David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Gear box man in Mansfield Woodhouse . Hes good .
  2. BCA are looking at opening a very restricted type of sale , one buyer per account & masked up , but its looking like the type of sale thats for the cheapie stuff just one day a week or two weeks . Thats from the horses mouth when i collected a car from our local BCA and talking to the manager , confirmed by another guy same day too . Online is far to easy for them isnt it Less admin people , less cleaners , No drivers. Cars dont need moving , More car park space , The staff arent in uniform , No Vendors to take care of creeping about . Just too easy at present
  3. retail figure back is the way to think forward in simple terms Look at a car , find its retail value from various sites like ebay or autotrader , take off fuel costs , service costs , warranty costs , advertising costs , valet costs , MOT Costs , Your intended profit margin and the figure left is your Buying price . Pay more and you earn less its that simple really .
  4. Had an/ well got an SPM Number plate making machine for a while now . always buy their plates and backing reflective's off them £500/£600 a time making 60 /80 pairs of plates a month . , spent over 5k 2019 , 3k this year with the lock down , but its picked up so plate stocks are low now , you have to spend £1,500 she said , BUT I do and I pay you don't i no you don't yes i do was the argument ? had a right go at me because i said I was going to write about them on here then phoned me back saying they had confused me with another customer hahahahahah F@@K OFF was their answer . On the termination letter they sent they put the other garage on the address part , so i rang them , they spend over £1,500 too , they've chucked it in as well LOLthe guy was fuming What fool can ring a customer up now days saying we don't want your money anymore One phone call has cost them 8/10k a year on plates . Stupid world , proper stupid it is . New company installing on Friday, they are happy with new business and we had a laugh about SPM So if your looking at plate machines , I don't recommend S.P.M in Leeds Ohhhhhh No
  5. Oh I dont think so , my daughter is a viper , down the station when she got back , complaint went in to the sergeant , written in complaint too . Inside sources say hes gone for re training we have two retired cops who drive cars for us , they asked the question
  6. My daughter got pulled last week for NO Insurance , Plates in window , Plates on MID . Stupid Copper said plates only cover TAX , NO they don't yes they do argument took place for 20 mins before my daughter called the bloody police from the coppers car Can you tell this twat he doesn't know his job she said
  7. At Home Rory I did sneak off one year though , got a call Christmas Morning , took dog out , did the deal and back before my wife knew i was missing Sold a Golf GTI and took a Honda civic as part ex all in 30 min , he took the GTI away i locked up and took the dog home again £2k up too made my Christmas took a whack out the Civic too in the New year . My lad said wheres this come from LOL shhhhh don't tell your mum .
  8. On fire here . Don't see it stopping , Sold two yesterday , got three on the hook today , Christmas as normal here , full steam ahead for us
  9. Chineses takeway forum LOL He's waiting for the prices to go UP , he's on our side Mark I've just put two UP £800 last night and got a customer coming tomorrow on one of them , just passed finance prop at the higher price and the deals set for 1pm Friday . This guys waits for November to strike a deal hes going to be handing over more cash to some lucky dealer for a better deal Your not good at this are you Better change your name to " Nevergoingtobeadealer " There's a shortage of good stock my friend , that means only one thing , supply shortage and prices don't go down . Like rice at Chinese takeaways that MarkTVS is on about , Rice Shortage and price goes UP not down . Your not going to change the thoughts of the guys on here with ramblings about price crashes and future discussions about what happens after your down turn predictions , better not try being a car dealer though as your not really in the correct thought patterns , or make decisions quick enough either . Keep doing your day job , not time for a career move just yet . You do make me laugh though over my coffee . so thanks for that .
  10. Waiting that long it will be long gone lol Not much power in that type of knowledge .
  11. You chose to offer a refund if you didn't make a difference to the pedal . Two mechanics may well be correct in their opinion , you should of pointed that out VERY clearly at the point of sale , Valet is a for gone isn't it , you would spend £80 on the car to sell it anyway wouldn't you . Lesson " Dear customer don't pay a deposit unless you actually want the car , If you want it refunding when you come it will remain on sale at all times and I will sell it " Lesson , Don't offer deposits back , or why take one in the first place . Pay her back in full like you promised .
  12. That's the way . but use the V5/C2 green slip ref number , and yes it can be used twice or more
  13. So he knew and said yes to £800 now hes sending mummy to get it without paying, wow what a nutter . Hate people quote Chinese parts on flea bay , I've got some parts mate whats it cost to fit them , "NOWT we don't charge for fitting your parts" lol Because we dont fit them
  14. Funny how she can afford it at 0% interest isn't it Bet she lost her copy of the secci paper work she would have been given ,
  15. No worries here my friend , lousy wet day but were all good , well just me and the wife now , all fled the nest , so its me the wife and the dog , Bliss i must say , got the house to our self . 6.30 pm and still at work , some things don't change lol Still out pace the kids Hope your all good too Casper .
  16. Atari whats one one of those I had real air guns , Throwing arrows , Cross bows , catapults , knives , Fires in the woods , secret dens in the forest and tree rope swings over rivers . All well frowned upon now
  17. Thought they were the dogs dangles in the day Casper , Then I had a go in that one we sourced and sold , 50 yrs later , wow what a piece of useless waste of metal
  18. They are not touched for ages when being transferred from dealer to auction , their way of killing the virus , leave it and it dies off . so you will find it can take months to get where they are going sometimes
  19. Thats the life time experience too Pal . Pendragon is all rubbish , always has been always will be .
  20. The search for the sales online on a desk top computer is near impossible Look for the lot eg ukcg 302 NT means its uk car group 302 at Notts , BB is Black bushe PT is Peterbourgh and likewise . Its not easy i must say , when youve chosen what you think is the correct sale look in Catalogue to make sure its in that sale . By far the easiest way is the app on a phone that tells you how many lots away the car is and connects you to the sale easy . If you still want to see the car on desk top screen and bid look for the car going in the sale on your phone , then look for that car on lap top screen and connect . Hope that helps . BCA have no idea and aint bothered either . Pen dragon has a number like PEN105 PT eg that means Pendragon 105 at Peterborough takes years to pick it all up .
  21. Best to just try taxing it first before customer turns up , Just to make sure its the correct green slip eg the latest one . Then you can do as you say and make the transfer
  22. It will be a NO on that one for sure , Be three weeks down the road too before you hear anything so get holding your breathe , then your just three weeks later doing anything about it . Assured reports are just pure extortion money , just times x 25,000 cars by the charge and see where the money involved is , its why they wont stop it .
  23. Mallard Finance do older classics too 01206 243100 They are brokers , think you have the be FCA approved to deal with them . But real easy to work with and competitive too . If i didn't use Moto Novo and Close I would give them more business but its the speed of the prop I go for , next day or two hours later isn't soon enough . Iv'e used them for a couple of weird sales like an old Rover 2000 for a guy , worked well there .
  24. If your platinum it will fall to gold if you don't make the numbers . If your gold they will drop you to Silver if you don't make the 12 purchases in one rolling year . However get in touch when they drop you and ask to be put back , they are going to look at the time scale you last bought and previous history , buts in their interest to get you back as a customer isn't it , so ask them , probably say we will put you back up and you will have to buy say 4 cars in two months as that's gold level isn't it .
  25. Funny how its different isn't it in different places , Our local Aldi is like trying to get in the Bank of England after closing time dressed in a convict suit while wearing a clown face . Stand there , wait here , don't move ,go now Last time i went for a pint of milk this girl gave me a trolley , so i dumped it at the door , to be tapped on the shoulder and told to take the trolley back as its a social distance tool , really i said , fetch the store boss , NOW , Told the boss the girl at the door halfheartedly wiped the handle , then this Muppet dragged it down to me without wiping it tapped me on the shoulder with his less than two metre arm and told me to queue up with it and was he implying i couldn't stand two meters apart . Here's your milk , stuff your store , I'll go 40 yds up the road to a garage who appreciates the sale , walked out .