David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. Always take ID for cash sales and save in a locked file for purpose of proof of whose collected the car . Test drive its also essential , scan copy and date and time of test drive , reg of car on paper to save if they go thru cameras and send you a NIP Selling on finance its absolutely essential you take proof of ID or the finance co will get nasty with you if the shit hits the fan . Licence is sufficient if its a photo one , not a photo one then two forms of ID with same name on , preferably passport though if no pic on driving licence .
  2. If cheap is your priority then your search continues my friend . We sell cars that work .
  3. Privates cant use the info we have Masie its trade only . I have never hated anyone in my life either , if the truth is called hate so be it in your world , but not mine . We as traders use sites far more detailed than the one your talking about , that's the truth , no hate in that comment , I'm just putting a professional view to your findings of a very simple check site that's no more than a glorified MOT history check that,s just trying to lure privates into paying for the detail . Everyone to their own though .
  4. We have systems far in front and far more detailed than info from this site Masie Williams . You have come to a traders site so its parts of our far more detailed check to have systems more professional than a free site . We need to perform detailed checks because doggy people try to off load rubbish cars onto us px thinking we wont know , but we do .
  5. Irrelevant question really as it all depends on how fast a car sells doesn't it regarding cost per car , A car can be on 1 hour or 90 days , customers are the controlling force to that and lady luck sometimes No it doesn't work on car values as to the percentage price to sell , if that was a case the site wouldn't attract the expensive stock . So your answer is anything from a £1 as a nominal fee to load to a few £100 , This is not the secret to a site that performs well though , ITS MKT PENETRATION , the site HAS to get the cars under customers noses . Cant do that it WONT work . That's not easy or someone would compete with Autotrader I see the expense of paying a site as a business decision , 1 ; charge me £200 a month and it doesnt work its a waste of money as it £2,400 a year down the drain ,2; charge me £2,000 a month and i sell 40 cars a month then its a better business proposition isn't it .
  6. First thing you need to show us is how are you going compete with Autotraders Market penetration , Lots of sites have spent Millions setting up to disappear a short while later . One called FIND & Fund spent fortunes , charged us £50 a month advertised on TV spending millions and was invented by Moto Novo Finance , dropped on its head and now limps along as a free site doing nothing at all . Asking us what we want is the wrong way round , Spend your £100 million on a site and tell us how much its going to cost us , remember Autotrader has the benefit of YEARS of penetrating peoples heads with their name , that's the only reason it works and its why the others cant catch them , which is why they charge so much , simple economics really . Then of course the way people search nowadays is changing too , heard of GOOGLE well that's how i sold the last 4 cars , Customer wants a Renault Megane in Black so he GOOGLES RS megane in Black and what happens ? ours popped in front of him so he rang . Good luck but my god its not going to be an easy ride unless your loaded with over 100's of millions of ££££££££'s and if you are then you don't need to think about it really do you ?
  7. That wont be a finance firm your starting will it ?. surely your looking to be a Broker to be able to offer Finance from a finance company for your car customers ?. limited permission if so , if you don't understand the process ask a broker to help you , they do charge but can be negotiated if you offer them your finance business. Heard they charge anything from £200 /£500 for the info ,some even do it free . My daughter has just registered and Close Brother helped her , but she had the power of us behind her as we deal with them so they know they will get her business , took our area manager about 30 mins to complete the process. But Close wont be bothered if you only have a few cars .
  8. Now that's a dopey post on a CAR forum isn't it , Think it through better next time before you log on to a forum
  9. The tax man HMRC and customs VAT man will skin him alive if he puts figures in to HMRC as a car seller as his figures wont match a starter up business , they aren't stupid at the Customs and HMRC you know , they will want to know where the money is from . Which is why he wants to just go away and find another job eg "widget grinding " or something else not motor related , start out legit pay the taxes. Some one that's earning 60 k a year without paying taxes will stick out like sore thumb
  10. I have zero reason to be jealous of anyone my friend , I have great health , great family , my family are in great health , regarding earning money which I assume your talking about , well there is zero reason to be jealous of that isn't there , Thats been the easiest part of my life and had fun doing it too . What I cant stand is Liars and people who exaggerate , two years records in one month ok yea now I believe him I really do . I'm out on this thread , Bye ,
  11. Might be realising the shits about to hit the fan now he's heard from a few of us on here. First time he sends accounts in they are going ask where the stock money came from and how hes going to prove he had it legit . Oh Dear Then of course they will want to know how he earned the 100 k in the bank from his 10 cars a month that he forgot to say anything about . OOPS Two years of pain follows Uzzy as they strip your assets for inspection , trace every payment you EVER made and received inspected your house and contents , locked in rooms and cautioned by Customs and HRMC cant be fun . Then the fines and back tax follows , seen this with a couple i knew and it destroyed them and they were NO where near your level UZZY . Our MOT guy had the same problem , picked him up on one small item and found a few more , assumed he had been doing it for years and broke him . he now works as the MOT guy at the station he once owned 15 years ago . My advice is quit the car game NOW , and hope , you are too far into it with a not declaring it and they will see it when you do decide to go legit . Be better off selling widget grinders on sunday mkts
  12. Now that's a serious reason to cover them up . Took my motor bike for MOT last year and it was cloned , got a visit from plod for racing round Nottingham city at over 120mph and doing wheelies passing traffic , my laughing convinced the copper it wasnt me , he came to take pictures of my bike with only 2 miles on the clock since the MOT so I couldn't of gone to Notts anyway but we all stood laughing at the suggestion i was Pulling wheelies in the city centre I would have believed the 120 mind
  13. About the top and bottom of how it all works that is . always will be too i would think
  14. I simply haven't got time to cover them up even if i thought about it before hand Get them pictured and gone is my my motto
  15. I'll end this year by wishing everyone on here **********A Happy & Prosperous New Year .********** All the very best to you all . Lots of good people on on this forum , long may it continue . Signing off till 2020 David
  16. First thing is PAY your taxes , that's how to become a proper trader . One or two is dipping your toes in but your level of turnover is way over the top to pass the " i'm just starting out lie " The excuse of oh I thought it was all about profit and not turnover for VAT margin rules are laughable Uzzy . Bet Mr VAT man is going to love you in the new year , 20k back tax + double for fines and then HMRC will want a chat too . All the best for new year though .
  17. WOW your VAT bill is going to be massive
  18. My system entirely Mark , They don't come back then do they . Just sold a lady the third car in 18months today , She had one for her son , then her husband bought one and today her daughters first car . Don't do that if they ain't right when they leave . Evans halshaw had the same car £400 cheaper she said but it wasn't serviced , wasn't cleaned and the scratches were wear and tear for the year she was told Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten
  19. I have two sites , one selling heavier priced stock one selling nice first timer cars £3/ 4 k stuff so i get prepped with the cheaper stuff to sell before christmas , quite slow really The heavy stuff walked out this dec , chap walked in yesterday, Hi I've come for that Z4 hope its in stock "75 miles he'd driven" £16,495 , £2,495 dep and 14k on Moto Novo thankyou very much , He had just wrote off his S2000 Honda he said so wanted a new toy , " Happy Christmas I said " Never get it right , never Most finance too . Be a good Coms start to new year So been slow really in actual sales , but margins are very high so happy days .
  20. chin up . Was ok with the kids cos i bought em off road motor bikes , guns , and the likes I take a fast car on a 100 mile 100mph drive cos every one will be full of turkey . I do same on world cup OUT at full power 100 miler at 100mph When i can get out of my christmas chains anyway I got in trouble the other day cos future daughter in law did the chrissy trimmings , trees and every shelf and orifice filled with bloody ribbons and holly and i didnt say OH that's lovely Happy christmas Thanks Casper Happy christmas to you all too . Happy new year and a prosperous one as well
  21. Trade plates are a system of tax for the car you are using for trade purposes , eg taking for repair , testing the car , test drives , use in business purposes They cost £165 a year , you will only get trade plates with proof of trade insurance though . When you get trade plates you then put that trade plate number on your insurance MID then that trade plate is proof of insurance and tax for the car car its displayed in . Simples really . Your question about insurance to park on street is yes you need it , You would need to TAX the car as well , trade plates will not cover street parking for extended periods like overnight . Doesnt matter either if you are a LTD company or sole trader as that has diddly squat to do with anything . Mark . Makes you think about the serious stuff they will get thrown at them doesn't it , My god wait till the VAT margin system sinks home
  22. Down load a V62 online and take to the post office , use that form to tax the car and apply for V5 , sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't , you may need the last keepers post code to make it work . failing that working its snail mail and at worst 4 weeks and over the christmas holidays it may well take 4 weeks +
  23. HAHA reminds me of watching that happen , It gushes doesn't it