David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. They are always £500 behind the price , they know what they are doing , remember fighting for ages to get it to £1,500 now a cheap px is £2,495 so at 2k they are just £500 behind again . just shows where prices are going though . 2,000 went 2295 then moved to 2495 , now they are 2795 , soon be 3k for a starter car .
  2. Talking of price markers I've sold a car that was £2,787 to HIGH AT said . The customer didn't see it on AT though Phew ,
  3. Not a customer to sell a car too . Answer to your question is NO to extending 30 day return . Action should of been , " Mate go bother someone else if that's how you feel "
  4. I can take your view on board , and i agree they are an afront to any sense we can think about , as to if its illegal I'm afraid I don't see that going anywhere really . Its very much like me posting that your stock is either over priced or under priced . The customer that reads my description can agree or disagree cant they but they cant stop me saying it and neither can you . We are looking at the possibility of NOT using Autotrader for our advertising , very carefully plotting every sale we make as to where that sale was tracked and found . This month we have sold 19 cars to date and out of 19 AT tracker calls have called on only 8 , 11 others came from Google . So the tide might indeed be turning because as each and every year that passes a new generation comes live on the car hunt and they have different ideas where to find cars . Not many 17 yrs olds even know what Autotrader is nowdays . Its all Google , Face book , and more Social Media . As take action I'm afraid my path is to find new ways to sell that doesn't include Autotrader or Car Guru
  5. I think you you should be accountable so we know what the be jesus your bloody on about . What a dopey comment to put on a forum
  6. I had AT on the phone again for 45 mins this morning regarding this subject of price markers . I have a car that's one of only a very few for sale , AT say i should sell at £17,303 retail to get a good marker I'm at £19,995 because of the extras fitted and condition of the car , this price was worked out by looking at retail prices , how long each garage had the car in stock , extras fitted against competitors . I still think I'm £500 less than where I should be too . My car is priced HIGH , They actually told me they take the prices of cars for sale times that by the number of cars and divide by same number for an average price , Bloody twats . While I'm talking to him I get an enquiry via my web site number , Guy searching on GOOGLE for that type of car , saw our web site and rang . NO Markers on Google , none on our web site and the result is its sold this morning after he popped down to see us , PX is a great car , with 12 k on finance to add to the deal , Collects Sat Morning . Asked him why he searches google and he says AT are to complicated now to use , He cant re Find the cars he looked at anymore , Doesn't understand the low , high , relevant pricing , the price markers confuse him somewhat as the low markers make him mistrust the dealer , High markers get in his head too much and he cant bring himself to ring them , cant find a car he's looking for with a GOOD marker on it , Just makes you wonder doesn't it at what level of pricing the same attitude of this guy becomes a problem for us all on AT and car Guru .
  7. I just don't like the cost , perfectly at ease selling them cars on credit cards as far as section 75 goes , but bugger if I'm paying for their privilege of them getting air miles or whatever points they get , never had one turn down a sale when i say NO credit cards , debit card / bank transfer or finance only , and of course Credit card charge backs do happen too . Though I must admit its probably a last resort for them .
  8. If you sold 4 out 7 its not going to be a weekly occurrence is the first thing . The other worry is if you sold 4 out 7 in a week then your too cheap and not earning enough to sustain a business, there will be lots of hidden costs to running a full time business , £300/to £500 wont pay the bills , servicing , repairs , rent , MOT , petrol costs , delivery costs , valet costs , insurance costs , trade plates , electric bills , advertising bills , internet bills , water bills , accountant bills , VAT bills , bills like , printers , pressure washers , waxes , cleaners , carpet cleaners , see where this is going cant you , bills that mean nothing now all of a sudden become huge costs and they are weekly /monthly costs . Project your profits that you think you may make and at best HALF them to put in reality .
  9. Hi Welcome aboard . You have to keep receipts for a min of 6 years for HMRC tax purposes , you will need them for VAT purposes too to work out the VAT , You will need them for end of yr accounts also . Auctions are source of cars for sure , I find it simple to use them but I have no concept of fear at all buying cars . They can be intimidating places for the start ups and there is a lot to learn regarding Vendors , costs etc . As you move ahead with premise and VAT plus your wage you may find 40/50 cars a stretch to attain as money evaporates at start up level for a year or two , plus storing cleaning servicing and selling that amount of cars + storage costs will require staff and that's a whole new problem to pay for . You have to find that sweet spot of what you can manage regards numbers and expenses of people . 20 is a good number as a guide . The after expense profits £300/£500 are a slight concern to my way of thinking , but I cant comment as you don't mention age /type or price of stock sold . I do though wish all the very best in your new venture , Just remember this , Its what your EARN and not what you TURN that's the difference between succeeding and not . Its great fun though if your thick skinned , hard headed, brave ,and don't mind working 18/20 hour shifts 7 days a week tha'ts a joke really its only 15 hours
  10. The wallies that work there go off reg letters , or simply guess . there's no science to it , just designed to cut work out so its cheaper . Seen them listed under 10 years with no picture grading .
  11. New rules say we should display both the trade number and the cars reg
  12. We speak sense though don't we Umesh , we are both time served experts but they wont listen . Keep up the good work pal
  13. Just had Autotrader on the phone for the past 30 mins , on this subject He said it was there to give customers a good overall view into fair deals , I said all it does is make the scrap look cheap . so he asked how i came to that opinion ? Two cars advertised then and at this point we are on autotrader One car low price , one car high price . LOW price didn't mention Service History , number of keys , number of owners , tread depth on tyres , Cam belt history , how long the car had been owned by previou keeper . High price did mention 12 Stamps , two keys 1 previous keeper , recent tyres , cam belt history in june 19 They were £595 apart in price . I asked which was the better car ? He said the high priced one . So I said if that's the case why don't AUTOTRADER tell the public that information instead of its a HIGH Price so that trader is making money he deserves too . I also challenged them to spend a week with me buying cars , We will take £100,000 of my own money and go out buying cars at autotrader prices and sell them at autotrader good price marker prices using their systems to prove they sell and are popular in my area , Thats after I've done my bit to ensure they don't come back with moaning customers , then see if there is enough profit left to pay auto traders bill and a profit on my 100k . If we made any money at all I would concede to their systems , if I struggled to sell the cars at a profit then they buy them back off me , but its my money up front in the first instance so no risk except to prove your talk with actions . He told me he had been told the prices were high so it could be difficult to achieve that NO Shit sherlock , join our world . Alright doing the bloody talk isn't it but walking the walk with your own cash and taking the risks we all do is a different world in reality , Pouncy PAYE cowards just waiting for end of month £1,400 cheque coming , make my blood boil they do
  14. Tell us what its about when youve wasted time reading it , save the click pennies then wont it
  15. Don't borrow money for start up new business as its the path to losing the lot . Start with one or two cars that you can afford to buy , make a profit and return the investment , takes longer but its more secure , teaches you the job , makes you think PROFIT . this way you become a money EARNER unlike some /most who borrow who become money TURNERS to repay the banks , cards , stocking loans , etc , soon find yourself working for the lender and not YOU .
  16. Why not , Most of our stock goes via Visa Debit card , Chip Pin and take it away .
  17. No I didn't give him time to try upselling , I did have a go at him over the price markers though , he said everyone is moaning about them . I challenged him to ask the boss to come buying with me and see if we could make enough money to pay auto trader bill using AT's buying and selling price
  18. Copy of driving licence , make sure name matches as with any card payment really , They wanted credit card for free points but say NO as you pay for the free points at the end of the day . Visa is fine .
  19. Thanks guys , I rang them certain parts of the country went down , back on now ,
  20. Autotrader Dealer portal doesn't login my end , is it just me this morning ? or country wide Just error 520 showing
  21. If you didn't buy it online and NO one else has your logon details , then you haven't bought it have you , They must of made a mistake . Cant go ranting on about re entry fees or buy it . you need to ring the Auction manager or better still go and see him if your close enough .
  22. Casper my mother was then and still is at 90 a fantastic Cook so my dinners were magnificent growing up . Then I went to Jills Parents and got such a culinary shock Her mums cooking ability was just short of poisonous
  23. I want one NOT Still remember the future mother in laws Sunday dinner when i was young lad , all in one pressure cooker , more like mush soup when she served it Good they had a dog that eat anything