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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Not necessarily. Plenty of scumbags that have vat numbers. In many ways they are worse!
  2. It's easy to be more competitive, lower wages. Because working conditions have always been a barrier to trade? Not that I think the sinister characters like 'rees mogg' have this in mind long-term? "How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century." ~ Bevan
  3. Yeah absolutely. Most of these guys will end up working for BP when they graduate
  4. I'm guessing you're not a businesses that relies on trading with the EU? Or one that's been tasked with 'finding new markets'. I'm sure your business is rock solid, but where do your customers work?
  5. Yeah, but someone has to pay for the flat in brighton and the train tickets to london?
  6. are you not looking forward to 'making your own laws nick', it'll be great?
  7. Running on chip fat? Has anyone else noticed these guys always seem to be middle class white kids on a gap year living in brighton? Ironically when they get their degree they'll end up working for BP/shell anyway.
  8. Doesn't matter how 'fit for business' you are if all the punters are on the dole?
  9. Yeah, "Diesels could rise in popularity again as efficient Euro 6 models begin to enter the used car market." Could being the operative word? The used market could be awash with unwanted euro 6 diesels?
  10. Yeah, sorry I wasn't be clear. I need the list of 3 digit office codes, not phone numbers? There used to be a little widget on the website where you could put in your postcode and it would give you the number but it seems to have disappeared?
  11. Can someone help? Is there a definitive list of hmrc tax office numbers available anywhere. I'm useless at searching these things out?
  12. Yeah, that's me, I'm about a mile outside of the North Circular, so I'm in the thick of it. I posted a while back about no longer stocking diesels.
  13. Of course it doesn't just affect the city, but the areas around the used by commuters too. If you include every city in the UK there's not much of the country that won't feel the effect of low emission zones. I think there's interesting times ahead.
  14. Opposite for me, my dad is basically ok, he's had a hip and a knee replaced, but still functions. My mum on the other hand had a stroke in her 70s and didn't develop dementia until about 8yrs ago. She has some 'cancer' issues but they are relatively small fry compared to the effects of Dementia. Which is now at the 'end stage'. My mum was a super intelligent lady, never smoked or drank and was fit and healthy all her life and this is her reward. More people are being diagnosed with dementia because people are living longer and are not dying early from smoking/drink relatved diseases? Getting fit in the hope that you'll have a longer life might not always work out, you could end up trapped in a healthy body with a sick mind. Bit worrying really. I might start smoking again!
  15. Diesels are only an issue in London (because we're all idiots). You guys in the sticks won't be affected?
  16. My old dad is still at home, but he's been struggling recently. My mum is in a care home with dementia, she's 'end stage' now and not eating.
  17. Sounds a bit like our own press photographers? Doing much the same things except pictures of minor royals playing away don't sell any more?
  18. "Three of them lost their licence for periods ranging from 28 days to four months when the sentences were handed out." ?
  19. Did you read the link I posted. Looks pretty straightforward. It was also reported in the local paper. Obviously the local council are making a big deal about blue badge abuse, but the did actually send them to court! They were fined and banned? I'm not surprised they were fined, because they take blue badge fraud pretty seriously, but the suspension of your driving licence is a new thing?
  20. Yeah, but its the same law for everyone? What interested me was that you can have your licence suspended for a parking offence?
  21. A favourite place to store cars around my way is Asda?
  22. I'm sure you realise that registering the car at a 'joey' address will not protect you from the random roadside 'stops' by the parking enforcement team who sometimes join up with the Police and their ANPR camera checking tax/insurance etc. Be prepared to have the car lifted if you don't pay? Interestingly, my local London council had a splurge on blue badge abusers, they rounded up a few people using them illegally to park at the station or supermarket, dragged them off to court and they had their licences suspended and fines to pay. The actual owners of the blue badges would be pulled in to explain themselves. And just to be clear, these fraudsters were caught using the blue badge inappropriately, it was not a blue badge issued to themselves. Not that I condone these people, but what surprised me was that the courts have the power to suspend a driving licence for what is just in reality a parking offence?
  23. Ride the storm because it is the future. If you are trading cars in 20/30yrs time this will be the norm. Shopping online and buying on description is how most people shop now for anything from shoes to washing machines. Amazon are not going anywhere? The high street is dying and has been for ages. this subject feeds in to a bigger conversation about the take up of EV's and the demise of internal combustion? And how cars are owned an used in the future?