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Everything posted by metcars

  1. But is it that easy to set up as a 'car auction' to sidestep any consumer rights (check their terms and conditions) when you are clearly just retailing cars? why don't we all do it?
  2. That Brexit needs shooting and putting out of it's misery!
  3. So, is it that easy to set up as a car auction and sell 'sold as seen' ? All Vehicles are sold as seen on trade terms, exactly as they would be at any other auction. The sales invoice will show further info regarding the terms of sale. Every buyer will be asked to read and sign a 'trade sale' invoice upon purchase
  4. Don't forget that in the event of an accident, your driving will also come under scrutiny. So watch out you budding F1 drivers!
  5. ^^This! The auction sites will just become storage areas. You will sit at home bidding on pictures because they won't even have to bother to start and drive them. In fact, they must be looking at companies like Copart and how they auction thousands of vehicles without a physical sale. You can't bid unless you are account holder, with a verified bank account and ID check so no more 'bid and run' gimps! We lose they win massively, especially as sales can run 24/7 so the private billies can play too.
  6. I said to the guy on the gate to the car park "didn't they want any customers?", He said, management reckon buyers can park elsewhere? I wouldn't leave my car in front of any of those industrial units for sure! But, I'm convinced we're being softened up for no public access and online only set up.
  7. Well done all the guys at Paddock Wood today for doing a great job keeping the buyers away by closing the customer car park! Sadly, a few managed to get passed this initial obstacle, but hopefully next time they'll park some 'specs' outside to block off the site completely!
  8. Online is the future, they can run 24/7 and minimal costs for them
  9. Judging by the number of straight cars with substantial accident damage coming through the block as p/x's I'd say a lot of people just don't bother involving insurance at all as long as the car still functions.
  10. There was talk years ago of Manheim Wimbledon having a Saturday sale but it came to nothing. I can't see why the big two can't have more evening/weekend sales?
  11. Seem to be a lot more on AT these days. I blame all those US youtube channels buying copart cars to fix up and sell on. Although running a business reparing salvage to retail in the UK is still a dark art.
  12. I've found that punters are more scared of buying a 'broken' car off a trader than a private seller, as the implication is that if trade can't/won't fix it what chance do they have?
  13. Urban legend. New Harleys are now bought by middle aged guys raiding their pensions for tax free lump sums
  14. Try tapping the reg in here!
  15. Great example of this EJ59ESY, it's a howler!
  16. So, I've got a few sheds in my garden and one doesn't get opened often. When I eventually did open it up I happened to look up and there was a huge wasp nest hanging from the roof. I thought I'd be clever and spray some 'junk' on it but big mistake, as they erupted from the nest I stepped smartly back and tripped over the step of the shed, doing a complete backward roll out into the garden!
  17. And that's the reason auction houses have been so keen on online bidding. Plus welcoming privates with open arms!
  18. Nobody is safe! If those sorts of 'nasty' people want to find where you live, they will? Think like a MI5 agent. Always take a different route home. Zig zag to avoid the bullets
  19. 1993 2.5TD 270k miles. I owned it for 10yrs and apart from a couple of oil changes a year a the usual MOT bits it just ran and ran. One morning I was dropping my daughter at college and it blew up! Catastrophic engine failure? I sold it to some African guy who probably shipped it back home where it got a new engine and another 270k miles!
  20. Same here. Originally they were the only ones who'd cover my old diesel shogun. Ironically it was them that recovered me home when the engine eventually blew itself to bits one morning!
  21. If all the supplying dealers on DA have a 'reserve' then they probably don't care where it's sold and to whom? DA could still administer the whole deal and use their size to get a good deal from the auction houses (low fees, free collection etc). Plus it must be hugely faster to turn them around, rather than have to deal with hairy arsed traders turning up at the lot 'kicking off' in front of customers?
  22. But if DA entered all the stock under one name at bca they get a mega deal wouldn't they?