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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Whenever I watch that show the punters always buy cars from spivvy guys in lockup’s on trading estates in Birmingham!
  2. Take her with you and when you obviously don’t get anything buy her a harvester early bird on the way home!
  3. Perhaps they genuinely think it is a huge success, and perhaps their 'team' has implied that there are always glitches, its normal? I would tend to think that in '2019' you would expect a huge media explosion with a 're-launch' and that websites can be made to function correctly from the get go.
  4. Just out of interest, does anyone know if the vendors been offered a ‘new deal’ too? This i can’t believe that the big auction houses aren’t chasing the DA vendors. Especially with stock levels at some big auction sites so low (bit scared even though it’s xmas but...) It would be naive to think BCA/Manheim don’t see DA as potential?
  5. Black Friday is shit! Keep your money in your pocket instead of wasting it on 'meow meow' headphones?
  6. I think you've answered your own question. Having a 'cheap' scanner to faff around with is one thing, but investing in 'decent' professional diagnostic equipment (and the expertise/training to use it) is another thing. My advice, find a good 'man' and let him invest in buying the gear. Just my opinion, others will follow.....?
  7. Wouldn't run on my old Vista 'diagnostics' laptop? Might have to upgrade that. Wow is great value but having to use a laptop in and around the car is a pain. Which brings me to, why bother doing a grand on a laptop just to run cheap diagnostics software when you can purchase a reasonable 'all makes' diagnostics system with a purpose built tablet that can be used as such for the same money?
  8. How do you operate now? Where do you advertise, who are your clients?
  9. I think I mentioned this already in a thread somewhere. IMO diesels will die slowly. But I live in London, and we're always ahead of the curve!
  10. I can quite believe it! How many MOT's do they do in a week at £35?
  11. Agree about the MOT's. I know it's grim up norf but blimey, how many MOT's do you guys have to do a week to get them at £25?
  12. In ten years time the VED would be £5700?
  13. Don't forget that when we do leave the gloves will come off. I can't see any european business wanted us to succeed? Let's be honest, the French have hated us since the end of WW2 for some inexplicable reason?
  14. I think they are hoping to share EV development?
  15. Interesting, and your insurance are happy to cover it or do they think you've parted it out? What about VED/MOT?
  17. I can't believe there's a rat in the private room, how could that happen? I thought your honesty and professionalism had to be unquestionable?
  18. Wait, there's a rat in the private bit?
  19. .... and another one? For cash strapped councils it's a money maker.
  20. But what if the car was used for private hire/chauffer etc? Its a year old BMW with turds in the carpet? It will need a lot more than a russian jet wash! He'd have a replacement vehicle paid by insurance for 2/3 weeks. Loss of earnings. Would all stick a big hole in 20k?
  21. I'm far from being an expert on these things but i seem to remember reading that a manufacturer could arrive at its wholesale price by 'cost x 2.5'. So even a 50% off would still give them a good margin?
  22. Sooner than that I reckon. I think this idea will be floated a few times until it 'works'. But I think we are heading this way. Don't forget womencustomers don't enjoy dragging around used car dealerships as much as you might think?
  23. But amazon are the future. Consumers dont want to drag themselves out in the cold and rain to be shmoozed by a salesperson, because they are all conmen? Showrooms exist online, whether its furniture, TV's or high end watches, and that includes cars new and used (ebay?). Consumers now research purchases online/youtube then order and if they dont like it they just send it back? Click and buy is the future, embrace it? But hopefully not in my lifetime!