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Everything posted by metcars

  1. .... and after hundreds of motorway miles in the last week it has behaved itself. Did 300 miles last thursday, but friday morning pulled off the drive and noticed a 'patch' of liquid. Investigation shows a leak from the power steering pump hose connector. My dilemma is, do I 'cheap skate' with a set of used pipes or invest in a set from main dealer, or bail out?
  2. I actually prefer cold burnt toast; must have lots of butter though
  3. Perhaps, but just because he 'can' buy the car back doesn't mean he 'should'. OP has to consider that, what looks on the face if it a cheap fix with some panels, could be far more complex if the frame needs a pull. It will never drive in a straight line, have odd dangerous handling and run through a set of tyres once a month!
  4. +1 bent as a banana. Has OP considered that he could be buying back a heap of trouble!
  5. Maybe one day we'll start a thread oulining the details of our own personal receipts. And build a 'super receipt' incorporating ideas from all of us. I'm guessing it will be a substantial document!
  6. I have noticed that some guys do tend to drive these pretty hard?
  7. My old Henry just keeps on going. I actually found a local guy that runs a business repairing them in his shed workshop.
  8. They're not everybody's cup of tea but I love those old Chapman Lotus's. I've owned loads of them, back in the 80s nobody wanted them or understood them, so if you knew what you were buying, bargains. Until the prices went mental and the Japanese starting buying everything. Even I sold a car away to Tokyo!
  9. I quite enjoy spotting daily drive classics (get a lot here in London), annoys the hell out of my daughter with me saying "hey, I had one of those". But I tend to avoid classic car shows, mostly because of the people. I still can't get over the Lotus Cortina being over 50yrs old, where does the time go?
  10. They made quite an impact on the world for a 'dagenham dustbin'? The car i've not seen for a 'long' time is a HS chevette, they are rare as hens teeth
  11. Where is it you live again, do you get a lot of Lotus Cortinas?
  12. If my local bank is anything to go by they don't. Great conversation heard in my bank while queuing, "can I ..................?" "no sir!" "why not?" "because that would be fraud sir!" "but what if I........?" Etc, etc Also, am I the only one that seems to regularly get caught waiting at the cash till why someone tries about 10 different cards?
  13. Sounds like BMW buyers who insist on buying cars with BMW history but are happy to cram it full of cheap pattern parts as s p/x?
  14. So I'm curious, what are the 'twat' magnets you avoid? (expects a long list of cars, that everyone will add to, eventually including every production car built in the last 20yrs)
  15. Kudos I don't mind a 'punt' on a banger with a lamp on, but it's a brave man that puts 'real money' into a non-runner, especially as it's been through the trade before it gets to the block?
  16. I'm good to go, I can play guitar and paint!
  17. Don't get me started on supermarkets. Although I think the days of going to the supermarket are numbered. They want you to order online and have it delivered. That way they don't have to provide parking, heating, toilets etc. The supermarket will become a logistics hub for local delivery vans, sparsely manned. It's the future of retail and lets be honest the banks have already started down this road. But the retail boffins have obviously decided that employing humans is a barrier to 'profit'. Again, worrying?
  18. Yes, that's what doesn't make sense! If you're going to surecheck it you make sure it will pass first?
  19. Yes, you're right, they've mugged you off. But, my golden rule is ALWAYS attend the sale. Never fails me
  20. It's probably my age, but I tend to not use machines if there is a person available. Same in the supermarket with self-checkout, we'll be unloading the trucks out the back as well soon! There is a worrying trend to replace real people with machines, machines don't buy cars?
  21. Exactly this. I have posted about this before on this website. I wonder if these 'checks' are actually free for vendors, or they get a few free and pay for the rest? But, these mechanical checks are designed for the 'vendor' to help sell a car and inspire confidence to bidders to buy. There's little advantage for trade buyers other than another extra charge on the bill. But, clearly, the vendors are 'cherry picking' cars to 'check', and avoiding the lemons? I buy all my stock from the big two. Buying privately doesn't work for me. Personally, I find that private buyers on the whole lie about condition and when you weigh in travelling around London and its a bust. If I was buying 'specialist' vehicles or mint 1owner FSH high end then I understand that buying privately could work, but that's not where I am sadly. I'd be the first to admit that buying at the block is not without its perils but if it was easy everyone would do it?
  22. But, at the end of the day, we all know that 'surecheck' was created to inspire confidence from private bidders rather than trade? Other than an additional charge there is no tangeable benefit for traders, you cannot pass that 'surecheck' on as added value at sale time? EPV don't buy anything without viewing it in person first, buying on-line is all very well, but buying sight unseen from 'any' auction is scary!
  23. My local NatWest is like this. Originally 5 tills then 4, 3 now its just two cashiers and some awful machines that never work. Although there is now a large reception desk like a hotel with two ladies always sitting there txting their husbands and fending off customers trying to jump the queue; and a floorwalker asking if "you wouldn't be better off using the machines instead of queing". Banking used to be a good job, back in the day only grammar school kids got jobs in a bank. But now it seems to be mostly sales driven, with my own branch having two mortgage/loan advisors sitting there waiting for customers pen in hand. Sad