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Everything posted by metcars

  1. I don't know about you guys, but around here I see a Copart lorry delivering a few times a week? Nobody I know in the trade has anything to do with them. But, they're selling big numbers and 'someone' is buying them?
  2. Maybe you should put some more meat on the bones and let us decide if we would 'want' to invest our time and experience before we discuss "free trials"
  3. We're doing his market research for free? But, he's not the first do this on here.
  4. Define 'better'? I assume you mean better for the dealers not for AT. I can't imagine anyone taking over from AT and running hugely differently. AT's mistake was/is that they squeezed too much. But dealers will always be squeezed by advertisers, its a business too right? Yes new replacement AT can offer a few months free or a 'pen', but once the dust settles and the honeymoon period is over its back to normal. I am concerned that many guys feel this brave new world is going to be wonderful, I'd wait and see. PS: I don't advertise on AT, just my opinion as an observer
  5. Interesting, the cars I see locally on eastern europian plates are usually top line stuff. Often wondered how a guy could walk into a showroom in Romania (cars on dealer plates), buy a new/nearly new German performance saloon then drive half way round the world to work at B&M?
  6. Oh, right. I'm really surprised it goes through with a 'wrong' number?
  7. As I've mentioned before, the Polish guy at the end of my road has been rebuilding newish German Performance saloons in his front garden for a few years. He's a mechanic and has some sort of contract to service commercial vehicles for a few local delivery companies. My road is usually full up with various vans in various states of repair. Every now and then the council put stickers on cars but they're all taxed and MOT'd, just missing the for sale sign. He has 3/4 up for sale, god knows where because I've never found the ads. Although he seems to deal mostly with Eastern European buyers, and I think that they ignore the write-off and just buy what they see? But as has been mentioned before, the market for German Performance saloons is full of greedy people with no money. Interestingly, the paint is excellent. I don't know anyone round here can paint like that?
  8. Like anyone could make a grade 5 roadworthy?
  9. Don't do it! As the saying goes "there be dragons!"
  10. Sorry, I've got to ask, why change the first digit? And on the subject of cancelling the direct debits, be careful with the timing. not too soon not too late.
  11. To be fair, not everyone aspires to own or wants to have lots of money tied up in a "German performance saloon". Lots of punters buy bangers because they do their own servicing/repairs, and know exactly what they are looking for. It's not about buying 'anything' for 2k, its about buying another 'focus' 'clio' 'mondeo' like the last one? In my experience
  12. News just in: "Car dealer found innocent of anything!"
  13. Everything you need to know is probably already here and accessed by using search. You may be treated 'robustly' by some members who feel that everyone needs to spend a minimum 4 years purgatory working at a large dealership before venturing out on their own. The reality is that many started the same as you, but don't want to admit to it.
  14. Don't want to take this thread in the wrong direction, but I was in Brighton a few months back with my daughter, and parking in the town is hugely expensive, maybe on a par with my local parking?
  15. The place I use can do a mess of an ex-police car to ready-to-retail standard including a interior steam and a mop in less than a day?
  16. Hey, came passed your site today on the way to Rayleigh; plenty of shiny motors. Hope things are going well?
  17. They should be paying you for advertising not you paying them
  18. AT are in trouble. Other platforms are sitting on the fence like vultures waiting to pick the bones out of the fallout. These same other platforms can also see what some traders could/would pay for their advertising? It would be incredibly naive to think that these 'other' platforms won't be 'adjusting' their pricing when the coast is clear? Just my opinion
  19. Sadly, any negotiation that doesn't involve the seller looking the buyer in the eye during negotiations is going to encourage silly offers
  20. Maybe they're waiting to see how it all plays out at AT, just like the other players in the market
  21. Perhaps we could help your research by filling in a survey?
  22. So I'm getting the impression that even though its supposed to be a "trade/professional" deal, some of the vendors are treating it like a pot luck or Ebay sort of thing?
  23. Agree, a bit early to be handing out the cigars?
  24. Engines are a ticking time bomb, and engine swaps are part of ownership. Especially when young guys start driving them 'hard'. If he wants something quirky buy a beach buggy