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Everything posted by metcars

  1. You can say that again! "When I were a lad" I drove a Jensen GT for a while until it rusted away. But even as an enthusiastic teen I couldn't kill that Getrag 5spd box. The dog leg first was a pain, but that's the price you paid for a box designed for racing
  2. Just out of curiosity, to what extent do colleges focus on hybrid technologies?
  3. In 2019 large numbers of buyers consider shopping as a hobby. It's what you do at the weekend or evening. Ideally a large Shopping Mall, where there is free parking, undercover from weather, toilets and lot's of options for food and drink. The high street is dying because the way people shop has changed. And it will keep changing. I find it interesting how the online shops are seen as the 'bad guys', and the local shops are the 'good guys'?
  4. Like a slight of hand magic trick. Pull the handle on the back rest with one hand, while operating the seat adjuster with the other! "I thank you, tip your waitresses, I'm here all week"
  5. Interesting because the 'super rich' are as hard to get money out of as the 'super poor'. Weird that.
  6. It's a zetec S. Drivers seat seems to work ok? And yes, passenger seat will adjust backwards/forwards when you pull the adjuster under the front of the seat. But when you pull the tab on the top of the backrest it folds down but won't continue forward.
  7. Thanks for the advice all. I've looked every for a video but failed, so i'm guessing its quite unusual on these mk7 fiesta? I hope i dont have to get a new seat. Its hard enough to match the trim, but even harder to get a breaker to split an interior for one seat
  8. When I lift the button the back rest goes down but the seat doesn't slide forward to give access to back seats. After a search on google I appear to be the only person in history to have this problem! So, does anyone have a pointer or is it seat out and dig around for broken cable?
  9. Yeah, I get that. My comment about 'no girls' was a bit tongue in cheek. Unfortunately 'model making' isn't a good way to meet girls! But, as with many things the beauty is in the simplicity. I have a few friends that have revisited flying R/C planes and it is fascinating following their journey back into a sport that has now moved on way beyond where they left it in the early '80s. These guys were competitive flyers. But as much as they all want to still make planes off plan from balsa, they don't want the hassle of glow motors!
  10. The 'fun' starts at about 0:56 for those that can't stand the excitement of waiting. Not a girl in sight, obviously!
  11. Take it to one of these japfest car meets with a for sale sign lol
  12. I don't know why bca make such a big secret about it, Manheim have all the trade buyer fees readily available?
  13. Spot on. Shame CDM couldn't ask CAP some questions?
  14. It will all go online eventually. No downside for the auctions.
  15. Just out of interest I thought it was real quiet there today. Everyone must have took the day off and gone to Brighton? I arrived about 11am and there were even parking spaces! Shock horror.
  16. That's sort of what they are doing at a few auction sites now though. Putting the squeeze on parking is the thin end if the wedge. They dont have to force you to buy online, they will just start to run down physical sales. "Don't shoot the messenger!" i like going to auctions, its handy giving things the once over in person, but i feel it's coming to an end. I think they've had the idea in mind for some time and the various elements have been brought in gradually piece by piece. They gave us a website to search stock, they gave us bidding on line, paying on line, the ability to buy 24/7. The last piece if the jigsaw is the cash buyer. The guy thats walks in off the street and waves his hand. Well he is having to register for a paddle number like any general auction. So the 64k dollar question is how long it is before some bright spark at head office wonders why they bother catering for live auctions. My guess is they will pick a site that has parking issues (genuine or engineered?) like bca PW and maybe go online only on wednesdays. Maybe discount buying fees as a sweetener? But it's coming. Auction houses have so much to gain from it and less to lose. Just my opinion of course, and what is the internet without opinions! Lol
  17. Get an ex-police one from somewhere like WOMA. The little vans are a steal?
  18. Really, BCA and Manheim are effectively 'there' now also, all the elements are in place. They obviously have been planning this for some time, investing photo booths, and building websites and online bidding that will enable them to 'expend' to online only easily. It's just for them to decide when they push the button (no pun intended). Of course the big selling point will be "no more parking hassle, bid at home". Also, bear in mind if you asked the manager at BCA Paddock Wood about parking he would probably reply, "what's worse, no stock or no parking?"
  19. Well they're not legally obliged to provide customer parking, its a privelege. And obviously they would prefer you to buy online from the comfort of your own home? It was the same last week to be honest. I don't mind a walk, where's the nearest public car park there, at the station?
  20. Is the parking still shit there?
  21. Funny those days. I remember the rusty Lancia's and Alfa's, even Mk3 cortina top mounts going and creasing bonnets! But you 'never' saw a broken coil spring like you do now!
  22. Do people still ask for print outs these days?
  23. That'll be the least of your worries when the Chinese are fucking us!
  24. I think that they'll be online only in the future. No downside for them. So make the most of trying clutches and wiggling steering wheels, shitty expensive cafes and nightmare parking. The solution is coming soon enough!
  25. But all the same they are there doing it now