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Everything posted by Mojo121

  1. Better to burn out than fade away... (said neil young and later someone else with a shotgun) Big Dylan fan too, love the early stuff aswell but I've seen enough clips of him recently to just not bother. Sad he feels the need to carry on. I'd be ashamed to get up and play like that in front of people, then again, maybe he's more Zimmerman than Dylan? EDIT: FOR THOSE INTERESTED
  2. Nah. This is how spam works on forums. You setup a bot and get it to post on all relevant forums - anything car related in this case and you send it out to post the same thing as many times as it can. Free advertising and probably very effective.
  3. Probably better than your attempt to advertise it.
  4. Good comment and very true. It's hard enough competing with those that don't, never have and never intend to. If you can't beat them (which is illegal now) ...
  5. Fuck me. £75 a valet. And that kid should’ve stuck with it. £90 a pop and he could’ve been doing better than some dealers
  6. You may? You mean you're shitting bricks hoping he's serious because it's your one chance of getting that money back in one piece and not have to concede to driving a 1.5 Audi everywhere. You may take him up
  7. Wow. That’s a get out of jail free card right there.
  8. Yeah, I second this. Could do with a laugh. Besides the obvious points already made I’m surprised you had £19k to spend
  9. Mine are there... set search low to high ... yep, there they are. Waste of time introducing relevance when low - high is still there
  10. Oh. Bought 6 more. £900 profit in each! Happy days.
  11. Fuck me. Kind of makes you wonder why they're sending paid employees out of the office to travel to photos cars for 55 quid a shot. No wonder they side with the vendors. Sounds like they're struggling.
  12. I know a couple of traders who would've just lost their rag, been rude and assumed they're messers. I think it's a case of listening to what people are really saying and working around that - sounds like you did a good deal.
  13. What are dealer auctions average fees when combined both sides (vendor and buyer) on an average car - say it sells for £7,000?
  14. I’m down too. I’ve just started as a car dealer aswell and I was wondering if when I sit down I’m meant to cross my legs because otherwise my vagina might show and the other dealers might make fun of me?
  15. You want trade ins from Manchester? this is a wind up right?
  16. Give up now. You’re not sharp enough kid.
  17. Must have had about 5 off of them now. I think the bad reviews are just made up by others who’ve had rival businesses. That must be what keeps the prices down. Everyone I’ve had has been exactly as described and, between us, well, those on this forum, I’ve made a packet on them!
  18. Give it a week or so after you sell it & we'll get a tasty refund thread. They sound like right dicks. Can't wait.
  19. (Guys. I've loved reading this thread. Thank you. CDM forum back cooking on gas)
  20. Hope you did her over on the px price. Only the parents to blame imo if you raise a child that sheltered of responsibility and awareness.
  21. Ahh, yes. The “I might not pull two grand profit of out a car” thread. Remember it well... Anyway congrats. I sold a car today too. ‘54 plate Clio. Proper little charmer it was.
  22. Motor traders with a personality. I swear to God everyone on my Facebook and that I'm vaguely connected to is starting a car sales business. A guy with a courier firm, some double glazing fella, the guy that does carpet cleaning, a musician, the ice cream man... seriously? It's not that I'm afraid of the competition it's just stay in your fucking lane. I don't come and start pouring out Mr Whippy's calling myself Soft Icie when times are hard thinking the grass is greener do I? Not to mention they're drips. All of them. Poncing around on their social media page telling you how "cool" their Mini Cooper Clubman is and how they take it home every night because it's their favourite of the 3 shitboxes they own. They pay garages labour by the hour.. retail!!? They come up to you in auction "how much do you spend on this" "where's best to advertise" "how many cars do you sell" "why do you think my red 13 plate corsa 1.2 with no air con for £5k hasn't sold?" "should I offer finance because I'm selling 3 cars a month" "look I built this website in C++ Python dick code aren't I good?". No. Just fuck off. After a month or so they get their first screamer. Immediate refund. No questions asked. Please don't harm my precious reviews. "We really went above and beyond for that client". What? You're flogging cars on Facebook from a bit of space you rent in an oversized car park. Where are the sheepskin coats and that guy that smokes a pipe? An auction and the motor trade shouldn't be a welcoming place. It wasn't when we started. Now it's a creche.
  23. This thread is 3 years old ... FFS
  24. ... I'm rapidly loosing interest in this forum