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Everything posted by metcars

  1. And those annoying automated calls that are silent until you speak and trigger them into working. Whenever i receive a call i always pause for a few seconds! Interesting that apparently automated call dialers are supposed to be illegal, but they just call them something else and carry on using them. I don't think we'll ever be able to protect ourselves from these col calls. The information containing our details is available for purchase by anyone with enough money. But i suspect this same information is finding its way from the 'top' down rather than from the 'bottom' up? You think PPI, compensation and ambulance chasing lawyers werebad. Just wait until you are over 50 and the bloody pension companies start on you!
  2. Just read the story in the magazine about the guy that went to prison for accessing private data and selling it on to his mates. My phone rings every day with offers i have no interest in from people who have obviously obtained my details without my consent. Why can't they catch those people and send them to prison? In fact this morning at 8:15 i had a call about laser eye surgery, strange that i was in the optician a few weeks back. And i NEVER sign/agree to anything! Hmmm i wonder?
  3. RIP LVRO Even though they were always 'rammed' the local vehicle registration office was handy?
  4. My old launch died last year. It certainly paid for itself! That's all very true, and i find it a struggle to absorb a lot of the theory. Finding i have to reread things, its an age thing! Speaking as a son with a mum suffering from chronic dementia, 'use it or lose it!'
  5. I agree, if matey wants to play fast and loose with his docs that's his look out. What's next, lecturing them on speeding? I resent being given responsibility for something that I have absolutely no control over!
  6. This looks like a really good bit of kit for the money? I'm guessing I'm the only one that doesn't have one!
  7. I thought all you guys that live out in the sticks were all friendly and just did each other favours?
  8. Fiat 500's are popular with two sorts of people, 20yr old girls and car thieves?
  9. Is that the idiot that took the 911 to the track and drove it with a terminal engine issue. LS swapped it and fucked it again!
  10. We rented yard space on a rural industrial estate years ago. It was full of builders storage, scaffolding and double glazing companies. The problem for us was cars left unattended attract unwanted attention. Especially 'pikey ninjas' in the night!
  11. Did you get an accurate diagnosis of a inlet manifold gasket or just take a gamble?
  12. It sometimes sounds a little 'tinkly' on an open throttle and lumpy at idle. But yeah I'll have to dig a bit further. Don't want to turn this forum into Piston Heads?
  13. I've got a 1.6VCT that does exactly the same, fine when cold but randomly idle starts bounching until you touch the gas. Feels sluggish. It usually recovers after a while and no codes or EML. O2 sensors and trims seem fine and no vac leaks. I was wondering if it's the MAF?
  14. No, I think you'll find that giving sweets to kids is universally frowned upon, wherever you live!
  15. Looks like it's been driven by 'school run mum'
  16. ECP used to be reasonable quality back in the day, but now price is king and quality has steadily declined. Whenever i'm in my local branch there's always someone rucking about a return!
  17. I'm having to diagnose from a distance. I'll check this out in the morning. Many thanks
  18. Electric. The latest pump has been in about 18 months. Cooling fan has started running more than usual which was an early symptom of the last pump failing. Coolant is circulating?
  19. So.......... I'll save you from the boring back story, but are E90 325i BMW water pumps made from chocolate? Not done 90k and the third pump sounds like it's failing?
  20. But, these on-line car clubs have endless turgid buying guides, where every minute aspect of a car has to be ticked before purchasing. If all those one make clubs maintained their cars to the same standard as detailed in their pre purchase inspections, they'd all be 'perfect'? They all want to buy a car lavished in attention with no expense spared but don't understand their obligations to carry on like that when they are the owner. Instead the poor things get 'tracked to fuck', budget tyres and only see a workshop when it fails the MOT.
  21. +1 Must have asked for buying advice on Piston Heads?
  22. Shouldn't it be "The ultimate guide to 'becoming' a car dealer"? It's about the journey not the destination