David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. £2 a month David = 1.75 litres of petrol , 6 eggs , 3 mars bars , loaf of bread " unless its Asda then 9 Loaves " Means the kids don't starve Complete bloody idiots at this moment in time
  2. They never buy anyway when the first line whats the best price . So i have a laugh with them Others are ; Whats so offensive with the price then ? For customers shopping above their budget we offer Finance . I can get that car to £212 a month but do call me for a quote to match your budget Its Sold Got two offers on the car , both ABOVE screen . Go on then Make my day , Tell me what you can afford mmmmmm ok I've decided the question is rude If your serious make an offer , if you dont hear back its because i'm rolling about laughing .
  3. I always answer whats yer best price with and increase . £8995 on screen , Then this follows ; Well my best price is £9,295 thank you ,
  4. very very true . Bloody hell . love to have took the tyres off and presented her the car on the rims Dec 19 with 30 k and its your fault somehow , Total idiots they are , Finance wont wear that pal don't worry
  5. I tried that one , she was having none of it . just had another lady on now . Do you buy cars , Yes we do if you have what we sell 14 Kia Ceed 90 k on clock , only we buy any car are shut and i want to sell it . Anyway she starts rambling about how cars are hard to buy for us so she is in the trade and knows it books at £3,600 apparently , due to that problem we have she wants no less than £4,000 , Its a petrol Ceed in red , two weeks MOT and it was serviced when she bought it I said have you seen that Dragons Den Show ? Yes she said . " Well I'm OUT " was my reply
  6. OK its close to the cars devils in the detail on grammar I see , I promise to concentrate better in future
  7. just had a chat with one lady who asked for " whats your best price via email " I rang her and she was adamant that we should be discounting cars because of covid 19 . When I asked why she went rambling on about keeping people moving was our duty as we had the cars , we wasn't selling many due to lock down , we were probably getting grants , staff on furlough anyway so we should sell cars for less money and stop being greedy . I asked what the best price should be then on the £12,995 car she desired her answer was whatever the customer could afford to pay you for it , So I pushed again , Give me a price YOU can afford then on that basis , £8,000 she said , I asked her why she didn't look for an £8,000 car if that's the case . She called me a money grabbing horrible man and clicked off . Stupid Cow
  8. If work cannot be done from home then yes you can go to work , Road testing cars is permissible under the its being road tested for safety , picking up parts is part of the servicing of cars which is permissible , Sending a V62 off will be dealt with so that's ok . We run car sales which is shut obviously , but our workshop is still open , we are on site due to that being open , just a closed sign on the showrooms door and a chain across the cars that are outside .
  9. That's been said before I don't tolerate fools easy
  10. My daughter got pulled before Christmas , Twat copper was about 18 and pulled her for no insurance , Trade car it was . Took her calling the station to get through his thick head that plates are on the insurance MID , he was arguing they only cover TAX took his boss to put him right . Prat . She took his head off afterwards in the petrol station forecourt with an audience , bet his ears are stilling remembering that LOL not one to be messed with is my daughter , ex prison officer she can make grown men bleed from their eyes sockets . Only 8 stone 5 and 5' 4" but strewth
  11. Tax online as normal using same V5C2 , dead easy
  12. They might be hoping , just say your not prepared to drop that money with under these conditions and the fact they are new to you as you are to them . I buy cars and pay for them as i do normally . Do you wish to sell them to me , is the question isn't it
  13. That reminds me of a time i had a tin of grease boiling on the cooker top with a Bike chain in it Solid grease heats up , the smell was the problem too , but this grease had just melted when the wife pulls up . Wasn't happy bunny
  14. Hope you said bye bye mate , happy Christmas
  15. Qualifying means its previously been owned by a Company who claimed the VAT when purchased and paid it back when it was sold . This means that if the next trader eg us were selling it to another VAT business we could produce a VAT invoice and the new customer could then claim it back . If we sold the car to a private customer it returns as a Margin car and the VAT element is inside the profit Non qualifying means its a margin vat sales there is no such thing as a16.5% VAT rate at all Your confusing 16.5 % as VAT within the workings out regards the eg £100 including vat , Divided buy 1.2 = £166 as the Margin VAT , its never worked out as 16.5 % as i know it . EG if at end of quarter your gross profit is £40,000 then the MARGIN VAT = 40,000 divide 1.2 = £6,667 VAT , Leaving you £33,333 profit . But you can claim all paid VAT back in that quarter too so it will be different every time
  16. Its 20% VAT pal not 16.5% If your working on margin and want to see what VAT on is say a £1000 profit its 1000 divided buy 1.2 = £833.33 so the VAT element is £166.67 on the deal , £166.70 goes to the VAT man , but all the service parts eg tyres , oil , plugs , and advertising VAT can be claimed back , eg you spent £300 +vat on parts advertising and service you would claim back the £60 from those invoices , This is offset every quarter VAT return so the VAT element on that deal would be £106.70 to pay . You can of course claim some fuel VAT , Stationary VAT , Tools VAT , Cleaning products VAT , in fact anything your business needs you claim back the VAT . You never win out but it does make you collect EVERY receipt to claim it back Always made wonder that , If your doing 86k its not worth the hassle is it +1 /\
  17. That's an annoying answer isn't it . My retort to that is , that long ago I've forgotten but the question was " what are you expecting back for it ? " If they mention near retail ,i end it like i did the customer above , Just a simple NO
  18. Cant see how that works , just mist up surely , as Frank says old stuff yes , newer stuff cant see that working
  19. So this customer rings me today , hello i want to sell my car back to you . I bought the car in June from you but I'm working from home now so don't need a car anymore . Ok tell me the reg and mileage and I'll look up the car . She wants £9,000 back top and bottom of it all . Only fair as I've haven't used it she goes I asked her " what do i do with that then as there is no profit for me in that deal . " She said , sell it again of course , but there's nothing in the car for me i repeat , What do you mean she says you would get £9,000 for it how much do you want . My God the world is going mad , I knew about PROFIT when I was 10 yrs old . Have you tried We buy any car , , yes but they offer lots less money , DUH dopey prat I just said no .
  20. What Iv'e always believed that is , they can see it before they drive off , which means they have been to YOUR premises. Not you sending them the car as thats distance selling . If the other was true then anyone can say its distance selling because i live 40 miles away and you sent it when i hadn't seen it . +1 there Umesh
  21. if they have the order form or invoice they are committing to click and collect , so can travel yes . had one guy last lock stopped by police from leaving Cardiff and he shown the copper the order form and he said that's fine sir . If click and collect is legal its obvious they have to travel , i just confirm they have the invoice to prove it
  22. Send them an invoice via email , so they have a document to show if stopped , that makes it very very legal and takes the guess work out of it . Makes customers feel all cuddly and safe to travel .