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Everything posted by Mojo121

  1. Hmm. I'd imagine a drug dealer a good tenant though
  2. Mojo121

    Cat D

    I think you'll be okay with a CAT D. I avoid them but I know alot of traders that do well off later write-offs. I think they appeal to those who want to save so, considering you got it cheap, priced right it should fly out.
  3. Same here mate. Shaping up to be our worst month ever. I was reassured to see your post so I thought I should comment and return the favour. It'll sort out
  4. Slightly related but our accountant tells us that basically the new rhetoric the government plans is to inform people the liability to ensure tax is paid by a company is on them when paying cash, so they should deduct the tax amount when paying and pay it their selves. The ramifications are ridiculous. No one knows how accountancy fees might change. No one knows how the system will work. Guarantee it'll cost us more money, be a balls-up and make life so much harder. It makes you think the government doesn't want people doing their own thing, doesn't it?
  5. I never said it wasn't. You reacted in an over the top way to Nick's original post which merely pointed out a couple of potential downsides of your model from his point of view. I think most people understand what I was trying to say by saying 'You are unique' with a little winky face but if you want me to say it plainly: it seems you get too easily offended or in the least you're over defensive. I understand some tone and intonation gets lost and who am I to point it out, but you asked. Right or wrong that's my explanation. I don't think what I did was cowardly, a little of the opposite but that's that. My intention was to inject some light heartedness into your very serious original response to Nick. I had hoped you would have responded along the lines of "Ohh, piss off ". You haven't. Which in itself has demonstrated my point. Ps. I'm sure I've got balls, they're sweating like **** tonight!
  6. Sorry for the late reply. We all get screamers, I agree, just from my point of view there's value in the personal protection a LTD company gives. Say a judge takes a dim view of an otherwise well prepared but previously accident damaged car and decides to tar you with a bad brush and tear you a new one. I'd never do this job as a Sole Trader. I'm shocked you didn't know that. The company is closed, gone. You worked for the company and all of it's assets are now liquidated - gone. There is no one to take to court because the company no longer exists. Just to make it worse it takes 10-15 minutes.
  7. Depends on the type of motor but most backstreet painters do your run of the mill wheel @ £25 ea... can't see the point in distracting yourself from buying & selling for that money.
  8. My advice, for what it's worth. Setup a LTD company - costs £12. Do it yourself. These are accident damaged cars and you will get screamers. Find a good accountant, he will have dealt with car traders before and will save you time and money. For a small business like yours expect £100 a month roughly. Get your trade insurance setup. Impossible to run without this. Your accountant will know someone. Tradex normally take on newbies. Apply for some trade plates. Try to not let any of the above distract you from doing your job
  9. It's quiet in cheap car town and the punters around are the absolute dregs of dregs. Hoping it returns to normal soon - bored!
  10. I'm nabbing the odd one where I can and letting the rest overpay. It'll come back down, it always does. Don't get sucked in.
  11. Check the regulator on the alternator. Took me ages to diagnose a 525d of the same year.
  12. Lawgistics for PDI pads. I ordered some recently and I like them, they're very comprehensive. Do them yourself. It's the modern day equivalent and as close as you get to selling ''Sold as Seen''... I'm sure I'll get picked on for saying that but I don't really care. We offer a third party warranty for things that go wrong, it covers the fundamental stuff and does pay out, beyond that it's not my problem. Everyone's quick to throw their understanding of the law about so if you're compliant you're safe. The difficult thing is drumming into someone's head they can't reject a 12 year old car because of a leaking slave cylinder that's covered under warranty anyway... That's a questionable use of 'Whom'.
  13. I'll figure out who she is one day. I look around the auctions all the time wondering whether she's right next to me. You realise BHM is female right? Her profile says so and everything Imagine meeting a bird with that outlook on a cold winter's night.
  14. I'd give up tomorrow mate. I play too. Fancy starting a band? We could call ourselves The Broken Beetles or The Rolling Stilos...
  15. With no jobs left the liberals might take over and give us all a Universal Basic Income to take up painting and group Kumbaya chanting.
  16. That’s what we forget! We’re making someone jobless and making the whole thing more faceless everytime we use those machines - good on her for her comment.
  17. I’m not familiar with Post Office banking - how does this work? Obviously I want the money to go to a Barclays Business account. At least I’d have some decent company while doing my porridge judging by the thread.
  18. Well valeted, photo'd in the sun and with alloys that don't look like a chicken nugget it's got to be worth £7-995 to someone this time of year.
  19. I’ve done this for sometime. I do wonder sometimes whether I might get picked up on it, I opened a separate account solely for that purpose. Shows a lot of cash flowing through a personal account but I suppose there’s a legitimate reason.
  20. With Barclays - does what it says on the tin. I still get pissy everytime they want 1% for putting in cash!
  21. Hell of a line, gunna use that one. I'm sure his brother's uncle's cousin is the MOT tester and the uncle has a garage and maybe your man Mo might get the especially good px or auction buys to knock out from his house for "tu hunred pound prophet". Unrelated question: When you see trends, and these trends tend to exhibit themselves within a certain race quite commonly and over and over again you see a pattern and you say what's happening out loud, rather than just think it quietly, you don't attach any hate, just comment on what you see, is that racism or just observation?
  22. Sounds like I should throw in the towel and retire. Weak bonnet struts. They hold. But they're weak. Pointed out and factored into the MOT discount. Offered to MOT, refused, preferred a discount, wanted the car asap, customer accepted weak bonnet struts. I was open and honest from the start with them. Nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned. In the words of a scouse "calm down, calm down"