David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Well the years is about to end ,2020 has been a challenge for most people , Certainly been a weird old year , Done lots of business in between being closed down though , so not so bad . See what 2021 brings . So Happy New Year to you all , i sincerely hope first you stay free of this virus , and of course its a prosperous year too . Good health and a tad of the old wealth to you all .
  2. Oh I forgot that title LOL yes one to avoid like the plague or should i say virus these days
  3. Ever seen TOWING CAR OF THE YEAR Every one is the worst thing to own every year . European car of the year award who the fu##k wants one of those All are low selling cars that need a push in my opinion . All fixed I say , all fixed
  4. i would agree there . Seen some this morning driving in to work ,
  5. Be three eyes four legs no finger nails and glowing in the dark by Easter then Not this time , just wait till next year though , must be working as Covids GONE Zombie Apocalypse 2022 is coming to a town near us all
  6. Well 2020 has been a year for upsets Casper , thought you needed to know the facts really . Some one rings and I will dont worry "well were not officially open my friend but let me see what i can do "
  7. NO they just believe in SANTA , its the whole red suit white beard , reindeers and the ice pole thing + Amazon now yes I would think . Not even foodies , cheapest biggest turkey they can get , cheapest puddings and trimming , chuck it all in the oven at 6 am , pressure cook or micro wave everything else and eat it when its well over cooked , dressed in Christmas onezies this year apparently, OMG I'm so pleased I said no when they met . She has learned so much from us but Christmas never left her
  8. My daughter in law would not like you , she thinks I'm miserable for not wearing stupid jumpers and dopey socks . 30 yrs old and still writes bloody Santa letters, her 13 yr old Nephew still thinks Santa coming with the presents . Bloody weird Family they are They have morning presents , presents with lunch then Night presents
  9. Virus is having five days off at Christmas Was going to leave the tree trimmings in the boxes , but now we have five days virus free the wife wants them out again . Oh well Christmas as normal topical subject will be are we having vaccine or not though . 90 yr mother is not if it kills me shes said they will call it old age , wife don't trust it , kids aren't living with that shit inside them they said , I don't trust anyone anymore but I'm always miserable at Christmas apparently
  10. To be honest i use emailers as a source of entertainment when i'm bored at coffee time Had one last week , Vitara , Q Q is it still available ? gets blood boiling that one does , No you idiot i pay to advertise sold cars for fun A YES Q can i take pictures of the underneath , A ; NO Q , Does it come with leather option ? A , Its pictured with cloth its 9 years old , Leather seats are on Ebay if you wish . Q , Can I leave a refundable deposit as travel up Sat as were teachers and as you know its difficult at present A Sorry its SOLD customer just walked in and bought it , on its way to Boston Lincs as I type That was the actual way it went down too , She did answer saying she thought we were dealing and the car was her's . hahaha
  11. haha doesn't make sense does it , Auction prices are high as a kite , Customers are Christmas shopping after a lock down , what few are looking offer 50% of asking price via an email fingers crossed wish . I called ones bluff the other day , £14,495 car , email will you consider £13,000 as this is my max budget ? I said yes , its Christmas lets go for it . Er oh its wrong Colour sorry pity i was going to say its been sold when they arrived . had another today , Sun , on an Adam , lovely thing it is , Oh i don't like it mummy the roofs dented . ITS BLOODY GLASS YOU TWAT . Another one in 10mins on a Scirocco then I'm going
  12. Not bad here actually , considering its slow four so far DEC , two booked in tomorrow and two Monday . It is slow though as we usually do two a day and three on Sat without working Sundays , two tomorrow is because were chasing numbers this month hope it picks up for us all , but its Christmas so don't hold your breathe , be a rush in Jan so don't panic
  13. Two sites we run peter , one for performance stock and one for bread and butter stock . Small runabouts sell on click and collect ish , still want to see and feel the car , so its more like deposit , look , pay and takeaway , not click and collect Sports stuff , its very different for obvious reasons , those customers want to see the car , hear it , sit in it , drive it , just as i would , One set of customers want transport , the other type is interested in cars . simple as . Nov saw good sales on a wishy washy click and collect system , no deliveries though , we haven't time really and most expect free delivery which wont happen here , we stayed open though due to the workshop being allowed to open , so that helped as we were on site as normal . i had two enquiry about delivery 200 miles away free was their request , both sold before the emails were completed regarding them traveling , they never learn sit on their arse expecting it to turn up free and lose out , makes me laugh . If we all start delivering we will regret it next year when its busy and we haven't got time or the costs get to high . want it fetch it or I'll sell it to someone else .
  14. Personally i still think the majority of used car buyers will want to see , touch , feel and sit in , before making a choice , We know every used car is a completely different beast isn't it . New cars may well go online as they are as near the same as can be . Used cars are not . I hear every one talking about selling online but in reality we are all like yourself buying online because we have no choice , but selling online to Joe Blogs is a different entity altogether , we've had a few but its not entirely a remote sale as they ring , make appointment and arrive , even those few who have paid upfront over lockdown have gone over the car as they do before leaving as I must admit I would do the same . I have talked to customers about buying online and have not met one who would dare spend any sort of money without seeing it onsite , none wished to wait for it to arrive by lorry and thatys the stumble block in my opinion for used cars , they have no idea whats arriving , even the 14 day money back offer is the min legal distance sale they have to offer anyway so just made to look good They are not car dealers as he said and are without doubt bean counters for as long as it works . cant knock them for trying though ,
  15. We have no problems building walls my friend , must be on a million bricks by now over the years
  16. Haha , yep that tells you the tyres are still there , not been stolen madam , see that light and drive with confidence T yre P rotection S ystem
  17. Brittneywood is brilliant at stupid questions isn't she . just a key and four wheels Brittney and you will be fine , make sure the tyres are pumped though , easy to see as if not they will be flat at the bottom . Assuming they are all round then buy it , deal done .
  18. My god that's just one for the memory bank , Stupid woman
  19. Pay before collecting at all times . no option to pay on site .
  20. I had to read that a number of times to get it Haha She your tech now then clever girl I love that question
  21. Cheaper stuff eg sub 4/5k stuff is hard to buy , we always had a few cheapy stuff on stock , now that's almost a thing of the past as we cant see them . how many of us found a little gem at a physical auction when there in person , the meaty stock is easier as its less miles , newer , though the grading as we know is shite a lot of the time and not consistent between auctions sites either . miss the buzz . miss the chatter , but hey oh life moves on , soon be a story only about when people actually went to live auctions and bought cars live wont it . I collected a car from Notts BCA the other day and saw one of the auctioneers , hes as pissed off as we are , loved the buzz he said , didn't know how much till he got a screen to look at all shift . What a year 2020 has been hasn't it , not the best one ever .
  22. Clueless , totally clueless , hasn't a clue what she is yapping about. Plates in the UK go with the car . Private personal plates are not any of your business brittenywood so don't worry your head . Made me laugh though