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Everything posted by metcars

  1. can't have a thread about cleaning products without mentioning Stardrops
  2. Not noticing the V5 was missing is one thing, but thinking it was diesel as well sounds like 'early onset dementia'
  3. I don't know any small traders who do well auctioning cars regardless of the company. I've always found that an 'honest' description on ebay will get stuff sold. But as mentioned before, Ebay has its own issues these days and is not for the feint hearted!
  4. Give it a few days, they usually come through in time
  5. .... and then £2000 we should have spent! Apart from the obvious, the Alfasud was a good car for its age. Twin cam, 5spd, discs all round etc. But.....?
  6. Wheeler dealers has a lot to answer for!
  7. Welcome! From where are you intending to source your stock?
  8. I was just wondering what the definition is of 'part time'. If there's a full time job that allows me unlimited days off to go to auctions, prep and deliver cars and be available to deal with customers anytime at short notice I want in!
  9. Does anyone else remember having to queue up behind HGV's in a car to use the one diesel pump in the petrol station? Diesels originally had two advantages, economy and longevity/robustness. Modern manufacurers seem to now just focus on the economy side leaving an expensive fragile ticking time bomb under the bonnet. I've personally owned a couple of old ('90s) diesel 4x4s that easily ran to 300k on their original IP and HG but struggled to do more than 25mpg, but they're 'still' running.
  10. I've done a few hundred miles in my old banger C-max and its not put a foot wrong. I think it will benefit from a gearbox oil change and a set of plugs but anyway. So today I'm in traffic (as usual) and I get a whiff of coolant. Hmm.. pull over and lift the bonnet, can't see anything leaking out. Obviously, I have to use the ignition key to unlock the bonnet so the engine is off when I checked. Carry on my journey, feeling the carpet and mentally pricing up heater radiators. Got home and checked under the bonnet again and there's a jet of steam coming out of the header tank, a crack about 10mm right next to the pipe connectors. Managed to pick one up from a breakers this afternoon (£10) and I'll be putting it on in the morning.
  11. Wow, a 2 litre Focus! Well done that man. I've always found them really hard work.
  12. For a while I had an old astra auto estate with 130k, it was unstoppable! I don't want to tie up money, I much prefer to use my 'stack' for buying stock. I'm not bothered about impressing the neighbours either.
  13. She's gone, because of elderly parents and a wheelchair to consider I've upgraded to a '04 cmax as my 'smoker'. It came from the block, I bid £195 and its mine. 122k, history and ticket, 3 owners, silver and working air. Bad side, a bit whiney around 35mph but not too bad (banana skins), horribly undergeared, and almost no driving dynamics, but better than the bus
  14. It would be interesting to see the reply if you accepted the offer? I was watching a comedian on Youtube who decided to reply to the African prince spam. Hilarious!
  15. A few years back I bought an '03 vitara soft top with a bad gearbox. We had a box all lined up ready to go in, and was all set until we saw the rust underneath! Shame as it was spot on otherwise. Even then I got my cash back when I pushed it back through the block. I like all these little offroaders, especially Mitsubishi Pinin, but there not for the feint hearted.
  16. Good news, as said above there is a healthy market for these soft roaders. Sell these to my "posh horsey ladies that lunch" But, watch out for rust.
  17. Needs must when the devil drives! and the devil tends to driver cars over 10yrs and/or under £1k
  18. But not everyone wants or can afford a nearly new car. If dealers are effectively squeezed out of stocking them because of buyers unrealistic expectations what then?
  19. Who said it was the box? If it's cutting out when drive is selected it's more likely going to be idle valve/throttle body/vacuum related? Probably disturbed when the box was swapped.
  20. It's 17yrs old, what sort of "reversing experience" does she expect?