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Everything posted by Mojo121

  1. ... am I the only one who'd go and have it out with them in person? Go and get your money back and fuck their excuses right off. I think you're being seen as too nice. They have your money and your goods. Not okay in my book.
  2. I died at this They're either unreasonable nut cases or proper buyers at the moment. Just had the fussiest sale followed by the easiest sale ever.
  3. This is what I thought. The issue with this job, as I've always said, is the demand on my attention constantly. I buy, I choose how to fix and prep, I deal with screamers...
  4. Exactly why I stopped bothering with private. Even when you ask them "is the gearbox noisy?" they tell you no then you turn up and guess what? Fucking crooks the general public.
  5. That really isn't bad at all, is it. I have a friend who's just took a 7k personal loan out for a car over 3 years. He ends up paying back 7,3. Makes you wonder how the lender justify the risk?
  6. Tomorrow's another day mate - enjoy the bevvies! (ps, was half expecting "I shifted 10 today!" - maybe next week!)
  7. £2995 and write the bollocks out of the advert with lots of hi-res photos. You’ll get it. There’s a place in Peterborough KGF Classics, they’d probably ask 4-5 for it. Chance it, you never know.
  8. Funny that, a Tom Stone used to work for Close Brothers and do it for free. And your user is Tom... Anyway, can only echo what everyone else says. Any finance company will come out and do it for free, a few friends of mine got stung (through their own stupidity really) on this and i’d prefer no one else falls into it.
  9. Great response. Don’t let these old timers antagonise you
  10. Ouch. He’s likely to get paid after a battle with insurance but at what price and cost to business? I guess he’ll be lucky to get mid book on them and the lost time and revenues will hurt!
  11. Mojo121


    Could you post up some of your pics - a great camera and I'd like to see the results - thanks
  12. October to September is night and day. On 7 so far against a stock of 20-25 on sale.
  13. Hi NOACROSS, i am of a similar mindset to you, I like the comfort I have without an AT package. However, I do wonder if I'm missing out on sales now I'm buying more. What is your stock profile? Just curious to hear why eBay etc might be working for you aswell.
  14. +1 thoughts with the chap & all affected
  15. You’re on my wavelength Mr Horgan
  16. Genuinely though, let’s say you have and accident... you sue your own LTD company (the company you work for) and you come to an “out-of-court” settlement.
  17. Mahou as it happens but suggestion well and truly noted
  18. Reading this from sunny Spain and I think you need to take Arfur Dealeys advice and a little of the Spanish attitude. Take a bit of a siesta on him - he is NOT your priority. You have his money. He wants your attention. You should have made him aware of timescales but the next time you get an answer long him out. We had a similar situation a while ago and once they had a week or three to wait they became a lot more reasonable.
  19. ... AND LOSE £200??? AVIN' A LAUGH!
  20. Don't take cards full stop. That's my answer to it all.
  21. It was the £22 that really hurt though wasn't it?