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Everything posted by metcars

  1. We joined the 'common market' because our economy in the 70s was on its knees. It was our salvation.
  2. I've been tempted by Blackbushe, but the thought of having to get back by rail to pick something up is a big groan Is that 'traveller' site still opposite?
  3. If the fumes don't kill you the cigarette smoke will!
  4. Well, he's describing 'London commuter land', so anywhere from Brighton in the South, to Northampton up north, probably beyond too
  5. Hasn't Rees Mogg set one up in Dublin, oh wait no that's something else! If I remember rightly, back in the 2008/9 times, all the 'big' boys were panicking and starting buying bangers at the block for silly money?
  6. Stop focusing on the negative nick, think of all those exciting business opportunities in china and india you're free to take advantage of. Plus with all that extra money they can plough into the NHS, if it does go tits up, you're well sorted for hyper tension!
  7. I guess, 20yrs will see the majority of motorists using EV, a small hard core of petrol heads/enthusiasts will have to hunt around for 'petrol stations'. The affect of all this on the oil producing nations of the middle east will be interesting? Also interesting to see how the 'ordinary' US motorists take to EV?
  8. Although I agree with you, the current infrastructure couldn't cope with demand. But I think the future could well involve people rethinking how they use transport generally. Lots of guys look at an EV as just replacing what's sitting on the drive now, but that might not be the case. Maybe the future involves more car sharing, public transport, cycling? The 'freedom of the open road' that we were sold in the 60s is well and truly over. Don't shoot the messenger!
  9. Round my way, they'll knock down a phone box and build 30 flats on it. The latest trend is developing sites of pubs that have shut down. Big dealership near me (imperials) 'had a fire' recently. Be interesting to see what happens to that site?
  10. Possibly for investment purposes but a car purchase would be at the bottom of my list.
  11. Easy, call their premium rate emergency number and they'll arrange for a mobile charging unit to come out to you! At a price!
  12. Yes, 'debtors prison'. Interestingly the victorians only made debtors live there (with their family/dependants), they still had freedom to work and pay back the debt! Dickens wrote about the notorious Marshalea prison in South London.
  13. Poacher turned gamekeeper Sadly, stories like "I bought a used car and I had a fantastic experience" don't sell newspapers. Not forgetting. writing a couple of hundred words a week for the Daily Telegraph must be nice lucrative work if you can get it? And there's no end to stories and anecdotes if you set up your own website to encourage punters to 'burp up' stories (true or otherwise).
  14. Its a fact. Not that I'm religious, around these parts every day is a festival of something or other. But, I can treat Christmas day just like any other, and so do most of my potential customers.
  15. It's the 'family & friends' curse!
  16. Very true. Lazy journalism. Sadly, these types of consumer watchdog shows tend to leave 'the big boys' alone?
  17. I live in east london, christmas is a minority religious festival? I will probably have a roast dinner on christmas day but other than that its business as usual? More importantly i'm not very excited at the prospect of 10 days away on a lonely 'rat fucked' spanish beach!
  18. There are crooks at 'every' level in this business!
  19. The point of my post was that companies like Currys/PC World have the latest trendy sales techniques. I am always watching and listening to how they handle people to maximise spending. I rarely agree with how they handle people, and obviously used cars are a very different commodity to a camera, but people handling is the same.
  20. My claim to fame is being part of the "I nearly bought an Astra" thread, comedy gold!