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Everything posted by Mojo121

  1. To be fair you didn’t tell the truth. Whoopsie!
  2. Sold plenty marked “above market”. Which is rich from coming from an automated valuing system...
  3. At certain ends of the market no one gives a shit what level of warranty they get as long as it’s at least a month. We’ve done it both ways and better off without giving things way and selling extended warranties if people want them.
  4. We flat out tell people we don't want them... they're initially always like "WHAT ... HOW? ... NOT FAIR." and how I am somehow obliged to take it. I explain all the problems with them and they tell me how 5 other dealers have said the same
  5. Yes. Probably that. I can see why they're doing it but I can't see them getting rid of low to high search.
  6. This could shake things up alot, but, what dictates relevance? It looks like advert quality. A shame because I spent the last 5-6 months learning how to get autotrader to work for me and now it looks like I'm going to have to start again
  7. Is there such thing as a great price for an Insignia? Horrible things.
  8. Turn off the light and flog it from Asda car park
  9. I'm confused. This is an issue because his insurance did not have sdp in it? Is that even possible? What law is he breaking exactly...?
  10. Had mine taxed & in trade for the last 15 months
  11. I had a bloke the other day say he was surprised I didn't get funny because he asked me to keep a car for him for 10-12 days. Keep your £200 and have the cambelt change paid for readvertise for more and sell it in a day? No, no bother at all sir.
  12. Depends on what their reason is and how much they're willing to leave. I work on £200 a week as a rough guide.
  13. Got plenty of space so np for me. If they pull out I keep the deposit. I hope they do back out.
  14. Wouldn't get into that. If I can't see it's broken I'm not paying. In the past with deals like this I've just discounted on the agreement I'll never see it again.
  15. 6 years later and more hated than ever
  16. I don't bother. My buyers wouldn't care and it's more £££ off the bottom line. Maybe one day I will if I started doing something more specialised.
  17. You’re just fibbing so we keep away? Read this
  18. I just pay decent money and get a proper job. Got sick of going back to our guy 2-3 times. Enough is enough.
  19. Anyone that refers to it as "money on top" ain't a proper buyer. Wanna buy a dag?
  20. eBay’s cost per sales has always been lower for us but we’re selling cheaper stuff. Had to pay an extra £30 a month to renew this year but it’s worth it.
  21. Noticed a lot more dry spells this year... where before there were 10 days straight where it felt very quiet that's extended to 3 week to full months of feeling very quiet. Not good. Then you have a month where you sell a load only to lose the profit made to niggly warranty claims. You only have to look at the amount of due diligence you need to do in this job (paperwork, PDI etc) and the many variables to see why it's hard.
  22. Written invoice, lawgistics PDI, warranty policy, sign here, here, here and here. Oh and here
  23. Bet you all didn't know what to do with yourselves for two days
  24. Tale of woe and still takes a grand out of it. Woe is me more like XFS.
  25. Depends. Can you give more info on your new mode. I think it’s hard to say if it would be more effective. Can you give more info? What is your average PPU now? What are you planning on dropping it to? What value of cars you selling? How many are you buying a month now? How many more do you need to buy? Can you buy, prep, MOT, afford to advertise X amount more cars? We decided to drop our average margins £150 about 3 months ago. Even what might seem like a a relatively minor drop like that has meant a lot of changes for us. Be careful. It’s very easy to get in trouble.