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Everything posted by metcars

  1. I've followed Simon for years on youtube and always enjoyed watching the walkarounds. If by chance he's on this forum I'd be interested to see 'outtakes' or 'bloopers' especially on the test drives!
  2. Both BCA and Manheim are very keen to develop online purchase. They have both invested heavily in it and as far as they are concerned, it is clearly the way forward. The issue is whether the auction houses inspect vehicles to satisfy the 'vendor' or the 'buyer' or themselves?
  3. Ha! Manheim Colchester. I have brisk walk to tube station (10mins), central line tube to London Stratford (30mins), Stratford to Colchester (1hr), Colchester main station to town shuttle (10mins), 76 Bus from Colchester town to Manheim, which runs every 70mins! (30mins), Oh and then 20mins to get from the key office to 'top field' where my cars always end up! Even John Candy couldn't make that journey funny!
  4. It's a shame CDM get a quote from BCA/Manheim about the future of car auctions and/or the direction they are heading?
  5. I agree completely, but It's a bit like online banking, fine until there's a problem.
  6. That's all very well, but the auction houses clearly feel that online selling is the future (as they're investing a lot of money into it, and it makes life hugely easier for them) so we'll just have to get used to it!
  7. Online auction purchasing won't work until auction houses can be trusted to honestly describe 'all faults'.
  8. A little birdie tells me that Manheim are really beefing up their online buying side. New photo/inspection bays being built at Colchester. Who will be the first of the big auction houses to go 'onlline only' I wonder?
  9. Like all websites. Designed by giuys that don't understand why people use them?
  10. Depends what card you've got. The Manheim website explains the procedure and has the fees.
  11. This is how punters in 2017 do business. Interesting that 'punters' are looking for any fault invented or not to use as a negotiating lever. Good news is that if condition is less important, and if punters would rather have a cheaper car with an minor 'issue' we're all going to save a fortune in reconditioing and prep costs?
  12. Sadly, I agree with this. It's how people shop in 2017. they jump on google and find the cheapest one. There was a time when 'condition was everything' now its price. Don't forget that most 'average' punters don't enjoy car buying and see used car dealers as the spawn of satan! 'Average' punters see car purchase as just replacing the large metal box on the drive with another large metal box in 3yrs time; replacing one monthly finance payment with another monthly finance payment. So even more reasons to stay on google and off the forecourts. Obviously, there are always exceptions to the rule, maybe if you're selling something really special like a 1950's Ferrari?
  13. I agree with you, but as I've said before the 'new' ved system was put in place in readiness for future changes; it's just a 'key stone' as such. Don't forget road pricing is 'waiting in the wings' still?
  14. But why bother with such an elaborate deception when there's heaps of cat c/d stuff advertised on there anyway? Making good money too, by all accounts.
  15. Bloody 'AT' and that Cat D/C stuff is really annoying, especially in my neck of the woods. Is this a move by AT to make private buyers consider damaged repaired stuff in their searches now?
  16. BCA Bedford has an 'interesting' vibe, and that's from someone who usually attends BCA Enfield?
  17. I think there are many more changes on the way soon regarding 'toll roads' and how those charges are passed back to consumers. The updated VED system is just a building block for monthly charge back. Trade plates are a loose end for them to tie up. Sit back and enjoy the ride?
  18. I was under the impression that P/T was intended for someone who was for example working as a 'GP' for 5 days a week and a car dealer for two, hence part time? Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if P/T insurance actually worked out more expensive
  19. Interesting, my broker told me my insurance would be going up now because of my ahem 'age'? Insurance man speak with forked tongue
  20. Too cheap, should have been £595 with a 'clutch' and they can make an offer on that?
  21. That's what happens when you sell a 'lemon' to the local gangsters?
  22. I used to know a guy that delivered boats for a living. He had some great stories to tell