David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Of course you are , cruise isn't life threatening is it , just fix it , tell em its a car with 5000 moving parts and 2 miles of wire , not the perfect mechanically made thing that they conceive it is , lucky for them it went when it did as now they haven't got to fix it have they . Buyer remorse so take control .
  2. New stalk will fix that wont it . Not a refund as it doesn't leave the car unsafe or unusable either , just a minor fault especially on an 8 year old car . More like buyers remorse that one . Made sure they haven't up plugged something or swapped it , been done before . We sold a Cupra R once and three weeks later it came back with Turbo issues , the new owner had swapped it with his mates car that he came in to view ours . The turbo sounded like it was shitting itself , so my son dabbed green dye on all the bolt heads of the sale car and low and behold they had all been spannered , " gottcha " The git had swapped it as when it came back the other was sounding lovely again . He got the f##king bollicking of a life time he did .
  3. Mr Parkers guide has been back today Tells me now that the whole trade have got it wrong and we should follow Parkers as they have been around for years So you have found others at the same price then i ask , Yes he goes but they are the same as you "greedy " I told its him that's he's the thief trying to steal £1500 from my kids inheritance and go and ask Parkers to buy him one . His reply was Parkers don't sell cars PRECISELY my friend , its a comic like i told you If you deliver free its a deal then he went . NO pal I sold it yesterday But its still on your site , yep sure is , left it there just for you and parkers to educate your selves with the correct price I just love it when that happens
  4. So this morning i get this enquiry from the highlands of Scotland . You have a car I'd like to buy please , do you deliver to Scotland .? Can be arranged , its 425 miles but if its driven up its £325 all in , Great he says , I think we have a deal . Then he says he has to arrange finance , can we help , no problem so i propose him and its a done deal to just sign up for . He then " before signing " comes back to me this afternoon with , " thinks its a bit dear for the year " Here we go i thought . So asks why is that then ? Well Parkers and Honest John say its value is £1490 less than your selling it at . Answer was " has Parkers or JOHN got any for sale at that price " I think hes still looking for them to get one in stock HAHA This is after he wants it with Service history , two keys , 5mm min on Branded tyres , Sat Nav , Heated Seats , Reverse Sensors , In the same colour as ours , Hand book pack too , Yes its passed all those questions , yes I've got him Finance at the requested term and monthly figures . Delivered it for nothing . Now he wants and I've just had the email to confirm he wants £1,200 off the price . Told him to pop down and fetch it at that price , but be quick as my wife wants it and shes only 9ft away so the distance might be a rush to beat her offer of only £999 discount
  5. Put it in your name on the v5 and back date it if its been taxed for that period .
  6. Good description that , Good driver though , very steady , He drives a 3 speed Triumph Mayflower as his daily drive , 1950 's i think
  7. So you want to put a Petrol ST exhaust on a Diesel ? Cant see that fitting
  8. VAT threshold is getting very near then , not many Fiestas Kugas C maxs & Mercs to get to £85 k Turnover , then your world changes . You have to think like a Business not a little hobby .
  9. Talking EML lights we had a guy this morning OCTAVIA VRS Diesel comes in with EML light glowing My son goes its Radiator Temp Sensor Not expensive to fix . Shall i order you a part ?, be here in the hour . Guys says well its not affected anything so I'll leave it , Radiator FAN Is on permanent running its nuts off , then says I like that car you have outside can you price mine up against it , then I don't have to fix the radiator Costly Rad sensor that was
  10. Some people never grow up . I am still trying to stand on a skate board , keep banging my head on the floor , never did get the hang of them But well done you Arfur
  11. I love best price question . car £7,995 Best price is £8,495 that's a much better Price What they don't understand is, I'm serious too So Joshuagomes I hope your heading my way this week QUALITY is REMEMBERED long after PRICE is forgotten , remember that phrase well young fella Had one cheeky twat ask me if he could use the ramp once , Told him its £500 an hour or part there of +vat . Halfords and a push bike lad , your heading for disaster wanting something for nothing buying cars on the cheap . Only shitters , get discounted just remember that
  12. I feel sorry for this guy . Bought a Q5 from a guy down south of us and bought it to us for a problem with it cutting out . Injectors were leaking , turbo was shagged , auto box jumping and many other faults we found when it was on site , He spent a fortune with us over a few months we even found out it had a different engine , must of been a moon miles one . Anyway we prompted him to sell it , which he duly did , swapped it for a Caravelle thing with the BI turbo 180 diesel , edition 25 , if you like fancy vans its a nice thing . This morning its in for service , got oil light on , its a fecked engine , yes the bi turbos are shite we know , its the next best thing to a BP oil tanker disaster , oils like grey putty . Wants it serviced to go to France next week oops , going to be the bearer of bed news when he collects it later . Feel sorry for him , I really do . Hope he doesn't move into car trade as he cant choose a good one at all .
  13. agree, it's not easy to shift traffic from autotrader, or any other site for that matter; then again I'm not in direct competition with them. Oh dear Autotrader will sell the car before your system gets it out for viewing , there lies the problem for every idea like this one that's ever come before us . many have tried and none are around anymore . That's why we are all sceptical of these ideas that people dream up . The above points from your post are worrying indeed , as your either going to try and sell cars on a site or your not , the words not easy , not in direct competition , not the ultimate goal , just consequential shows its not going to be a car selling site doesn't it . If your going to reinvent the wheel , you need to be a direct competitor , it needs to be the goal , you have to make it easy , you have to show you can shift traffic from other sites .There's so much more to Autotrader than you will ever know probably , certainly more to selling cars than you probably know too . You have to imagine Mr Mrs buyer one evening deciding to look for a new car , I want a Golf in blue for £6500 , they either know of Car guru from TV adds , Autotrader because their dad knew of it , or Ebay , then the search starts , Hey Ive found one 16 miles away lets ring /email , text , or visit on Friday after work . How the F##k they going to find you , and there lies the problem with 99% of us not wanting to pay you anything . Be 100% really but there's always one Sorry but that's the process , we have to accept it works that way , not cheap , but it works . Again though all the best with it .
  14. Price , prep , quality , location , wording , pics , where it advertised , how many in your area , model spec , colour of various makes, packages offered , lack of finance , lack of card terminal , restricted opening times , there's lots of reasons that beat the stocking loan question my friend as why a car doesn't sell quickly . Just remember this simple rule of business IF YOUR NOT BUSY , ITS YOUR OWN FAULT . simples if you think about it First hard lesson i ever learnt that was .
  15. Convergence of buyers and sellers targeted demographics pools of subscribers Fancy phrases , mean nothing my friends , we see this type of thing every day of the week , I'm out , all the best though 10/10 I'm backing you there
  16. If you don't work retail back , your going backwards . If you believe the trade rags , your going backwards . If you don't add enough profit your going backwards . If you buy Parkers you need to find work elsewhere .
  17. Close Brothers are human beings when looking at deals , Deal with cars from new to 20 yrs , up to 130,000 miles , make quick decisions too for the customers which is good when they are sat waiting in front of you crossing fingers & toes and shaking with worried looks on their faces . 6/10 cars might be a stumbling block though , they usually like more than that to get more business , which i can see really . Try smiling nicely when the rep comes and tell em your looking at finance to attract more sales to expand .
  18. Welcome BIGNIT . David
  19. We sell cars for two sets of people , usually lumpy stuff at 20k agreement is really they end up slightly better off than selling it to the trade , eg CAP Clean I charge £1,200 + VAT commission £200 advert cost . £200 Valet costs Need the car with a new MOT and serviced , Doesn't sell its the advert costs and Prep costs that are charged , never not sold one though . Finance commissions and we usually get a nice px which we buy out of the deal . Have to be aware of all the comments above though as I seriously agree with everyone of them , only reason it works for us is the fact we know these people well and the cars too having usually serviced them from new . Right deal and there's some serious profit from nowhere ,
  20. IF we are allowed a drop of petrol in the future I reckon we will have the red flag back at 4mph might be a robot instead of a man though or a drone , just how it all started . My old dad always said what goes round comes back round . Imagine in the future 100 yrs from now , some guy will find the black stuff to make petrol and a blue print of a petrol engine and off we go again . Just as the mines for battery minerals die out and someone invents the words Climate , Ozone , again . I'm starting to look at Horses again they are the future , Horses and cross bows
  21. A ‘major discrepancy’ between official petrol car CO2 emissions and real-life on-road testing has led an independent emissions testing agency to warn of an emerging ‘petrolgate’ scandal. Official CO2 figures for petrol cars tested by the firm are ‘significantly underestimating the real-world emissions’. It suggests a 24 percent difference between official CO2 figures and real-world test Just read this , cant help it can they , the establishment is just asking to ruin the entire motor trade in my mind