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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/20 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I think what is clear is we need a specific comment from the government - can dealers deliver or not. It should be quote simple. I've emailed the business department and treasury today to ask them, and the SMMT. I'll see if any of them come back with a comment. Might try and hound them on Twitter too. Glad you enjoyed the article and thanks all for your comments
  2. 4 points
    I’m seeing too much conjecture and vilification of others when legally we can deliver a car from an online order, there’s a specific allowance in the legislation under section 51a to do so. Whether you choose to is just that: your personal choice how you run your business, it doesn’t make you some virtuous saviour of mankind if you choose not to either. We should familiarise ourselves with the rules of the game if we want to play.
  3. 3 points
    Shitty Focus! Never mind the heart complaint, surely you meant Immaculate, superbly maintained, well appointed family hatchback offering outstanding economy at an attractive price.
  4. 3 points
    But we shouldn’t have to decide if and when it’s safe to return to work? That’s what the government are for? They should be telling us when it’s safe to do so! I’ve decided not to be critical of those who feel they need to break the lockdown. If I was a young single guy with nothing to lose I’d probably be out there. But I’m a 58yr old guy with heart failure and hypertension and according to the letter from NHS am extremely vulnerable and need to stay home for 3 months! Personally I cannot afford to catch it, and I am certainly not prepared to ignore the advice of hugely intelligent medical professionals just to play Russian roulette with my life over a shitty 10yr old focus! Oh and a nIcely written article James
  5. 3 points
    I think this is a good post on the subject and in in line with my views. Personally, I am choosing not to trade on any level during the lockdown, this is my choice based on the safety of myself and my partner as much as anything else. But I am not going to criticise those who continue to trade legally within the guidelines. Equally, that is their choice.
  6. 2 points
    When we watch the daily update on the virus from the government we see, graphs, how many died today, how many new cases etc, one of the graphs, shows motor vehicle movement, you might say this pedantic, [right word? ] so we deliver a car, there is no way that as a customer your not going to have a spin out in this new to you car, so other dealers think, hang on, cazoo are doing it right ? why can i not ? so the government see this increase in traffic, and extend the lockdown, simples, so those that are doing the right thing, staying at home, are, in theory, penalised even further, loss of income. No problem at all taking orders, my thinking being, when we are instructed that we are not classed as none essential, then with diligence, we can return, i was asked if, if i had a vehicle "ready" could they collect it ? short answer no, we are in lockdown, and breaking the law by opening up, but they said, we would observe the rules, that is not going to happen is it ? can i use your toilet ? whats that one over there ? bigger companies have "given" cars to key workers, strongly checking there story of being "stuck" one would think, this sort of help will, long term bear fruit for these companies, a point cazoo, all set up to do, have failed on, [50% sales to key workers yes there figures ?] should that not be 100%? If the car transporter on empty return could at least distribute ppe equipment to the nhs ? You may have seen earlier, on another thread my "lighthearted " view on this company, made a few of you chuckle, but the bottom line is, this company is taking other peoples business? putting staff at risk ? encouraging traffic to increase? it is just not cricket ! On a thursday night, at 8 o clock, i stand at my door, yes, with a tear in my eye, clapping for the nhs, the key workers, the delivery drivers, the guy on the checkout at aldi,all the great people that are keeping us going, and if a cazoo wagon goes past, well, i cannot say
  7. 1 point
    My 2-pennethworth (someone asked me this stuff privately, so I thought I would post it) is that everyone has cars. But there is only one *YOU*. So, you need to present online or FB or wherever. Do what other people don't do... buy yourself an edge. It's worth to spend a few quid on great photos from (say) a wedding photographer, build up a real album of them to use. I'd say photos are the thing most people screw up on. Explain you need photos that *pop*. Make sure they are full HD (or bigger). Splash £1000 for a full portfolio of great photos, In all shapes and sizes. I would really say, just be YOU. Try not to be deliberately funny, but give your opinions. Don't be shy. Consider the photos need to be well lit/bright primary colour clothing, doing stuff like sweeping the floor etc (not stood there like an idiot). Polishing cars, doing stuff. Jump starting. Use props. throw things, use action. Look at the camera. Use emotion, shout, get angry. All those make great photos. Don't be a grinning idiot in a suit. Give as much personal info as you can, be brave, then people will make up their minds whether they will trust you. Don't be anonymous. Don't pretend to be a big co if you aren't. Always say *I*, not *WE*. Always. Then, start to make movies, watch that interview with JB and Carwow yesterday, just make loads of short 15 sec to 1 min movies. Someone will like them. Make sure they are full HD, and GET THE SOUND GOOD. None of this costs much, but £500 on photos is a really good investment, no one else will do that. Use animated gifs... like these ones, here is me and Adrian. Make sure you POP online, don't have to be stupid, you just need to have more oooomph than the rest Keep it personal. The trick is, you need stuff people will pass to other people and say "worth looking at this". Easy. Ling
  8. 1 point
    Have contacted the dealer direct. Evanshalshaw but through a lease company online. They said they are having another meeting Monday or Tuesday to see what they can do, dealer principal told me that the manufacturer are starting to deliver straight from port?? As they have nowhere to store them. Dont know how much truth is in that. All I know is that I need my vehicle. I do appreciate the current situation and I know I am one of many but there has to be something done about it all.
  9. 1 point
    I'm sure BCA would hand out login credentials to anyone that sends them an email at the moment. They had a few sales last week, another three tomorrow, Mostly UK Car stuff and a lot of no reserve crap they are trying to clear out. I'm still after stock but its hard to find, A lot of the nice fresh stuff on BCA is on Buynow above Cap clean which is a joke. Aston Barclay have been running the best online sales so far and stock is on sale at realistic prices.
  10. 1 point
    BCA online auctions are up and running tomorrow , will be interesting to see which way prices head...north or South ? Good observation re that only proper traders can bid ...
  11. 1 point
    These sorts of business presentations that purport to be auctions and sign this that and the other will get come backs wont they . Just imagine how many punters are actually put off complaining though by signing that trader document . Only get one or two back , just buy em back , sell em again , bob your uncle . Its a numbers game for those types at the end of the day . Chap we know trades on the numbers game , he reckons on 20 % moaners , 80% of them go away after being shouted at he says , the others he strings them out to dry till the pip squeaks then it only leaves one to buy back , they are that exhausted they take his offer of less than trade money . Sometimes giving back less than he paid for the pile in the first place , he thinks that's just hilarious . He has that brash in your face personality , BUT I also blame his greedy customers who probably researched 1,00's of adverts and found out hes the cheapest . As for the guy selling on what might be or might not be an auction , fair play if it works I suppose . Only thing that gets me mad is selling stuff that don't work properly and isn't fixed , that gets us all tarred with the same brush at the end of the day , because all punters have fell for the lets buy this one because its cheaper and had their arse burned .
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    just noticed on his website "test drives are welcome at a cost of £10+vat for 15 minutes ON OUR PREMISES" and mentions you cant get this option at other auctions lol, he's got some front i'll give him that...
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I just concerned that because I'm not running round all day I wont be able to hack it if I ever go back
  16. 1 point
    Not currently trading here . Closed as are the other businesses i do some work for Think Im losing weight having to eat home cooking most the takeaways are shut and the sit down greasy spoon cafes and Chinese Indian world buffet places are all closed saying that the biscuit barrel is going down as well as the crisps multipacks think ill have a yoghurt or 2 for lunch bit more healthy
  17. 1 point
    not me, after 4 weeks at home l'm so fat i cant fit through the door
  18. 1 point
    done https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/forum/topic/8680-are-you-actively-trading/
  19. 1 point
    he is watching " withnail and i " gone on holiday by mistake" is quite apt for some people
  20. 1 point
    well its legal to sell and quite safe to do so if you are organised, the reality is if cazoo sell online then deliver on a wagon by 1 driver who has zero contact with the customer on delivery bar a phone call to say your car will arrive within the next hour please stay indoors and i will notify you when i have left your address - then that chaps is 100% safe and water tight, morals are another thing i guess... there are two camps of thought here - i would suggest some of the against camp do not have the business model capable of operating during this crisis, its obviously harder for a single trader to operate in this climate who's model is still - meet greet, can we see the p/ex, i'll get it ready for you next week, you'll have to sign up for it here, we dont deliver, we have to explain the bolt on warranty here, we are worried about distance selling, our client base is mostly cash customers etc etc. like it or not chaps this game has moved on, with respect some are stuck in the dark ages, same old plan, rent a unit, buy all stock from auction, pay for everything else,just man the phone and moan about the costs. take a look at cazoo - as of today, they have 2280 cars on the site, a search reveals about 1850 are aged between 2017 and 2020 and all sub 50k miles and the bulk of stock even lower - ALL or mostly ALL are still in manufacturers warranty hence they are not in the slightest worried about distance selling or warranty's, theyre not spending fortunes on prep either, i'm not blowing their trumpet because at the end of the day they are bad news for everyone else, but it has to be said the stock profile and quality of car for 2000 units is impressive. this job forever changes just as you get used to it and yes its a total pain, but as usual chaps its a case of run with the new way of trading or get run over by it....good luck everyone and stay safe.
  21. 1 point
    I dont live in a bad area My business isn't in a bad area The scrotes have come every time out of a bad area exactly as tango victor explains I pay my taxes I use my head not my fists these days
  22. 1 point
    Cazoo would counter that by saying what they are doing is no different to that Amazon delivery driver dropping off parcels. Tbh I struggle to disagree with this point of view. Half of the restrictions are bollocks due to the weak implementation of controls. The govt would of been better operating like a Communist state, instructed everyone to stay at home & enforced it with public floggings but I guess they don’t have the legal powers so we ended up with scenes such as those in London parks sunning themselves rubbing suntan lotion into each other’s backs. Anyone who thinks being 2mtrs from an infected person in a supermarket queue who is coughing & spluttering is going to be saved is misguided. I’ve spoken to one of the many taxi drivers working & he was allegedly advised by a medical professional to keep passengers in the rear, keep HIS window down & regularly use sanitizer on the handles & the controls he regularly handles. I’ve done a couple of contactless sales to very local customers but think if we all hang on a few weeks we’ll get further guidance from the govt. Personally I think I’m at much higher risk walking around a supermarket.
  23. 1 point
    Guess it really depends what people think are crucial for example if an nhs worker or other key-workers cars has be written off stolen failed mot well should say developed fault that would cause a failure due to the extension etc or they have been using public transport then I can see an argument for it .but can also see the argument against if even those type of workers just fancy a change . The more worrying concern is with a lot of main dealers been closed and some only open for essential work with lower staff numbers for key workers whats the waiting time going to be .currently know of a golf with broken seat adjustment and a vivaro with the alarm going off when locked neither really an emergency just now but what if something major happened to a lease car of an nhs worker many in our area are leased through companies that are closed how long would it take to get a repair or courtesy vehicle / hire car to them.
  24. 1 point
    Depends where you live. As I said in another post, am lucky to live in an affluent area. Not everyone is mega rich or rich. But they have common sense and decency ie Cross the road when they see you and vice versa. Lack of cars on the road so my new cycling venture is safe at the moment, thank God. Not seen a cop car around here. Went through a run down area... And cop cars are circling the area like bees.... Including in unmarked vehicles. Are you in a decent area? If so the chavs might be bored of the ghetto and think let's try and cause havoc at yours. If so report them. If you and your neighbours are old, report the runts. Specify you feel threatened. Get your neighbours to as well. Believe me cops like listening to people from a decent area.. It's the whole social circle crap... Ie if they know you live in a half a million pound house... Chances are you got a good job and your kids are behaving... So they'll go after the chavs that 'they don't fit in the area'. These fines are petty £30 here there crap. Should be £1000 deterrents. But then again the govt dont want to seem heavy handed and people dont go out for essentials in case they think they get fined. Just how alot of folk with other medical issues haven't gone to A&E for treatment and died because they thought they might get the virus.
  25. 1 point
    Absolutely. Many years ago in the early days of eBay (and the early days of me doing a bit of part-time trading) I was knocking out plenty under the usual ‘No Warranty, spares or repair’ game. Some auctions, some classified ads. Everyone happily signing their rights away for a cheap car, everyone clearly knew what they were getting, or more importantly what they weren’t getting (comeback), no complaints, all straight forward & above board.........until one day in a January the local TS called me in. Their head man had been looking for a car, came across my adverts & nearly choked on his Xmas mince pie! However the one thing that torpedoed my argument at the time was.......eBay is fully accessible to members of the public, it is a public auction/sales website. They explained the whole spares/repair trailered away ‘thing’ and made it clear it must be fully included in the advert. At the time I asked about private punters signing their rights away as traders, TS said obviously if I was openly touting as such I’d clearly be in breach of such & such regulations (saying because it was blatantly a load of bollocks trying to get around consumer rights). All fair comments really. After saying all of that, it only takes 2 minutes looking on Facebook to find some dodgy bastard misselling trade cars but they appear to operate unhindered by any Trading Standards Dept. From what I see FB is as bad as eBay ever was.
  26. 1 point
    Are buyers that stupid? (Okay, I know "a fool and their cash are easily parted"). Retail sale ==> retail price, and all the things that come with it (like px, test drive, prep, finance, return, warranty etc) Trade sale ==> trade price Sure there's a legitimate minority of the GP who are happy to buy on trade terms, but they'd go to an auction and stick their hand in the air. I am not convinced there are that many people who would accept trade terms but pay retail. I know there's a subset of 'benefits' still available such as better viewing of the car than at an auction, px. Were they offering test drives? I suspect, if ever a case got to court the "trade terms" would fail the duck test. I know others want sight of trade insurance policy or similar.
  27. 1 point
    I'd love to hear lawgistics take on their T&Cs. As far as I was aware it doesn't matter what I get them to sign or how I phrase the ad, Joe Public is always Joe Public and I am always a car dealer so consumer rights apply. The only way this could stand was if the website was only accessible by the trade who had proven their trade credentials to be a member. This is a website that anyone can jump on. Anyway if they run a good business and customers are happy well and good but I wouldn't like to be testing the model in court.
  28. 1 point
    Another very interesting one Cash is always king whether its folding or in da bank Too many people living on other peoples money these days,I look around me and even the window cleaner has a fairly new van a big water browser in the back and a hosepipe,he hasn't even got a ladder Let's hope more simple things come out from this plague Milk deliveries are up,people actually talk to you now in the woods rather than pretending to be on their phones,closed facebook pages accept you because they want new blood,you can walk in the doctors and theres no queue,you dont get jostled in the supermarket,theres no road noise,you can hear the birds,you can get up at 10 So many good things,so many bad things
  29. 0 points
    26th march= quote Cazoo has suspended deliveries of vehicles during the coronavirus crisis.The company, which has enjoyed a high profile and plenty of publicity since its launch 15 months ago, said on social media that it had set itself three guiding principles as the Covid-19 outbreak began to dominate the news agenda.The first one was that all employees should be kept as safe and healthy as possible; the second was that Cazoo customers should enjoy the highest possible standards of customer service; and the third was that the company would take whatever action it could to slow and stop the spread of the disease. unquote................... There is no known cure..................very chilling the 2 metre gap is a guide..............a guide