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  1. 3 points
    +1. When the phone rings and the customers want £10K finance plus their "I know you don't want it" Honda Jazz CVT that they've had for 6 years and want "at least £300 for it" they have my undivided attention and I even close the browser window with this forum page.
  2. 3 points
    That is the benefit of this set up when Traders work together. Nik is a top guy.
  3. 3 points
    A big public thanks to Super- Nick M.K. for sorting this direct with my customer for me. Legend.
  4. 2 points
    No problem. My apologies in advance if his wife's next car gets supplied by us :-) If it happens I will pay you our usual introducer's bonus of course.
  5. 2 points
    What a brilliant forum, words fail me! Well done both!
  6. 2 points
    Its great isn't it. My favourite is when they leave and say let us know if someone else is interested.....Sure just gonna tell the customer who does not struggle to make decisions that the car he wants to stick his card in the machine and buy and drive away now to hang on while I ring and check with you Gordon..
  7. 2 points
    https://www.led-supplies.com/led-panels/white/led-panel-light-600-x-600mm-4000k/ Slap a couple of these on the ceiling and aim them downwards, would make your workshop look like a professional photography studio!
  8. 2 points
    Believe someone requested this, cows sell pixos?
  9. 1 point
    You all know for me video works, I think its great, it allows me to be completely transparent about the car and stop the pond life from wasting my time. Video forms part of my sales contract which I can refer back to when needed. I cannot praise video any higher as a medium for enhancing sales. I also agree with RH and others, bad videos are simply bad videos and very boring, with no comentary or daft "lift music" playing, it just makes you want to turn it off. I keep saying "people buy from people" use video to sell yourself and the car. Now, I get FB from my buyers constantly saying they felt they could & can trust me.....That is what is so important for me in my book. Trust it key. I truely believe video is a fantastic oportunity for you to sell yourself as a business an your product, whether that is "my way or hightway" like me of whatever suits you, I just think with the way everything is moving online as a business it should be embraced, it is the future. Pitches are different with walk-in business, but if you are a Sole Trader who needs the manage their time, its great. Nik, I know you have always been negative towards it, but I am sure with your talents you could really make it work for you..... You just need to believe in it and I am sure you would be bloody good at it aswell !! But hey ho, each to their own
  10. 1 point
    This question is like asking do people like Films? good films - yes, bad films - no, Do videos help sell cars? for my money Good quality videos, nice commentary selling yourself as Rory says and why they should buy from you, and not just a walk round help to sell cars or at the least make the sale easier and quicker. People can walk round any of these cars in their local Tesco car park,- turn on the sat nav, have the lights on, turn the engine on and let them see the dashboard, open the boot, point out key selling features and keep it short and I've found they help me convert and get people from further afield willing to travel. I'm not sure I've sold more cars, but I do know that people are quicker to buy and less likely to want to chip me when they've watched one of my videos. My local VW dealer puts a film up of every one of their cars and its the same bob basic walk round with backing music, on every single car and its not the best HD quality and for me that would put me off. you don't need to spend loads of time and money and always have loads of good quality images for the people that prefer to view adverts that way - that just me though, each to their own
  11. 1 point
    Why do customer's carry on looking for cars after depositing? To be fair I carry on looking on my phone for all sorts after 'depositing'.......
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I'm sure there is a video out there if you are into that thing!
  14. 1 point
    I'd like to see someone milk those "cows"
  15. 1 point
    i would have deducted advert costs and admin charges before he got a refund off me just rewrite your sales invoice stating its a contract to purchase and an administration charge etc will be payable if the sale is voided by either party get them to sign it job done
  16. 1 point
    just to confirm though both cows and car are outstanding in their field
  17. 1 point
    Looks like she's brought her 'expert' mate with her though?
  18. 1 point
    We put a lot of time and effort into sourcing and prepping the cars taking risks on them being sound and wiping ass after sale so why should we give it all away to punters who will scream at the slightest problem. Fixed price is the only way and tell them we prefer customers with a px who want Finance...
  19. 1 point
    Awesome ! #teamwork just as it should be all working together!
  20. 1 point
    "Of course I can SIR, I can name you in the CarDealer forum..."
  21. 1 point
    Ha ha ha. You’ll fit in.
  22. 1 point
    what is this AT? sounds so last century
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Some quality tyre slick will definitely transform your presentation, You have a look at same car with and without..................... it really does make the image "pop"
  25. 1 point
    Looks like you need to prep up on your cleaning skills to me . Presentation presentation presentation . Hoover it , polish it , clean under bonnet , take it somewhere else to picture it , get the whole car in the shot as its the bloody car your selling . Chose a nice day and time , Tyre slick it . People buy with EYES first , nothing wrong with your cars so blame yourself first , not the cars or the tools . If others are selling and your not , then its you that has it wrong , not the cars . Remember people sell to people BUT only if you can get them to visit you , if they don't come its you that has something wrong , not the cars as they sold before you had them . Sorry to be point blank , but that's just me Near me there is a car that a trader bought 3 yrs ago , We have sold 27 of the same model in that time , he still has his ,even now swearing blind they are useless sellers , its his prep , simples . EYES , its a simple lesson so think it through and be your best critic on every part of what you are trying to do .
  26. 1 point
    Be Confident with your pricing, as said above, if its too cheap people will ignore it as much as if its too expensive. I wouldnt bother with the torque number plate. Better background with the pictures required, but the car needs to fill the pic as much as is possible. wheels the wrong way (IMO) on some pics. if the engine bay isnt steam cleaned, dont take a pic of it. But I also think theres a desirability issue with the cars. A Pixo is unlikely to excite a first time buyer, an old fart will buy a Pixo off a pitch, so to some extent the price is irrelevant. You're as likely to sell it from an ad in the post office window as on autotrader. One of your picantos is high mileage, but may sell to a youngster, try facebook as well, some on here do well selling to kids on there. But keep trying, the cars seem fairly clean, you're working to a reasonable standard of prep, so it should happen soon enough
  27. 1 point
    Better,but more of the car in the shot!
  28. 1 point
    Don't be putting imperial leather in the bogs, they'll know you're having four figs across every car. Give em swarfega, in an industrial tub.
  29. 1 point
    We’ve recently started doing walk round videos on all our stock, We do prep properly but I’m not going around pointing out any minor imperfections. We treat it like you would as if the customer was there. I find it slightly cringe but if it sells cars I’m all in! Read this post a couple days ago and was staring to doubt if they are worth the time/effort - customer today comes in for our 65 plate outlander and as I start giving him the pitch.... “it’s okay mate I watched the video” quick test drive, finance sorted, collection tomorrow! Video camera back out Monday
  30. 1 point
    The force is strong in this one.... Luke.......Luke....... use a video Luke.....
  31. 1 point
    Oh you are the guy who did the video I recognise your voice. I found it really helpful. If you get it right it is an incredibly powerful sales tool and leads to many sales for us. Do I think they would come without, absolutely they did anyway we were not struggling without video but the thing I notice is the people who have watched them are far less picky when they come out and the sales are almost quick look, quick drive, sign here, pay here and off they go. I have sold it to them already instead of having to do it in person.
  32. 1 point