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Everything posted by metcars

  1. What's wrong with Exchange & Mart?
  2. I'm not a fan of BCA either, but I think you'll find its the vendors that insist on the resrictions with 'revving' and 'bonnets' rather than the auction themselves as such.
  3. I'm just going to come out and say this, but is it possible to drive a lambo/Ferrari daily and 'not' look like a knob? What is the typical 'profile' of a new lambo buyer I wonder? Even F1 drivers stick to helicopters these days, so it must be mostly youtubers/footballers?
  4. It's funny how ordinary people that no nothing about how the motor trade works still have very strong ideas about how they 'think' it works?
  5. Although, I was sitting in a car last week getting the feel of a clutch and a guy stuck his head in the window and asked "how was the clutch". I thought the bite was right at the top and I told him. I got out and he jumped in, I asked him if he agreed and he didn't, each to their own I guess. It's interesting to see what some guys think is acceptable?
  6. I dropped in last week and it appears you can jump in again when they are first started. They used to be quite strict about not letting you in them. It has to be said that the vendors do have a point, I remember being at BCA Enfield on a Saturday morning when a bunch of young guys were "red lining" every BMW there, if they were my cars I'd be mightly pissed off...? I also know one particularly trader that, on a saturday when the auction is full of mostly private punters, deliberately 'crunches' the gears when trying the clutch to make the cars appear to have a problem
  7. It will never happen they make huge amounts of money out of them. Just out of interest how do guys get on with being able to jump in and try out clutches?
  8. They are on a mission to save the general public from this scourge. After all everyone knows all car dealers are lying douchebags, it's common knowledge.
  9. I'm glad you said that and not me I helped a mate take the door card off a merc estate last year. Beautiful car but under the skin its full of pop rivets and plastic crap
  10. I'm with MrC. I'd spend half my time selling/sourcing cars for family and friends at "mates rates" so I don't get involved any more.
  11. This is of no help to he OP but why does it seem incongruous to discuss a BMW with a running fault, after all they are made of girders and never fail. Whereas if this was a Scenic or Clio with a misfire it would be almost a cliche?
  12. Job done!
  13. Dropping your wife at the station while she listens for a noisy wheelbearing, or dropping your kids at school because its 'on the way to the MOT garage' are lame excuses. I do feel that trade plates are one of the small privileges they offer us in the motor trade, and as we all know privileges can be removed? Don't make it easy for them?
  14. I guess that's ok if you take your daughter to auctions? Or if she has some other connection with 'motor trade'. As said above, it's all very well for 'barrack room' lawyers, but I wouldn't like to have to explain myself at the side of the road? You may get away with it once, but two strikes and you're out!
  15. The Cmax has gone. Couldn't stand the hard seats and having to peep around the a pillar. Replaced with a 'chancy' '02 Focus tdci estate (I know). It's done a few hundred miles already. Got a little noise when cranking over wihch I'm hoping is just an old auxiliary belt. I don't normally bother with older diesels to sell on. I tend to think that a diesel estate that is serviceable and able to pass an MOT will be run into the ground, only a terminal issue will see it at auction, but so far so good.
  16. When I retire I will write a book about the stories and adventures I've had driving cars back from 'the block'
  17. I tend to 'not' click on links like this. I'm probably overly cautious but it all seems a bit 'spammy'
  18. I didn't think 'part time' trading was possible?
  19. ..... but Clio's and Scenics are hugely popular. Not everyone wants a 5-8yr old German performance saloon
  20. metcars


    Another reason they should leave motoring to the men folk and stay in the kitchen
  21. metcars


    Quote: Lady Drivers....... Some car dealers might try to overwhelm their customers with technical terms they may not understand" Straight out of the 1950s! At least you didn't mention the little lady I showed this to my daughter who immediately started organising some angry women ready to chain themselves to your fence!