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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Well, well, well, I never knew that?
  2. Its interesting the lengths they have to go to obtaining a dealer licence, only to then happily sell old crap. There's a few guys on youtube buying old shit from Copart and supplying hillbilly side-of-the-road dealer (with a dealer licence) with his stock? Its surprises me that in such a litigious country that you can get away with that?
  3. There are lots of those type of bew build housing estates/gated communities near me. You literally step outside the front door onto the road. Its clever how the architects have found a way to do away with front gardens and pavements and made the road 'soft'.
  4. Wasn't the idea of computerising mot to align with other eu member states. I seem to remember reading about being able to renew mot whatever country you were in. But the idea ran out if steam. Obvs not going to happen now?
  5. My memory is not what it was but back in the distant past i remember guys having to have good reason to park commercial vehicles on the street overnight. Vans had to go back to the yard at the end if the day. Obviously being able to take your sign written work van home has huge advantages but round these parts 'everyone' is a courier/builder? My mum has just gone into a care home thats located on the edge of a new build housing estate. If you visit at night the roads are like vanorama! They block the pavements, create pinch points and make it difficult to drive down the narrow streets
  6. I'm not concerned about privates buying at auction. I think their impact on prices is exaggerated. And they've probably watched too many daytime tv programmes about auctions. The real threat is from 'proper' buyers who decide to start buying in my price range, especially guys who think they need to buy cheaper than their usual stock. Which probably explains the small 5-8k site near my dads place with an 02 focus (nice enough) up for £1500!
  7. Vans being so civilised these days probably explains why half the population seem to use one as a daily driver!
  8. I think it is pretty much the last second. But there can only be one winner, even when more than one bidder is using sniping software.
  9. Yes. Obviously BCA must be watching Manheim. If Wimbledon closes, Enfield will be the only premier auction site in London? But the Enfield site is tight and there doesn't appear to be a way they can expand. Unless they move?
  10. Yes, although Northampton and Wimbledon are usually pretty will stocked. Manheim Colchester is way overloaded, with cars being stored all over the local area outside of the auction site. Northampton and Wimbledon don't appear to have the ability to 'expand' so things look bad. It's a shame as if they close Wimbledon Manheim will only have colchester in the South East as a whole? And obviously for traders South and South West, you can expect more faces at Paddock Wood and Blackbushe. I think that the large auction groups will eventually become online only. It's a win for them, not only do they 'not' have to provide facilities (toilets, restaurants etc) but they won't have any 'issues' at the payment desk. Nobody can disappear after a winning bid. They can use car park for extra storage (a few already do this) and it will encourage buyers to use their 'inspection' and 'delivery' service. It's the future! Oh and cheaper insurance if members of the public are not getting crushed!
  11. Did anyone else notice the story about manheim 'reshaping'. Looks like some if the sites are being shut and others expanded. My two favourites, wimbledon and northampton are looking vulnerable?
  12. I suppose when everyone is eventually using sniping software instead of manual bidding, Yes, i understand how sniping software works. My question is if more than one person is bidding on the same item and they are all using sniping software what decides who wins? What makes one sniping bidder faster than another?
  13. Yeah but eventually everyone will use sniping software, who wins?
  14. What happens when everyone is 'sniping'? Is there 'super sniper'?
  15. I'd imagine that all auction houses do the same. Bca/manheim must be able to see from their website what lots are getting the most views and what lots are being 'watched'. They can adjust their reserves accordingly using this info?
  16. It's easy to blame lack of maintenace on the 'potless' but it seems to be the norm at many levels. You only have to spend some time on car forums to see the lengths some people will go to to not repair their car properly. Bodging and fudging is almost an art form! And when its held together with string and glue they limp it to a dealer as a part ex. I've mentioned before but i actually had a punter that was convinced having an MOT every year classed as a service?
  17. This! More than anything else, owners lack of maintenance or at least minimal maintenance is making buying really tough for me. It seems that owning a car is about how little you have to spend on it between MOT's. Of the stuff I buy, less and less are coming with any history, other than a book with a few stamps from when it was nearer to new. Nobody seems to DIY service any more, which makes buying older cars a lottery, after all if you are intending to do nothing to a car for years, not even change the oil, when you swap it in it's going to be rough!
  18. If you are going to employ a salesperson to run the site why does it need to be within daily commuting distance for you. Instead, buy a site 'up north' for peanuts and get stock for peanuts. It's all way too expensive down South.
  19. I can see it now, sprayed matt black with rattle cans in the front garden. Big drug dealer rims. Cheap ebay induction kit and bean can exhaust. Drift car!!!
  20. Somebody thought it was clever to slash the job to the bone and kill the pensions. Back when the recession started the Public sector workers were the first to have the finger of blame pointed at them from the daily fail readers. All the good teachers have left the job. Whoops! But don't forget "we're all in it together"
  21. Thank god i thought i was the only one that has 'aux' issues! Sounds like a guy that will save huge amounts of money!
  22. The US has become obsessed with the whole 'Copart rebuilding' thing.
  23. Max Brannings car site runs itself? Where does he get his stock from?
  24. I've done two this week so far. Missed a call on Christmas day, gutted! Stupid Christmas!