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Everything posted by metcars

  1. That's the problem with reviews, it's the negative ones that are so much more fun to read
  2. I had a guy call about a car for his wife. He was a brit working in south africa, and his wife lived in spain but she was visiting her mum in folkestone? I was actually walking in asda in canterbury thinking it was a scam but the deal actually happened. Oh and a Mitsi shogun before you ask.
  3. It's a shame Bridget the midget doesn't do detailing?
  4. Main stream media is too busy pointing the finger of blame elsewhere?
  5. Will he appear, 1 for less likely to or 5 for most likely to?
  6. I'd be really surprised if the council let you set up doing A/C recharging without wanting you to jump through some hoops first?
  7. They're not just ebay punters though. They are punters that use ebay. They'll use the same technique when the create an imaginary fault with their holiday?
  8. IMO the moaning is just part of the process. Because they feel that if they present themselves as unhappy/wronged whether rightly or wrongly there will be a financial reward?
  9. Things have been quiet here in east london. I was thinking of starting a thread about gardening?
  10. Yeah but its not like they come on here, suck us dry for info then sell it back to us is it?
  11. Stunning insight. Bearing in mind all the information that he has at his disposal?
  12. I'm curious to know, with weather like this, how traders at the seaside are doing, where is "tradex?"
  13. It appears that just over half the country have no idea how business works or what a supply chain is?
  14. I get this, "rat fucked" would be the modern street slang? Sadly, many punters are as likely to service/repair a car as they are their TV? Let'sbe honest, who do you know that is not connected to the motor trade that actually goes into a motor factors for any reason other than to buy stickers or speakers?
  15. ... and make sure they don't put the leaky old banger above one of mine!
  16. I agree, it seems the average punter feels regular maintenance is a waste of money. Just neglect the vehicle until it either has a catastrophic breakdown or is no longer capable of passing an MOT?
  17. Really, I'd understand if it was an E type Jag or an Austin Healey. But do people really blow their pension draw down on a 16yr old BMW cab? Weird?
  18. The average punter thinks a car dealer working from home just sits around all day watching judge judy waiting for the phone to ring
  19. Before you find your motor trade 'internship' make sure to pick up a sense of humour?
  20. I want to improve my surgical skills, so if any doctors want some help at the weekends I am available and I can work for free?
  21. No, i'm with you totally. The figure that sprang to mind was £1995 while the suns shining! And yes, megane cabs are popular! As far as the 16yr old BMW is concerned, 'emperors clothes'?
  22. So i'm interested to lnow what is the typical punter for this sort of thing? Surely Its too old to impress the neighbours? And not old enough to be a real 'classic'