David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. well that made me laugh at least this morning as i locked the customers OUT
  2. Trader near us had this issue , took it to Ford and they replaced the engine , that had done around the same 60k . Was going to court over it he was till they convinced Ford to take it on , then the customer was told to take in their self as the public get it done quicker and get a courtesy car too . might be the way out of your hair
  3. Without a ramp , how do you check ,Bushes ,Steering joints , arms , links ,Brake pipes , oil/water leaks , inside face of brake discs , exhaust leaks , exhaust mountings , springs , tyre side walls , cracks etc .signs of being bent twisted out of line or corrosion in older cars , just to list a few bits you cant see from the floor . we all might be different but cars are the same
  4. I'm not going anywhere near any vaccine that alters my DNA , not a chance . as you say easy to stick it in , never to come out again
  5. Wow and wasn't you the lucky one , phew so close , clever mum
  6. Haha know how you feel Rory , same here You just think WHY did I agree to this don't you ? , You know you can sell it , even knowing a prime finance deal is a short wait and we still fall for it sometimes
  7. PLUS two hours getting the Kuga Idiot a DEAL on Mallard 's worm subterranean finance tier to which she was oh soooo pleased she could have it , what a waste of space . I say it and normally i stick to it , NO SUBRIME Deals , but every now and again i break my own rules Oh well . be another one along soon
  8. Spent this morning working a deal on a Kuga , Plonker self props herself online , chooses Mallard because shes well over done on the loan side , Long story short , two and fro me n Mallard , she gets a deal . 5yrs , at a rate higher than she applied but justified because of credit history . shes coming to collect , invoices raised , bank details confirmed , shes been looking for a Kuga for WHILE , saw this one on the front yesterday and loved it . rang me to confirm 2.30 pm would be ok . Yes thats fine . THEN the text comes . "Hi David " "sorry to mess you about but my partner has seen the KUGA and its the wrong Size . " Question ? ;;Has any of you fine chaps got a different size Kuga you may want to move on as there's a complete bloody lunatic not far from us who might just well want it though I'm not sure if its a smaller or larger version shes after but I know where it wants shoving
  9. How can it of been sold with warranted mileage without service history Willoughby . Unless the MOT history was ok too , assuming MOT adds up any tampering was done in first 3 yrs
  10. And the difference IS ? November or Dec makes NO difference does it ? Thanks Autotrader .
  11. If he does it at same time as the new keeper takes the car , the V5 goes to the new keeper . Address on V62 will be new keeper . Post office taxes it too and takes the docs to send to DVLA
  12. Still sold it , hes collecting 12 pm Monday , no px though
  13. Me too , £50 to scrap it . Told one customer two weeks ago it would cost him £50 to leave it with me
  14. Just had a guy here looking at PX,ing his 2011 80k SRI Insignia 1.8 petrol estate , This car was black at one point but very MATT now , fairy liquid washing no doubt Covid extension on MOT expiries NOV 4th Service history was his brother he said as he's a mechanic , cant turn service light off as he hasn't got one of them Machines he says Then the smell was horrendous of Spaniel and left its honk of fox Shite , mud , hair , and every other filth its ever picked up . Brakes were more than ready for new discs and pads , Rear light was a plastic bag , Gear Box whining its nuts off as that 6 speed bag of shite does does Clutch needed two feet to press it down , Brother fitted it he said " I know what its worth matey he says " Go on then enlighten me i said , Bin offered £1,700 he said but its worth £2,000 We buy any car says its worth £1,600 but there robbers he goes on So i waited for him to shut up selling his scrap to me and said . Well £795 for a clutch , £800 for the gearbox , £400 to resurrect the paintwork , £150 for a back light unit , £200 to service it and MOT it , £350 to get it defumigated , £150 to valet it inside =£2850 plus the VAT =£3,414 , Does that explain why I value it at NOTHING . This post is for the amusement of fellow traders who have seen it all before . ALSO FOR THE PUBLIC WHO MIGHT READ THIS . LEARN FROM THE COMMENTS , If you car is a pile of scrap it will be valued as scrap . Service it , Clean It , Repair it when needed , keep the service records , MOT it on time ,DONT Let your dog take over the car , HOOVER it out , polish it , OWN It for the sake of your pocket . He's going to sell it private he says , £2,000 I'll get he assured me they think we ARE the CROOKS
  15. Car sales is open in our tier 3 Notts .
  16. Tax it with V5c2 Tony , when its sold tax it again with same V5c2 form . No problem .
  17. Trouble we are all going to have now though Tony , is they are feeling like not leaving their county to see cars , this tier 1/2/3 idea seems to have the effect of making each county a barrier. .Had one ring today unsure if he can leave his county 35 miles away , I said "for gods sakes its not a civil war you know " we breathe the same air as Derbyshire" He's coming tomorrow if his wife says its ok bloody wimps
  18. Were open as normal , People are still traveling to see us too
  19. Its permanent export isn't it , Ive always sent the export notice in to DVLA . Customer wants V5 and V5 c2 , you send Export notice to DVLA to say its leaving the country . Right or not its never been an issue , but that only to France and Southern Ireland mind , Should be same though I would have thought . Advisor 1 is my vote
  20. That shows your age Umesh But I too remember as well
  21. 0.57% is very high but world pay are in my view . Barclay Card are our suppliers , LOTS lower than 0.57% Bank transfers do work , get them to transfer £1 to you and it starts the process for a seamless transaction at point of sale we call the £1 the rule to open the account up before you arrive . Even a £1 shows commitment to purchase and it stops the problems of starting the whole transfer process as the sale gets to pay up time .
  22. got to have trade account to bid a proxy bid . what auction company is it
  23. Seen chains give up at anywhere between 30k and 60 k service or not . They must all have had one or more at some point Chains , tensioners , guides , oil pipes to turbo on the S , Piston rings , are main faults We've rebuilt these dreadful things many times , they can use oil like an oil tanker leaking and it doesn't show out the exhaust pipe , run that hot the bloody things burn it away . Rust , interior , and the rest as you say are fine .
  24. 46 mile test drive is the ECU learning its got issues again Chain stretched , happens on ALL those bloody engines ,