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Everything posted by metcars

  1. I think you'll need some legal advice
  2. I was more "bless this house" than "Terry & June" to be fair.
  3. Yes, in fact the banks cause the biggest issues. Especially with their assumption that 'everyone' has internet access and/or an 'app' on their phone. Obviously the young guys at head office can't comprehend that not everyone is always on their phone?
  4. I'm too lazy to check but wasn't Terry a sales exec? So, in 2018 he'd be a bitter burnt out alcoholic doing 30,000 miles a year and hardly at home, June would be shagging around, and socialising with 'ladies that lunch'? Also, do any of those cars still exist? A huge amount of TV show cars have been tracked down and restored You won't get this sort of entertainment in the 'secret room'
  5. And of course back then poor Terry couldnt even plunder his pension and buy a 'classic' BMW e46?
  6. If 'Terry & June' was based in 2018 they'd have a white mercedes?
  7. There are a few guys on here who's opinion I value highly and you are one of them, so we're good!
  8. If you need somewhere to moan about people there's always mumsnet? Seriously though, a 'secret room' was voted in by many so problem solved I guess. If guys don't want to post outside of it then so be it. Personally I have not great secrets to divulge, or any desire to exctract information from anyone. And to my mind, if a trader is 'bent' and is out there now selling he probably knows more tricks than you ever will and has nothing to learn from us? I don't think we'll ever agree on this, but hey, you won and I lost. Let's just move on.
  9. My dad is 84, he still pays all his bills by cash at the post office. He has no mobile and no internet. Bearing in mind we are heading to be a 'cashless' society, and this along with assumed online access, there is no place in that world for him. Sad
  10. Me too, the secret room is already here for those that want to use it? Also, it is up to the 'mods' to move topics that they think would be better suited to the secret room?
  11. +1 it's theirs once its payed for. And Sods law dictates that if you wait 7 days it will come back on day 8!
  12. And Sellotape would come off in the rain?
  13. Has anyone actually sold a car to a TS guy?
  14. ... and make sure you help him tax it!
  15. Accusing you of 'clocking' in front of customers might need thinking about? Slander?
  16. Take us all out for a curry?
  17. Sounds like an opportunity for the magazine to do some investigative journalism?
  18. Can't see why they couldn't do it overnight and keep the system live during the day. Even the banks manage to do that?
  19. I used to think getting older was an advantage but it appears not. There is a 'sweet spot' age wise, or at least as far as insurance companies are concerned. Although the guy at bollingtons seemed keen for my business. Even after i pointed out that he'd make more money out of a young 'jazzer' with 9 points and a front full of Bmw's? You could be right. I don't have a huge 'want/need' list with an insurer so its mostly down to price? I've been with tradewise for years so i don't know what i'm missing.
  20. I'm already on the case! I've not heard of any recent changes to IPT or any other stealth charges that could be used as an excuse, have you? And my postcode and history haven't changed in the last year other than being another year older!
  21. I appreciate this is subjective but i've just been offered renewal of my Tradewise insurance with a 30% increase, sounds like a negotiating point to me? How have you guys found it this year?
  22. Interesting, a lot of guys on here are pretty rigid with pricing and don't give much away, so i'm interested to see this thread develop?
  23. Wasnt there anything else on your pitch you could flog them at 8k?
  24. I suppose this could be described as a modern classic being 25yrs old? But let's face it, being 'old' isn't enough to justify 'classic' status? I owned a couple of mk2 RS2000. Keep it to yourself, they weren't that great. They were a huge jump from a standard escort but that awful pinto engine was a 'nail'