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Everything posted by metcars

  1. I'm of an age when FB/twitter etc leaves me cold. so I'm with you BUT, social media and Ebay virtual showrooms are the future like it or not. The whole balloons, bunting and "car of the week" is dying on its feet. The whole nature of shopping, and the whole "one-click-delivery-by-drone-if-you-don't-like-it-send-it-back-for-a-full-refund is the business model of the future. I would think that for you guys that are in your 20/30s there are some interesting times ahead.
  2. Most of these seem to be bought by 'youtubers'
  3. A couple of observations, at 6'6" he's only 4" taller than me and I am quite comfortable driving a KA? And "69" previous convictions, blimey?
  4. Car SOS started off OK but the quality has steadily declined. I'm sure they'll be off to the US very soon, or doing a 'roadshow' I'm more Chasing Classic Cars at the moment
  5. Outstanding! You would have had to pay more for that if I was there!
  6. But, it has to be said that "any tom dick or Harry" can set up doing anything from plumbing to brick laying. Off the books and all with potentially dangerous results for the consumer. In my small collection of family and friends consisting mostly of self-employed tradesmen they all have stories to tell of being under cut and low balled by 'chancers' unqualified and here today gone tomorrow.
  7. Took the weekend off to go 'touring' in the old cmax. Two small issues. The first was that I noticed in the handbook that the rear seats come out so great. But, and with the caveat that I'm 6'2" ex rugby player, could not manage it? The combination of having to 'duck' inside the rear door, lift and support the rear seat at approx 45degrees, and operate 2 unlocking levers to release the seat while deadlifting it all up clear of the floorplan was too much for this old boy. The major fail was having two seperate levers to unlock the seat, which means having 3 arms. The second was while manouvering in a tight parking area outside some shops one evening the nearside sill made contact with some stone borders that will need paint. I was really annoyed about that. But, I'd be more annoyed if it was a 5yr old BMW? 'Smoke' on!
  8. Sneaked that one in there!
  9. Aah yes "the pointed finger points and always points down" Its a hardy perennial on this forum. You don't 'need' a showroom to offer service and quality. Plenty of crooks wear sharp suits!
  10. People think that being a car dealer is about selling cars, but for me its more about buying them. That's what makes this job interesting. I enjoy reading the market and researching 'hot' prospects, the cut and thrust of auctions, prepping and repairing. The selling is for me only 10% of the job. This is why I couldn't work for a large dealership, I couldn't just stand in a showroom all day, I may as well just sell carpet or photocopiers? Just my opinion?
  11. Almost anyone can sell good cars, its easy. What's hard is finding the right car at the right price.
  12. Yeah, I'm on a few motoring forums and one in particular (4x4) has a few guys who buy the odd non runner cheap, fix it and sell it on for a profit. When pressed they say they're not trading? Funny that?
  13. You get these issues in many walks of life. My brother in law has a small cleaning business, 3rd generation. Windows and office cleaning. He has a machine in the back of his van that cost a fortune and converts tap water into 'angels tears' to keep the council happy. But he has to contend with chancers with broken ladders and buckets of dirty water on JSA who undercut him and poach customers but only turn up for a month. Both his sons are self-employed, one's a plumber the others a 'chippy', same story of being undercut by unqualified 'chancers'. Does anyone on here employ a window cleaner?
  14. I've mentioned before the Polish guy on the corner of my road who started off doing mechanical work, then buying damaged repairables. He's now almost totally just buying and selling. But top end BMW/RR/Merc. He's got a newish silver Jeep on his fleet at the moment, endless stream of punters looking, but he can't seem to shift it. On a side note, did anyone ever read the articles that Peter Simpson (ex editor Car mechanics magazine/car dealer) wrote on home trading. If I remember correctly, he even wrote a guide available on subscription for a few months on how to do it. But, these days, so many people are looking for opportunities to earn on the side and there are even more people willing to show them how to do it, for a price?
  15. Sorry to sound obtuse but define 'good living'?
  16. I used to run a Mondeo with a 'banger loom'
  17. You hear so many stories/rumours anything is possible? Our lords and masters are influenced by 'fact finding missions'. Up until recently they would have been influenced by our EU partners. I seem to remember rumours about a europe wide vehicle excise duty system, but good or bad right or wrong that has come to an end: they could be looking at how the US do things. With all dealers registered and plates applied to owners rather than cars? Who knows?
  18. As I said earlier, every trade plate driver I see in my local area either covers or remove the original plates. But, in my local area there are cameras everywhere. You'd be spending half your life phoning up various agencies challenging various PCN's. God knows what happens if you drive over the Dartford crossing. You'd probably have to immigrate!
  19. Yes, I think in this instance its better to sell it on an 'expired' MOT than a huge 'failure'
  20. Sorry. To qualify for this thread it has to have cost less than £200 and be able to take the dog to the country park on a muddy day!
  21. The old cmax is holding up. A few issues. Everyone complains about the uncomfortable seats, you get out like a cowboy gets off a horse after a day in the saddle! The handbrake lever set way too close to the passenger seat, if the passenger has a coat on you have to 'dig around' to find it, not great for hill starts. Shocking A pillar blind spot. I'm 6'2" and I have to lean forward when negotiating a roundabout to sight the kerb, even worse at night in the rain. I've driven Zafira and Picasso and neither are that bad. It's not proving to be that good on fuel either, so its days could be numbered.....
  22. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, I've seen a 'lot' more trade plates being used in the last 12 months in my area (East London). Invariably they are used on vehicles with the existing plates either covered or removed. It's fair to say that 'plod' is pretty busy in my area and I've not heard any stories from the grapevine about trade platers being picked on, but we'll see.....?