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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Don't they do something like that to mount big speakers in? Cost about £200 What I usually find is 'everything' missing. So, you can't just stick a Halfords scissor jack in there and call it job done.
  2. I agree, a regular thing now. I wish i could find 'boot kits' for £1?
  3. It's amazing how many people have no idea what a supply chain is?
  4. So lets stop going over the past. It is what it is. The die is cast. From now on lets start being positive and posting only 'good' news about brexit. Or at least when it happens, and then we'll need another 6-9 months after that for these new business opportunities to flourish. No more negativity!
  5. Trump knows how to work the media!
  6. That sounds great, good news. things should improve now then? Now theresa may has decided we are going to be a centre of excellence for EV's we'll need all the cheap steel we can get? Although we'll be hard pressed to out manufacture china, but here's hoping!
  7. The economic effects will take a while to fully take hold. Nothing will happen overnight?
  8. Take a tip from an old person. If you've got a spare £200k, stick it in your pension!
  9. There was a time, before the internet, when you'd only trade with a small group of local guys that you knew and trusted. Now everyone is 'trade'
  10. .......and the future is EV vehicles apparently? Theresa may has drcided we will be a centre of excellence (think we've missed the boat). Lets hope they're not made in birmingham?
  11. Mmmm depends. A 'series' landrover is classless/unpretentious. I assume you're referring to katy price type 'range sports' Also, brownie points for any vehicle using EV charge points
  12. I dont think waitrose customers need to make displays of wealth in the car park. Those sorts of people use ocado! I saw a mercedes couple in my lidl using those fancy waitrose shopping bags to carry their shopping.
  13. Sadly, this is the future. We live in a world where direct contact is discouraged. The last thing you'd want to do is actually pick up the phone. Every buying process seems to be heading for the 'browse, buy, deliver' model that amazon have used to destroy high streets. No need to drive to shops and talk to people, that would be awful? Much nicer sitting in the warm with a coffee and ipad? Dehumanising? And you can't just blame it on rude people. I heard a bank advert recently where they were proudly claiming that you could complete an application form without having to use a pen? Do they really think thats why people aren't applying for mortgages? My old dad is 87, he has no interest in 'smart phones' or broadband. Because of that. There is no place in this world for him. Trying to pay utility bills without having to 'check the website' or 'download the app' is impossible. I had to pay his water bill at the post office and pay them three pound on top. Its almost a punishment for him for not joining the 'tech club'. I checked the bill for alternative ways to pay and it said check the website for details? Dont get me started on banks and all this!
  14. I was thinking just that. But then i thought so what if someone sells a car, thats why we exist?
  15. Sold a car to a guy that runs a local tatoo studio. I didn't want to take that bullet!
  16. Probably doesn't, but he still can't do what he wants. There's only so many times you can be seen in the street selling a car before someone notices. Then anonimous tip off to landlord, council etc or he gets his cars 'egged' 'keyed' it's all hassle for him at the end of the day
  17. Not that this is going to make you feel better but it does come with the territory, regardless of whether you're selling a car or a fridge. The anonymity of communicating be message seems to bring out the worst in people. In the old days, when they had to look you in the eye during negotiations, they wouldn't be so awful!
  18. Doesn't want the neighbors seeing what he's up to probably?
  19. Usually, if you contact someone on FB about a car and ask questions like, "Is the V5 in your name?" or "how long have you owned the car?" you receive a tirade of abuse?
  20. Spot on! I live in east london, and i could write the book on multiculturalism and multi ethnicity but you never see gangs of chinese boys hanging around on street corners causing trouble or up to no good.
  21. I agree, i have a similar story, but don't make the mistake of thinking all court rooms are like family court? Unfortunately the public perception of a car dealer is of Arthur Daley. Car dealers are not generally seen as honest and upstanding business people. You just have to look at how we are depicted on TV and popular culture. The average punter thinks car dealers buy stock at 10% of its advertised price, clock everything, dodgy MOTs and bodge up cars with string and cardboard. I think we will always be perceived in this way.
  22. Keep doing it, you've hit a rich vein there. These chinese students are well financed and the parents also buy their 'digs' as a long term investments i understand.