David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Love this example for running a business during Covid We are looking for 6 bucket seats for the track cars , estimated cost around £3-4,000 for the lot so not a bad order really is it . Phones this place in Notts to see if we can go out look and collect . Response was amazing , " oh you cant just come I'll send you a text with the information we need " text arrives . we need you to fill in the deceleration of health saying you haven't got coughs , temperature or feeling unwell etc . Prove we have a mask . Use the gloves provided and handwash on arrival omg . Then we only see people at 11am and 2 pm and only one person can come in at a time for 30 mins So I rang back and said I have £4,000 with your name on it , only time I can get is 5pm are you sure you don't want the money . Answer was . There wont be anyone here at 5 pm as we close at 5pm you have the rules so please abide by them or spend your money elsewhere ASTONISHING Be one of those firms in 6 months time that's blaming Covid for putting them out of business .
  2. That's because they DON'T understand takings Versus Profit , some actually think the entire sell price is ours to keep,
  3. Example for me on face book van for sale 65 plate Doblo 69k on clock took as px , we supplied this van last year so knew it and have also serviced it too . Dead genuine van 6 doors , 1600 cc , new tyres , new MOT , reverse sensors and air con , £5,999 no vat either . Face book 11 enquiries wats yer best price on this van mate , gt px an its a gud un wats it wthh A ; what van have you got ? gora dob van 1300 st pics gt 137k on is it on for 4k to change n mi van . A ; its cat C TWICE my friend . Is this van available ring me back if you want shut of it see you've had it a while so I've got 5k for it , A; been on sale 48 hrs my friend . Now they are low quality leads in my head .
  4. I was just thinking the same thing No offence Mark but next time I'm up north
  5. Become next round of new car traders
  6. Just put top bid in and take the prize , its what a proxy bid is , cars worth 7k just put £7,050 bid in an wait , Next 10 bids come at 5 to 6 k and you win at £6,100 simples if some one bids it up to 7 k you win at £7,050 still simples , over your top bid an I win still simples . Fight another day . Only like a physical auction an me watching you and another guy trading bids till one walks and I nick it off you with one wave of £50 isn't it ,
  7. SIV price on your example is £1,150 Assured report £35 + VAT is an expense not siv , VAT on that charge is reclaimable Delivery is another expense and any delivery vat is reclaimable eg £150 +vat Margin VAT is calculated from eg ; on your example £1,150 , eg sold at £2,495 = £1,345 gross = £224 VAT payable Net profit =£1,121
  8. That one has made my tea break Loved to have seen his face
  9. My old fella made me save up twice for my first car , whys that i said , got to run it lad was his reply I never forgot that lesson . £205 mini 850 cc it was at 20,000 miles , wish i still had that little devil now
  10. I've been with Close for more than four years , I haven't got a Lamborghini
  11. Exactly , bangers are us its the place to be , cheap cheap cheap on face book , even if it doesnt work some wally will take it away , decent stuff mmmmm like watching paint dry trying to sell them on face book .
  12. I'm personally sick to the back teeth of face book " is this negotiable ?" NO Whats your best price , £200 more than screen " I've got 2k max for this " its bloody £4,000 you idiot is my reply to that " Can i see this after 10pm " yes on the web site they are viewable 24/7 mate , i want 6k for my px , its scrap mate and books at 4k , go away . That's my experience anyway , others may well have more success , depends on stock profile i think as we never get a response on our more up mkt stock only the cheaper end or px to clear stuff .
  13. What sort of silly rejections do you suffer then ?
  14. Multi Vendor was the warning signs wasn't it really especially with a Cayman , double especially with that 3.4 engine which is known for being shite , we all know the risk don't we , some you win most you lose . saying that 6k on the chin is hard to take too and i do feel for you . Do i see that going anywhere , no i don't I'm afraid not with a BCA clam , auction sold as seen . bang it back in would be my approach , but would you declare it or not as faulty is the question isn't it .
  15. For him to get the tax back it has to registered in his name and the V5 in his name , then he gets tax back . Its already in the trade still because you haven't sent the V5 off yet , Unless he has it in his name hes lost the tax . If you put it in his name then you have another owner showing only one week of ownership , that's devalues your car and if hes swapping and not parts exing it its you who will lose out . I personally would tell him , hes either going to lose the tax and leave the paper work as it is , Or he takes a hit to make up for short ownership , at that point ask for a letter from him stating the cars fine but he just wanted the other one as it suits his needs better , that letter helps you explain the short ownership , if he does that he will have to wait for a new V5 so you can put back in trade . Another way sometimes works I've heard is for him to ring DVLA and tell them the story , they might send his tax back for any whole months , depends who he gets on the phone i suppose .
  16. Experian will be on autotrader when you go to a portal , if your pay as you go i don't think its free , but portal customers get it free. good way to start , hope it goes well for you too
  17. Could of been his bell end he used it on once and got a shock so thought it was a conductor
  18. valve stem seals , and piston rings is my guess . mini engine , they are bloody useless . Smoke like battle ships because they are burning oil . Circa £900 /£1200 fix , while the heads off have it tested and cleaned , new rings , oil change and it will run sweet as new ,
  19. I'm not questioning anyone about a cotton face mask , haven't done for for previous few months so not starting an argument now , Just upset a customer that wants to spend a few thousand quid with me is not my way of first contact if they don't want to . As for putting signs up stating you have to wear one , what if they want to spend a few thousand quid and don't want to wear one , they would just turn and walk off , again not for me . Social distance has worked just fine , a cotton face cover will do nothing .
  20. Complies with a FACE cover so if you dare Joking aside Does the public have to wear one then to visit us in a unit showroom? , or just in the office ?, but the office isn't a shop so I'm not sure . Read the reasons you might consider yourself exempt last night , whole list of ; well if it make you feel uncomfortable you dont need one , if you have to eat or drink you dont need one , lip readers dont need one , breathing problems you dont need one , in charge of people who might be unruly you dont one , Dont need to get a medical cert to prove otherwise if you are exempt or not . Sounds a total mix up if you get into the rules of yes or no , then whos going to question someone if they come in a showroom with both doors open wanting to spend a few thousand quid . Chances of the cops following them in is pretty remote isnt it .
  21. That could be a new venture casper " SMOKERS MASK " , or " VAPE MASK " Punch a hole and charge double money
  22. Cut a hole in the front of it
  23. Stupid woman , fancy shouting at you , To filter a Virus we would all need hazmat suits , Some cotton face covering that doesn't even get get washed for a guess makes no difference to virus size particles . Just to keep us reminded about the word Covid , masks are a visual aid to keep the virus alive in our heads that,s all they will do .
  24. I used a close brother deal three weeks ago to sell distance , Stands at 12 months unless you chose to alter the time frame to say 14 days , we did by just changing the wording on the contract .