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Everything posted by Mojo121

  1. It’s the ones that call again and again and again when you’re dealing with their complaint or fixing their car. I always ring them back like “I have 9 missed calls from you?” They always reply like “yeah I was just wondering...” I then say something like “9 times though?”. Just to highlight their neuroticism. I’m not legging it or ignoring you I just don’t have Bluetooth or i’m with someone else or i’m taking a shit. Calm your tits.
  2. BCA have just nabbed CarShop off them so I think they're probably losing ground. Between AT, UKCGR and BCA there's not alot left of the car trade
  3. A crazy business model! I would bet being a salesman there is fun though, I love it when our pitch is heaving, theirs must be like a conveyor belt of commission! Do you know their background? How they got going?
  4. That's always been the way I knew it, very confusing and unsettling. Then again, am I that surprised a bank maybe didn't tell the WHOLE truth?
  5. I wrote the original post thinking just that and sod's law, someone did... to sell us a car back that we sold them a while ago following their partner's passing.
  6. Thanks. I didn’t want to be doom and gloom but that’s definitely what I feel. As the years plunder on and setups like AD’s begin to prevail (maybe his business plan will evolve to a complete see, click, buy, deliver service? I see Main dealers going more this way) perhaps the roadside pitch will become more redundant. I wouldn’t rue less time inside a cold portakabin. Look at it this way. Today I started at 9.30 and I’m finishing in about 25 minutes and i’ve not seen a soul besides a couple collecting one at 1pm. This is not uncommon. It can be a fucking dreary boring old business at times.
  7. Roadside pitches aren't all they're cracked up to be. I have a great one. Probably results in 1-3 sales more a month. Customers seem to prefer a roadside setup versus a unit though.
  8. At least you know what's wrong with it We had a customer complaining about an intermittent EML light EGR related fault on a car once. Next I saw it at BCA Bedford. Nice relief.
  9. Good luck mate, not a lot to add really but it sounds like you have some skills a lot of us don’t, which is a nice advantage. Dont take on too much at the start and build up slow. We can be a friendly bunch if you ever need a bit of advice or to rant! All the best.
  10. There is no doubt an art to Facebook advertising. I considered starting a type of media agency offering just that service to fellow dealers. It’s by no means complicated and the best way to begin is by using Ads Manager and split testing. Don’t just Boost Post! Not sure whether convincing some would be worth the battle though in terms of time/ financial return I got served this ad earlier. Anyone after an old Fiesta on “break your legs if you don’t pay” finance?
  11. I don’t think that auto brake worked out of the factory. The rest of it, aside the wheel wobble - balancing maybe - is just how it is. Fussy twat. Edit: I only watched half of that video and it does work at the end... Jesus!
  12. This. Especially when your experience is non existent.
  13. Really? Oh! In that case hopefully he'll reply... it's top of the list on Google when I searched which is why I've posted.
  14. Hi chaps, I was looking at a company today who get commissions through introducing customers to lease/ contract deals. From what I can make out of the website they have agreements setup with the lease companies and I would guess their service involves attracting the customer and getting them to fill in the initial docs. You have to be FCA regulated etc. I know it's a bit off topic so I'm not sure if any of you will have any information or knowledge about this but I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this kind of model? An example of this kind of business is:
  15. You're expecting him to say it's now blown up aren't you?
  16. I don't think it's an ignition problem. What colour is the smoke? Sounds to me more like MAP sensor or EGR. Something is interrupting the smooth flow of air and fuel. The symptoms sound similar to every EGR we've changed to be honest. Really? You'd bin a C1 with a misfire? What do you do when you get more complex problems?
  17. LOL You seem a smart guy, I mean, the patents and inventions etc. Surely you can think of a more innovative and familiar business to start? I, like the other guys on here, are just trying to stop you from losing alot of money. It's a personal thing obviously but I hope you have a good amount of money!
  18. I’m with you on the landlord’s side... you’d have to think someone was pretty green to even propose a £21,000 deposit and 10 year lease surely? £21k would be nice to pocket after 6 months when they’ve given up!
  19. Probably a good way to get you to pay to go to an event.... I know, ever the optimist...
  20. Ridiculous and fuck signing up for 10 years on anything.
  21. He wants a year's rent upfront or as deposit?
  22. How are you getting so many px's on this stuff?!
  23. Mojo121


    If you want to fight it have your garage write a report and have an emissions test carried out on the car. Make your own video evidence aswell and tell them you've done that. Then tell them to collect their car as you don't refund for buyer's remorse.
  24. Anyone else noticed they've had a hike in fees? £1800 bid now comes out the door at £2003. Absolutely disgraceful and will only result in lower results for their vendors. Apparently staff aren't meant to highlight it. My question is how are they allowed to increase them like this and not announce them?