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Everything posted by metcars

  1. I had a problem a while ago with a pcn from Dartford Crossing, in the end a signed affidavit was required. I understand that when there is no current keeper they just work there way through contacting previous keepers until someone bites. Being a motor trader doesn't help, "everyone" is a trader when there's a fine to dodge?
  2. Plenty of sensible/predictable advice on here MrC. But don't forget we've all been there, you're entitled to feel angry, nobody is a machine!
  3. Whoever installed Manheims simulcast video feed needs a clip round the ear. It must have been quite a job to get such poor quality in 2017?
  4. I suppose the auction houses don't have the time to give every car a 'ready to retail' type valet when cars are lined up to drive in the hall.
  5. Mentioned this before but perhaps the forum needs a "so you want to be a car dealer" type sticky. That way people can be signposted to the basics. I suspect the 'issue' could be that some members sell a product like this in installments in a "trade along with tony" type thing like you used to find in the classifieds?
  6. Agree. Lots of agency staff who treat the place like a playground and undermine the business in my opinion.
  7. My nearest Aston Barclay is in Chelmsford, great for selling odd bits I have problems with their saturday morning sale. Sadly Manheim Colchester is growing at a rate and seems to be sucking the life out of them? In fact, in the East of England we could do with another auction, you guys in the midlands seem to do very well.
  8. Just out of interest how much time do you guys dedicate to hunting down stock. Am I the only one going through auction lists at 2.30am?
  9. Maybe we'll have to do a critique of auction food around the country. Does Manheim Northampton still do portions of chips with gravy and beans on, like school dinners?
  10. I noticed that the guys that valet cars at auctions use spray cans of 'jollop' direct onto dirty paint then polish off? Smells like furniture polish but I'm hoping its not
  11. Dancing girls at the cash office! Realistically, clean working toilets and safe/secure car parking (Manheim Colchester) would be a start. Also at Colchester, the offer of a lift up to the top field instead of a 1/2 mile walk in 27 degress only to find the battery is flat!
  12. I've mentioned this before but generally speaking most car auctions treat customers with contempt, a necessary evil there to be 'fleeced'. Considering he huge sums of money being exchanged at the cash office, if it were any other wholesaler in any other trade there would be riots. Like many of you guys I have friends working in other trades, plumbers/electricians/shops, and their wholesale suppliers treat them very well?
  13. I thought someone was going to mention mk3, the "hole" in my argument?
  14. There wasn't much to go wrong with Ford Cortina?
  15. And just to bring this up to date, the ladies that lunch in Chigwell drive open top evoques
  16. Now if you are talking about WAGs and white RR sports we can tap that rich vein that is Cheshire!
  17. That's all a bit 'last year', pikeys drive RR sports in Essex now
  18. ... and these are not all 'poor' people, but people with enough money to pay their bills and mortgage comfortably but focus on the short term with superficial things like tech crap/expensive TVs/gym membership/BMW M to impress the neighbours? I've got one mate who's a bricklayer. He works like a dog 7days a week. His wife works as a teaching assistant and doesn't even earn the money to cover the cost of getting a bus to work but she insists on driving a new BMW 1series, two kids 18/16 with bedrooms full of tech crap, space age kitchen, expensive foreign holidays, 6 pedigree dogs that are always at the vets, and they've just remortgaged the house.
  19. You may or may not be surprised how basic finance and the cost of borrowing money is not explained to some people. it's not that they don't know how expensive it can be to borrow money, but they don't weigh up the options? At the bottom end of the market its easy to think they're all scumbags, but the real scumbags gave us 'pay day' loans?
  20. I wonder if the van has ever been MOT'd with the extra seats in the back? Or, do they always disappear at MOT time like a lot of other vans?
  21. I'm surprised he's not offered to by it as a "trade" sale?
  22. Unfortunately I can't see this situation improving, leaving negative feedback is all part of the game. Chancers hoping to get some sort of compensation for their experience, whether imaginary or not. These people think that the internet offers anonimity and protection from saying whatever they like in a fit of rage that otherwise would have them standing in court