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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Is she doing his video walk arounds?
  2. This week it's wedged between the parcel shelf and the hatch half concealed?
  3. So, any 'issues' on my daughters insurance stay there. My insurance wont drag it up at renewal time!
  4. I'd imagine if I was a named driver on my daughter's insurance that I'd have to declare that to my insurance company. could that bite me in the ass?
  5. As above everything is 'on'. I don't like to give the police any opportunity to pull me over thanks. It's no fun having to explain trade insurance to two coppers who got overexcited thinking you're uninsured!
  6. How does the CDM collective deal with their kids car insurance? If they have their own insurance and you are a named driver, is that kosher? Bearing in mind my trade insurance? Second, I've been hearing that having a black box is not all it's cracked up to be?
  7. If you don't ask you don't get? You can haggle a deal with BCA and manheim
  8. It's a shame that back in the day, before they redeveloped the site, that enfield couldn't have 'grabbed' the land around the exit, to use as parking, and so buyers could load and unload without parking issues. Instead they have a silly small customer car park that is usually used for 'stock overflow' and the exit that as you found leads straight onto public road.
  9. I think Wimbledon could really crack it if they had a saturday sale same as BCA enfield? Looks like they're back online now so panic over, as you were! :-)
  10. Next to Vauxhall dealership!
  11. Location, location, location? Next to the cemetery opposite B&Q, nice!
  12. Hiopefully it's just a glitch on the computer system as you said? Weird though.
  13. I was only watching online yesterday! And yes, helpful staff, dead easy for me to jump the tube and drive back. Be a shame if they've closed. But one things for sure, BCA Paddock wood and Blackbushe will get a whole lot busier! I knew guys that came up from the south coast to attend Wimbledon!
  14. Hope so, I know there were whispers about some Manheim 'restructuring' ages ago. I always thought it would be Northampton as they're heaps of auctions up in the midlands area already?
  15. Hmmmm? When you go into 'catalogues and events' they are not in the list?
  16. I can't seem to get any catalogues for next week on the website, is it just me? I'm always the last to know these things, so I'm hoping they've not shut the branch.
  17. A headmaster that's into the rat rod scene? Lol Who gives a shit. If AD smells a profit and his gut says it will sell then go for it. Don't forget a 20k car can bite you in the ass too?
  18. metcars


    Meh, I'm still not convinced? Nothing is set in stone. If it looks like a vote winner and the latest wave of government 'advisors' just out of uni agree, it'll happen.
  19. metcars


    The problem will be when the govt decide to kill them off, whenever that will be; next year, next 10yrs? And ramp up fuel duty and VED so that only our Nick and Alan Sugar can afford to run them! Of course, that will affect 'everyone' wherever you live, there's no escape.
  20. It was a while ago now, and it was never my regular stamping ground, but I think Northfleet industrial estate? Did it have the long downhill entrance road?
  21. Back in the day, when jap imports were the thing, I remember a place in Dartford that were building skylines out of parts!
  22. Well thanks to you i've pretty much narrowed down the issue. But being my daily driver it is now at the back of a queue of other cars!