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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Dont feel bad, with the council budgets being cut, 'enforcement' is the gift that keeps giving!
  2. If its all about the cost, buy a cheap ticket to preston and drive it back. You can get some bargains train tickets these days if you are flexible and avoid rush hour. Then drive it back? If you can manage to get a ticket in the afternoon you can have a nice easy drive back late in the evening (which i always prefer). Dont shoot me, just a suggestion? Lol
  3. metcars


    Well, i didn't mean just the background, more the photographic technicalities. But i see your point. Although i'm a confirmed 'city boy' and living in the sticks has no appeal to me. I even tried it for a while! Lol
  4. metcars


    To be fair, Nick's images take some thought and planning. It's not all just the camera?
  5. I would pay to hear your '90yr old bulgarian voice!' Ha!
  6. Another great story that further backs up my opinion on using a bargepole where F&F deals are concerned?
  7. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Fewer staff having to work harder and under pressure. But, I don't think it will be long before auctions become online only. Physical auctions are becoming less attractive to auction houses for 'many' reasons.
  8. Funny really, you'd think they'd be 'deducting' the online buying fee from the purchase price to encourage you to buy online.
  9. I'm surprised cars this good didn't end up on DA?
  10. Over the years i've made a point of making friends with a few drivers at a couple of my regular auctions. It pays off. But many drivers are agency and are not necessarily qualified to comment on what is a good or bad 'clutch'. good luck
  11. Plenty of 'characters' up north too, don't stick it on us southerners! Lol
  12. Good news, It's all better now apparently. So fill your boots!
  13. As happy as i am for the OP i still think this is all down to the rarest of things, a sympathetic court for a motor trader?
  14. I was having loads of agro with their simulcast last night too
  15. Interesting subject. I would imagine you could actually calculate the odds of being able to purchase a car from auction with no 'issues' that then sells immediately. The dilemma would be would you buy the car with long odds or short?
  16. AT benefit from a 'free market economy' as we all do? Why punish them for making a profit, they are just a business not moral arbiters?
  17. Forgetting cars for a moment. Are you a salesman Lucas? Can you 'read' people? Can you think on your feet? It's either in you or its not. And If it doesn't come naturally, you'll find this job hard work very quickly. This topic reminds me of a conversation i had with someone about Trump. And how he is a brilliant and successful businessman? But when you are born into a wealthy family surrounded by expert advisors to evaluate every prospective deal how can you lose?
  18. You'll get thrown out of the forum for 'union talk'
  19. I think the magazine is missing a huge opportunity. You know the sort of thing, sign up for 12 monthly instalments, workshop with guest speakers, reduced lawgistics pack. A sort of trade along with CDM? Why not, every man and his dog is doing it on youtube these days?