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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Fatboy, you'll need to pass various security checks! VAT number, inside leg measurement (?), wifes topless instagram pics and details of your website for a thorough scrutineering and financial background check! Welcome aboard!
  2. Clearly, the tyre is not fit for purpose!
  3. That will be 92 buyers who thought they could get a cheap bargain but then realised what 'sold as seen' really means? I'm happy for BCA/Manheim to get lots of negative reviews, it helps scare off the amateurs!
  4. Usually, if I end up going to the supermarket i'm in a rush. Which makes it even worse that there is the usual 'gathering' of pensioners in the entrance, taking off coats and reading their shopping lists. Obviously they're there for the day?
  5. We used to do the day time sale, have a quick kip in the car and do the evening one. Plenty of guys used to buy them on a thursday night and run them to Chelmsford for the saturday sale. Who was the old auctioneer at Colchester with the blonde hair who used to start every car with "up we go again...." or "for the sporting gentleman......"? Also, my memory is not what it was but didn't Enfield have an evening sale back in the old days? I sometimes have the pleasure of travelling by public transport, and by far the rudest are the pensioners.
  6. Apparently 'recreationally trans' is a thing? But seriously transportable mobile phone, was a cell phone built into a briefcase to improve its reception? Those were the days! Who remembers those late nights at 'NCA' Colchester on a thursday! Sale still going at 10pm, after being at the 'day sale' since 10am. Those were the days
  7. Trying to be Zen about things, it is an interesting business model to have customers spending huge amounts of money but treat them with contempt. It's not just BCA, but Manheim too. When you consider the huge amounts of cash changing hands you'd expect complimentary champagne and dancing girls while you wait!
  8. I remember complaining about poor reception so I got a big fancy thing built into a briefcase, like a Navy Seal magnaphone! Battery was always flat?
  9. Back in the day. Breakers yard in West London, In the pouring rain late in the evening just before the guy closed up. In the top of a wobbly 3 car stack, laying upside down, removing the headlining from an Astra! Those were the days!
  10. Couple of years back i had a 'no current keeper' pull in Kent just outside of Sandwich. So don't blame Essex!
  11. The car needs an accurate impartial assessment
  12. I've been pulled up twice for showing no current keeper. I am not a gangsta. In fact the last time I was on my way home from my daughters birthday party with wife and 3 young kids in the back? The car was 4yrs old and clean as a whistle. I was thinking 'quotas'? Who knows.
  13. I don't think you'll go to prison for no current keeper, but I would rather be squeaky clean. Don't want the hassle or inconvenience. Just my opinion, others may disagree
  14. Well, I think cops are mostly focused on MOT/insurance/drunk driving and speeding? With towing/trailering coming up on the outside. Driving a car not showing current keeper is asking to be pulled over, because cops know one thing leads to another? This is just my personal experience living in London, but I'm guessing if you are in the highlands of Scotland or rural Oxfordshire you can get away with murder?
  15. That's correct. You can be stopped for having 'no current keeper' and that is enough for them to go through your details and the car? The cops know that 'scumbags' and 'gangsters' tend to "forget" to register cars in their name for obvious reasons?
  16. It will never happen. The auctions make far too much money out of 'privateers'.
  17. Isn't it a load of hassle running your own recovery truck? I thought you needed a tacho and a transport manager with paperwork wedged up your arse?
  18. I'd imagine that most antique auction houses would just stick them on the website for the highest bidder, like Ebay. Do antique auctions still operate like the ones on 'lovejoy'?
  19. My sister has just bought a new Vauxhall Viva so somewhere a new pair of pointy shoes are on order! :-)