAT , Rent , Power , Services for the cars , MOT's , Repairs , Accountancy , Bank charges , and lots more . Then you will have more than 10% in costs to sell the car , There's no shame in profit when your working for yourself , Don't let this phase you though Marion , I made my daughter do it the hard way , Started with a £1,000 C2 , 1 earned a profit , then 1 became 2 , became 3 and so on and now shes into a 200k stock value and makes a good living that makes your Gas work look like a Saturday wage , I'm a cruel old fashioned type though . Get on with it , dont let anything get in your way and remember PROFIT is the key , don't be shy to hold your hand out and take the money because you will be working hard for it .
  20. Karcher is great , Puzzi model Powerful and weve had one 10 years , bit like triggers broom , new pipe , new switch , looks like its a battered mess now but its cleaned 1,000's of seats and carpets . Warm solution of Brisk low foam from autosmart , never failed to clean anything yet . When the motor packs up I'll be having another .
  21. Paid £18,800 and trying to sell it at £18,950 wow £150 well earned pounds . Lets see , role play !!!! I'm a customer in the mkt for a A3 and theres two on sale , one at your house and one at AUDI . Bet you can guess where I've gone Unless you live in 20 acres of manicured grounds with a Manor house in the middle , try a smaller cheaper stock range and don't try competing with main dealers for £150 omg I cant believe that amount of money being laid out for £150 , that figure gives me the shakes , Need a coffee and sit down Last thing i only earned £150 on didn't work when i took it in free for px and didn't work when i sold it for £150 within the hour .
  22. Sounds like you were a greengrocer too in a different life
  23. Told me about the history Twice over , Told me how cheap it is , But haven't told me about the car Heated seats ? Ipod , AUX , Sat Nav , Any extras ? heated seats, Tel Connection , Climate , electric seats , , Spare wheel , Two Keys , ISOFIX Points , Air bags " remember its a Volvo " Tell me about how it drives , tyre tread , MOT expiry , last service date , Then take new pics , chrome looks tired on grille , Driver seat looks marked , paint looks like it requires a polish , tyres need cleaning and tyre gloss . Oh and its too cheap as well
  24. Had one in this morning , Come 50 miles on a £13,795 car . Loved what he saw, got a 05 knackered BMW 320d sport px part service history 184,000 miles and well used shall we say regards body work and interior Wanted £2,000 , silly boy Then offered me £10k for my car , silly silly boy , He left , why do they come shopping with only 80% of the funds needed , No way on earth I would ever go shopping with not enough money , what a weird hobby , No wonder they no funds as they must spend it driving round the 5 counties looking at what they cant have . Another yesterday came on £3,799 little motor in our small car section . Dad says son wants to spend 3k but he will pay me £3,,250 as the car is so clean I said well let me explain it this way We like £650 profit £100 goes to VAT man £135 goes on service and MOT £100 on adverts £75 On valet £50 towards Rent £20 on Fuel £20 on power Electric /water etc £25 web site costs £100 wages = £625 expenses = £50 profit . See why my offer is thought out and not a guess like yours He said i was just trying my luck and paid £3,799 .